These customers have had a tremendous experience using Cellercise®. Their stories are incredible. Hear them below. When you’re finished, you can go back and read even more reviews about how Cellercise® has improved our customers’ lives in other ways.
The Cellerciser has literally changed me. I have only been using it for 11 days and I can feel and see a change in my energy, posture, clarity, in my thought process, my abs, thighs … I could go on and on, but you get the point.
P.S. I only recently went from 2 minutes a day to 6 minutes a day! This is like no other and a must have investment in YOU!
The attached video speaks for itself. It is an overdue “Thank You” and a brief demonstration of some of the benefits that have been received. My wife and I and many family members and friends are deeply grateful for you and the amazing product and process you were given insight to create.
I loved your videos. Best I have seen yet! I purchased my first rebounder when I was 19. I will be 62 June 30 and I agree it is the best exercise ever. Thank you for sharing your positive communication and exercise gift with the world.
Gratefully yours
I purchased a Cellerciser from David Hall about 6 months ago. I had problems from a horizontal abdominal incision (hysterectomy) for 5 years. David taught me step by step how to use the Cellerciser to strengthen the area and break up the scar tissue. I had dramatic results within the first week. What I thought could be a worsening life-long problem is gone!
Thank you, David!
• The main message that I want to relay is that while using the Cellerciser within a two-month timespan and rebounding even though one of my feet is affected by what I feel is plantar fasciitis, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that with minimal abdominal core focus-that my abdominal core muscles have really gotten stronger! I know this because in those two months I only did about four targeted abdominal sessions and that’s it. So then last week I decided try to do an intense ab DVD that I used to do back in my heyday 20 years and minus 50 pounds ago when I used to lift weights, I thought “I will just TRY my best”, but I didn’t think that I would be able to do even half of the exercises. Well, much to my astonishment, I was able to do the majority of the exercises. I haven’t been consistently doing that routine for about eight years now and even when I did do it, it was very, VERY challenging!
• The other aspect of my testimonial is that back in 2022, because my foot was so sensitive from the plantar fasciitis, I had stopped using the Cellerciser as even the regular front kick, side kick, and Jamba run, all would negatively affect my heel. But then earlier this summer I read that doing sprinting on the rebounder only uses the front of your feet, and learned of a HIIT recommendation, I began doing that 3/week. I was so happy bc even though the scale didn’t move much, my body began feeding much better! Aches and pains in my legs that had slowly crept in due to inactivity began to go away! I noticed that I wasn’t huffing and puffing as much w daily activities, my legs began getting toned up, and someone asked if I’d lost weight which technically I hadn’t, but I feel that I did bc muscle weighs more than fat.
• I’m 53 now and have always loved the effects of a good workout… and thanks to the Cellerciser I am able to get back at it. Thanks for a great product, indeed!
When you invest in a Cellerciser®, you become part of the Cellercise® family. We are available 9-5 M-F (mst) or by email at [email protected] to answer your questions & to share the best exercises toward your fitness objectives.