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These customers have had a tremendous experience using Cellercise®. Their stories are incredible. Hear them below. When you’re finished, you can go back and read even more reviews about how Cellercise® has improved our customers’ lives in other ways.


Dear DAVE,

Just wanted to say that my daughter and I are benefiting beyond belief!! don’t have tingling in my legs, feet or hands, and my legs are looking trimmed and fit. My stomach feels good and tight, even my face and under chin look good. For my daughter, who has low muscle tone, this is so helpful in so many ways. Going to the bathroom is easier. She doesn’t seem bloated and her upper legs are getting better, cellulite is diminished. When we skip a few days for whatever reason we go back to flabby and feeling yucky!! So back on we jump!!!!


Dear DAVE,

About 10 years ago I had Lupus. After being diagnosed, I began changing my eating habits to eating more fruits and vegetables. I would exercise 2-3 hours a day and eventually lost 4 dress sizes. I eventually started teaching others about health, however, the more involved I became in teaching others the less time I would have to go to the gym. That’s where David came not the picture. It was at the New Life Expo that I saw David rebounding for about 2 years straight. He always looked great. His claim of “10 minutes a day made me think I have to get a rebounder. finally, after 2 years of procrastinating, I bought a rebounder. (Cellerciser) The results were FANTASTIC and immediately noticeable. In about two weeks all the cellulite on my legs were gone, in about two months my new and face were wrinkle free. I achieved results from 10 minutes a day of rebounding that I did not achieve from being in the gym 2-3 hours a day.

What a wonderful invention!


Dear DAVE,

Thank you so much for coming to Paradise Valley SDA Church in Phoenix, Arizona to speak with Paul the weekend of March 1. It was so nice to meet you in person, and I know my husband, Luke, really received a special blessing from talking with you after the meeting. I’ve been concentrating my Cellercising on my thighs with that exercise you showed us Monday night. I can feel the cottage cheese disappearing already!

The Lord is mightily using you and we thank you for all your hard work and sacrifice to get the message of health out. As we said, we would really like to hear you speak at the Modern Manna crusade in Lodi this summer.


Dear DAVE,

A year in the life of a Cellerciser!

My “work in progress” progress report!

Ok …. October 18, 2020 I started Cellercising 2 minutes a day.

A year later 5-6 days a week 15-60 minutes, intermediate/ advanced routines! I never would have believed it!

Long story, short, I’m 64 and have struggled a bit with weight and some stress. Cellercising has given me new life!

I don’t have my Trophy Body yet but my jiggly places are less jiggly, gaining some muscles, along with Noom I’ve lost 40+ pounds (more to go), lost a few sizes, my A1C is well within the normal range. I just had my annual physical and my doctor was impressed at how healthy I am, my eyesight has improved, my lung capacity is crazy, my cellulite is nearly gone, my skin tags are gone, my skin looks great. I could go on and on.

I’m so grateful to Dave Hall, Stephanie and Sally Smith and all my new friends in the I Jump Instead and Cellerciser groups! I look forward to jumping everyday and checking in on everyone!


Dear DAVE,

My Cellercise® experience has been wonderful and a Godsend. I’ve always been an athlete and was a certified personal training in my late 20’s. I’ve always taken care of myself and ate well, but everything started to change in my late 30’s and things that I’ve always done stopped working. I started getting cellulite, even though I was thin, and in 2008 I started having severe abdominal pain and edema. The doctors could not help me or identify what was causing my symptoms. Though the years I would find things that would work a bit temporarily, but nothing helped long-term. Then, I started rebounding, but it hurt, so I could not understand why people said this was good for them. So, I started to do my research and I noticed better sleep almost right away. The nighttime health bounce to relax the entire body really works. One night I could not sleep and realized I forgot to bounce before bed. I got up at 1 :3 0am, bounced for 2-3 minutes, went back to bed, and the next thing I remember is waking up the next morning. I’ve had chronic neck and back pain for as long as I can remember and would often wake up in the morning with pain in these areas. After about a week I noticed I was no longer waking up with any pain. I still get pain some days, as the day goes on, but all I have to do is get on the Cellercise® for a few minutes and once the pain is gone, I’m good to go, again. I also have IBS and bloating and gas can come on when I least expect it. As soon as I feel any discomfort, which can be as bad as a sharp pain through my upper back and shoulder, I get on the Cellercise® for a few minute, sometime 10-15 minute if it’s really bad, and most, if not all of my discomfort is gone. I’m hoping over time that my symptoms will lesson and go away all together. I’ve had these issues for 8 years, so I’m sure it will take time. During my 3rd week of Cellercising I could not believe I was regaining my energy. I had to use stimulants just to get through the day and even then, I would have highs and lows. Each day I notice more energy, clarity of mind, focus, and find it easier to remember names and information I would normally forget right away. I also noticed I can concentrate better and articulate my message better during conversations. This is truly amazing, as I’ve struggled for years with these brain fog type issues. I had my hip pulled out of the socket 19 years ago while giving birth to our second daughter and it never completely went back into place. After a few days of doing the pendulum, swing, bounce my left hip popped back into place and my right pulled groin loosened up and stopped hurting. The lower back exercise helps relieve my back pain from my lordosis and mild scoliosis. I am laughing and enjoying life more, all without the need for stimulants. I know I have a long way to go, but seeing improvements here and there give me hope to someday be pain free and healthy once again. Thank you for creating the Cellercise®, the best rebounder/mini trampoline on the market! Because of how the Cellercise® has improved my health/life and my families, I want to tell everyone and work until every household and office has a least one Cellercise®. Thank you for letting me be a part of the Cellercise® Movement and I could not think of a better calling, other than parenthood, than helping others look and feel their best!

God bless,


Dear DAVE,

I have rebounded on other trampolines. Some benefits came from that. But not what I wanted. Have rebounded on the Cellerciser off and on for about a year. Saw results but not dramatic and would kind of let it slide and stop doing it. Because of this group, I really committed to 6 months. I knew in my gut this was right. I just knew it but would quit early because I didn’t get my “drama” results. I decided to commit to 6 months. I knew I needed to get past my mental roadblocks and allow my body to find the right course for itself and not focus on the results I wanted. The first two months were painful. I gained weight and inches. Honestly, I think it was just muscle over the fat. I hung in there. Trusting Dave when he said to work out on the Cellerciser, and it would work on you. That it couldn’t do anything else. So, I hung in there. Now, 4 months in, I have lost the 10 pounds I set out to lose and have lost 80 percent of my cellulite. Feeling pretty darn happy. Thinking about doing the Jamba run every other day now. But I don’t know. Still want to keep that success going. Just checking in because all of your success stories on here and Dave’s LIVES are really what inspired me to commit and push through my doubts the first two months! Thank you EVERYONE. Also, wish I had taken some before and after shots of my rear. I did not. And you few brave folks who did were my heroes. Still might, because I have more strength to gain and more improvements to come. By the way, I did not change my diet. I am kind of stubborn and wanted to see if the Cellerciser would work on me even while eating pizza and taking my kids to the state fair and enjoying family movie night with buttered popcorn. I didn’t give any of that up. I am sure I would have gotten quicker results if I had, but I didn’t want to. However, I do find I am more aware and choosing to make better choices with my food because of the positive results Cellercising alone has given me. So, thank you everybody. Can’t wait to see what the next month’s bring me!


Dear DAVE,

I don’t know how you can help more than you have with the Cellerciser. I have had high triglycerides most of my adult life, so high that I grew bumps on the outside of my skin, because there was no more room on the inside of my skin to put the fatty deposits. So, my body deposited them on the outside. It took a long time to get them down with medicines. At that time my triglycerides were up over 10,000. The time before last, when I had my blood work done, they were down in the 800 – 900 range. Of course, with it that high, my cholesterol was so high that it could not be recorded, and It seemed like an uphill battle all the time. I also became diabetic too and had high blood pressure. I tried all kinds of diets, Weight Watchers, Atkins, South Beach Diet, Dr. Phil’s Weight Loss Program and I only seemed able to lose five pounds, then gain 10 pounds and then stay stuck at my weight.

A week before I saw you and Paul in Citrus Heights, I had changed to God’s original diet of nuts, fruit, vegetables and grains. The South Beach diet helped me to get off of all white products and helped me to bring down my blood sugars so much that I was able to get off of the insulin and one of my diabetic tablets. I now can eat fruit without my blood sugars being so constantly high all the time. My last blood tests showed my triglycerides down into the 300’s and finally my cholesterol was low enough to register too. I’ll be having my next blood work done next month and I’m anxious to see what the results are now that I have a routine on the Cellerciser.

I’m still just doing the basic program, because I’ve been so weak. When I stumble, I don’t have the muscle strength to pull me out of the stumble and I fall. When I fall, I break bones because I also have osteoporosis. Anyway, I’m feeling a lot stronger now and feel I now have muscles back in my legs. My 74 year-old mother also is gaining strength. So far, though, neither one of us can bounce off of the mat and hope to be able to bounce, off of the mat, once the bar gets here.

We’ve had the tramp for 3 weeks now. I have so much cellulite from the triglycerides that I could feel bumps all over my arms and legs, just below the skin. Some were so big that when I would rub them, they would actually hurt. Now, when I rub my skin, I can’t feel the knots of fat anymore. I feel that if I still have the cellulite, then it is melting away, finally.

All I’m doing on the Cellerciser is doing the basic bounce for two minutes and then marching in place for two minutes and then cooling down for one minute or more. I’m slowly adding the marching minutes 15 seconds at a time. I’m doing this at least twice a day and sometimes three times a day. Weekends I can fit in more.

Thanks again for everything,


Dear DAVE,

So, I purchased a “knock-off” Cellercise® from years ago that I rarely used for obvious reasons – it caused pain. After I saw David Hall, I pulled it out and decided to do only small baby bounces on it while waiting for my Cellercise®. Since I’m working with a bad knee, I mean VERY gentle bounces, but a LOT of Jamba Run. I cannot believe the improvement in my knee only using the Jamba Run (I don’t want to pronate that knee!!!) I am no longer using the brace, have lost 2 1/2 lbs. in a week and a half, huge boost in energy, and a huge reduction in cellulite! I pray that I’m getting an early delivery for the REAL DEAL and not something hugely disappointing like tires. LOL!!!

All that to say that I know I am going to get some huge results with my Cellercise® whenever it comes and will post as I have been sick with Lyme most of my life and have had nothing but deterioration throughout my entire body.

Thank you,


Dear DAVE,

I’ve been Cellercising since Nov 2018 and my legs have literally transformed!! The cellulite is almost all gone, my calves, thighs and hamstrings have awesome muscle definition and I’ve lost 81 lbs. My knees used to hurt, and I struggled to stand up from a chair and now, WOW, not one bit of pain or struggle! I actually have biceps and triceps, a much smaller stomach, and glutes and all I use is my Cellerciser. I recently started hiking, but the radical change is only from the Cellerciser. Stay consistent and you will see the results too! I have no doubt that it helps the bones too but haven’t studied it out for myself. I’m thrilled at the results!!


Dear DAVE,

Thank you so much for your quick reply. I love my Cellerciser!!! I think I have had it almost 3 weeks and can already tell a difference in my cellulite and I am actually firming up for once in my life after working out so hard for over 20 years. My husband is even enjoying it and I just knew he would blow a gasket when I got it. His abs have gotten a lot firmer and he is toning up himself. He has been an avid biker for over 25 years. We are so excited. We tell everyone we know. I just hope out of it, others will purchase the unit. It is great!!

Thank you so much.


When you invest in a Cellerciser®, you become part of the Cellercise® family. We are available 9-5 M-F (mst) or by email at to answer your questions & to share the best exercises toward your fitness objectives.