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These customers have had a tremendous experience using Cellercise®. Their stories are incredible. Hear them below. When you’re finished, you can go back and read even more reviews about how Cellercise® has improved our customers’ lives in other ways.


Dear DAVE,

I am from Australia and started rebounding 17 months ago after a cancer diagnosis. I would rebound straight after chemo, then straight after radiation, and then had to wait a few weeks after having surgery. I couldn’t wait to get back on. It made me feel great every time, so I just kept doing it. I am introducing it to the hospital where I was treated. I would like others to access the benefits of it. I follow your routines, they are wonderful. I get such a good workout. Thanks for all the enthusiasm you put into the sessions.

Much appreciated!!


Dear DAVE,

We recently called to order another Cellerciser for our daughter’s family. We were so surprised and blessed to speak with Jerry again after all these years! In 2007 my husband was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. After doing some research I discovered Cellerciser and was immediately convinced that we need to get one! When I called, Jerry answered and gave me his testimony and I was so thankful for his good report.

From 2007 until 2018 Cliff was followed by an oncologist on a “watch and wait” treatment plan! He called it “watch, wait, and pray!” The last year has brought some new complications to his original diagnosis but he is presently in remission and feeling the strongest he has in years.

We both spend 30 minutes on the Cellerciser every single day! We are so thankful for it. We purchased a bifold for our son’s family. We are hoping he can begin using it to help him with an autoimmune difficulty that has caused him to lose his hearing in one ear and issues with the other ear. This situation has resulted in ongoing balance and energy issues. We are hopeful that he can benefit from being on the Cellerciser every day. Any suggestions on helping him know how to get started?

We also ordered a bifold for our daughter’s family and can’t wait for them to be part of the Cellerciser family! Wondering what’s the best way to help them get started. 4 Children still at home ages 13 -22.

Thanks for everything you do to help us all stay healthy!



Dear DAVE,

Thanks so much David. I know my friends love the Cellerciser after they tried mine. I got mine first so my wife could pump her lymph due to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (now all cleared) . We use Usana nutritional’s in high doses and juicing etc. I too use the Cellerciser. We love it. I seem to get calls almost every other day to help others with cancer etc. I tell them all to buy a Cellerciser as no 1 priority. Louise and Bob bought one off you last August while they went for Usana convention and said they met you directly. Both had cancer and doing well. You are helping change lives with your amazing advanced but simple units. May you live forever. One day we hope to meet you. Will you be in Sydney anytime? Please let me know so I can give you a great welcome. Cheers Dick 🙂


Dear DAVE,

Thank you for the cellerciser. It had a profound contribution to my staying alive!
In 2009, Stage 3 cancer had me unable to walk enough to affect my lymphatic and blood systems. I purchased a cellerciser. All I could do was stand on it, hold the bar and jiggle it a wee bit. That little bit developed into a full routine which continues through today.

I attempted to resolve my Agent Orange induced bladder cancer through holistic means. Alas, the cancer was too established, so, in late stage 4 cancer I opted for surgery and chemotherapy.

As soon as possible, I resumed using my rebounder. Two years out of major surgery and chemo, I back packed in and out of the Grand Canyon – doctors exclaim “unheard of recovery”, “a miracle”.

The rebounder and my energy work are the reasons I am able to reach unheard of levels of recovery.
Next month I am off on another adventure – traveling along our Eastern coast – Chesapeake Bay, Outer Banks, as I continue south for the winter. I will be traveling by car and exploring waterways and coastal islands by rowboat.

It is my intention to network along this journey: Also, I am open to speaking about and demonstrating the cellerciser. I am leaving my rebounder with my daughter. I wonder if you are interested in supplying a trifold cellerciser for this purpose.


Dear DAVE,

Thanks so much for putting my mind at ease about my sore legs. It will be 3 weeks tomorrow since I received my Cellercise®/Miracle Machine! I beat pancreatic cancer 17 years ago with No chemo, No radiation, No surgery, No drugs. I fasted 38 days at a private clinic outside Cleveland, Ohio. I totally made changes to my diet because= you grew it once & if you don’t make changes you will grow it again. I am now what is called Whole Food Plant Based, salt, oil & sugar free; by the National Health Association. I have the eating part down to a science but was totally void of the exercise part … until you!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have not missed a day since “Celly” got here. I could only do about 15 to 20 reps of each, of your 14 part program. AND the lean back or lean forward ones …. I was really thinking you were crazy but NOW! I can’t remember why I was having such a hard time with those two, but I am up to 70 reps on all 12 with 2 minutes on the baby bounce at the beginning & end. I have lost 11 pounds & 7 3/4.” My legs are very sore but as long as I know I am not hurting myself I am not stopping.

Thank-You sooooo very much for sharing this with the world and Thank-You so much for being so access-able. I can’t wait to write you in 3 months!

My Gratitude, Prayers, & PAPA’S Abundant Blessings on you and yours and what you are sharing.


Hi Dave,

I’ve attached this to my previous letter to refresh your memory as to who I am. I could not wait for 3 months to contact you again. By the way my leg pain is totally gone … just like you and Jerry said it would.

It was 6 weeks last Tuesday 5/21/19. I have now lost 18 pounds and 14 inches in just 6 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am up to 90 reps for each of the 14 exercises and do 3 sets of 60 for each leg and 3 sets of 90 for the stomach of the 3 exercises your wife showed for women. I am sooooooooo in love with my “Celly !!!! ” I probably should be selling these for you. I have lost count of the number of people I have shared my results with that have ordered one. I have friends that went cheap in spite of my telling them why not to and they told me today they just packaged it up and are sending it back because they were bottoming out on it. Keep blessing people Dave with this “Fountain-of-Youth-Blessing,”


When you invest in a Cellerciser®, you become part of the Cellercise® family. We are available 9-5 M-F (mst) or by email at to answer your questions & to share the best exercises toward your fitness objectives.