TOLL-FREE: (800) 856-4863 INTL: (435) 562-4456
FREE SHIPPING to the 48 United States on any Cellerciser Purchase


These customers have had a tremendous experience using Cellercise®. Their stories are incredible. Hear them below. When you’re finished, you can go back and read even more reviews about how Cellercise® has improved our customers’ lives in other ways.


Dear DAVE,

For anyone here because you’re considering a purchase, the answer is yes.

Yes, this can challenge those experienced with exercise.

Yes, a beginner can use it to ease into exercise.

Yes, you can use it to do HIIT or Tabata.

Yes, you can walk or jog on it to keep it simple if that’s your thing.

Yes, you can pick up some calisthenics or flexing moves and freestyle your own workout.

Yes, you can gently bounce and meditate in dim light.

Yes, you can dance party.

Yes, there might be an adjustment phase in your connective tissues, but your body will come to thank you.

Photos are me one year ago, and now three months into my Jumping Journey. Considering I am nearly 50, post menopause and have thyroid disease, I am happy to have this much result. In these 3 months I have used the Cellerciser almost exclusively.



Dear DAVE,

We hope this letter finds you in good health, we were praying for a way to keep active in the safety of our own home during Covid-19. A friend suggested rebounding, so we ordered a cheap one but my wife didn’t feel right about it because of the huge difference in prices so she suggested we do some research and found we shouldn’t just buy any rebounder, and the more we research we realized how serious was this decision, that’s how we ended up investing on the Cellerciser, good thing we were able to cancel the other one. We were looking for workout equipment, but we couldn’t agree until we learned about rebounding.

I am glad we did the research. We have used our Cellerciser every day, I would not have done that with any other equipment. We even got one for my mother in law and we convinced my brother in law to get one too. We love it.


Dear DAVE,

I just want to say I love my new Cellerciser. I had been looking at Bellicon and so many reviews said the bungees had to be replaced at significant expense fairly regularly. That’s when I decided to look at Cellerciser and was pleasantly surprised at the pricing for what I had seen was the best brand out there according to many people. I didn’t find any complaints on customer service or product anywhere and only raw reviews. I am so happy I went with your product. I am fairly fit to begin with but have had trouble running for a few years after an Injury and have found It difficult to get in a cardio workout that makes me feel Uke I did something equivalent to the workout ruining gave me. I love that I need only one item that fits easily in my home gym and Is so versatile and fun. Already feeling more energy and less aches and pains.

Thank you so much! Glad I took the leap!


Dear DAVE,

It was a pleasure speaking to you again this afternoon. In meeting with you so many years ago (16), I knew then what I still know now and that is you are a man of his word regarding product support, genuine belief and conviction in the healthy fitness lifestyle.

I just recently recommended the Cellerciser to my friend who was looking for a affordable, safe, convenient, and easy to use product to meet his health and fitness needs. He is so happy to be finally and consistently be achieving his personal fitness/health objectives that had alluded him these past years. The only problem now is his wife and four daughters have hijacked the Cellerciser, so he has to meticulously schedule his usage.

I personally have been using the Cellerciser almost daily since 2004 and have invented and reimagined so many various utilizations to meet my ever-evolving fitness goals. I can tell you that the Cellerciser is durable, well built, reliable and future proof as to the numerous variations and modifications one can experience regarding exercise functionality.

I exceedingly recommend the Cellerciser for anyone looking to improve their fitness, vitality, mental/ physical health and overall general wellbeing.



Dear DAVE,

Finally, here is the best thing to exercise with that I have ever found (other than walking). Exercise makes such a difference with my blood glucose control! And this I can do in good and bad weather. I have worked up a 15 minute routine which I try to do 5 days a week and I also try to take a 30-45 minute walk each day (don’t always succeed).

Good luck with your efforts. Diabetes is such a journey and so much to learn! See you at Whole Foods!


Dear DAVE,

I’ve just purchased your Cellerciser as I learned about it from another site which is now my ultimate source for the food products. I’ve always been looking for. For the 1st time here’s something I can do for 10-15 minutes when I get up at 4:30 AM getting ready to go to the job. And I look forward to it. And, then when I get home and change into something comfortable, time for session #2. On days off, I’ll add a few more 10-minutes sessions.

I’m 58, pass for 48, took all the vital measurements and won’t do a check on measurements for 30 days, keep a log etc.  Having been a runner and various “relationships” w/gyms and equipment at home, the lack of mental obstacles and the lack of distractions (headphone music, etc.) that is involved w/ Cellercising is important and vastly under-rated. Two points – you know you’re working the core foundation of your body (cells) and you’re not experiencing any time segments of pain. So, you’re not looking for “distractions” during the proves of “exercising” as a “pleasant distraction.”

To me, it’s important to experience all the nuances while I’m Cellercising and this “exercise” will be very beneficial to integrating the seven Tibetans and my ancient Chinese exercises and also assisting in my work in Segway from the beta state towards the theta state (cycles of brain waves/ record.) I’m probably getting into the deep end of the pool, so I’ll stop here.

To me, now I see all those exercises that work on muscle groups (It’s all symbolism) whereas exercising the cells that’s substance.

Down the road I envision myself as going out and demonstrating the Cellerciser and showing people my driver’s license will be an integral part of the “show and tell”

I wish you indago felix!


Dear DAVE,

I never would’ve thought just bouncing would give me muscle strength, but the proof is in the pudding, so to speak… Just less than three months ago, I could only do 2 (from the knee) pushups without collapsing. Now, just from using my Cellerciser at least 10-20 min./day, for the last two months, I did 40 (from the knee) pushups last night before giving out Quite an improvement, I’d say I haven’t had the nerve to try full body pushups yet, but will try soon. I’m sure I won’t be able to do nearly as much as the front the-knee pushups, but, still going from 2 to 40 in less than three months is a major improvement! I always try to do that quad exercise on the Cellerciser (where you quickly go from one leg to the other, with knees bent) and I can definitely see some quad definition at this time also!

Previously, I had trouble sticking with exercise for years as I thought I “had” to work out for 45 min- an hour each time, and that always seemed a hard goal to reach. But, knowing that I only need to do 10 min/day makes it so much more doable. No matter how tired I am at the end of the day, I can always manage to do 10 min. of bounding and oftentimes do 15-20 min. just because it feels so good and I don’t want to quit!


Dear DAVE,

Oh my gosh! l I can’t praise your Cellerciser enough! l I’m 56 and have tried so many different pieces of exercise equipment and nothing comes close to how I feel after doing a Cellerciser session! I run 2-4+ miles every day, but I feel that I get even more out of a 20 minute session on your Cellerciser. When my girlfriend told me about hers, money was tight for us, so went to a local Sports Store and bought a mini trampoline. It was just awful. It hurt to use it and I actually injured myself on it. I just couldn’t understand how my girlfriend praised her Cellerciser so so much. I gave the mini to the grandkids.

Now with the real Cellerciser (it sure is NOT at all like any other rebounder!) I see what an incredible difference the real thing makes.

This is just wonderful -1 use muscles that running doesn’t employ and feel so much stronger in just 20 minutes rather than my usual 1/2 hour to an hour run.

Plus, I really love the fact that I can use it right here in my home and don’t have to go to the track.

If you have any hesitation about getting the Cellerciser, honestly, put them aside and get it. It’s the absolute best exercise equipment that I’ve ever owned!

Thanks so much for creating this superb exerciser, Dave keep up the good work!



Dear DAVE,

One of my warmest memories of this year is the professional and generous help received at your place of business. The Cellerciser is a godsend, and I’ve been educating my family about it. It’s been a life saver for me, grandma, to my limited space when the grandchildren with their cousins arrive!

Have a wonderful and choice holiday season,

Gratefully Yours


Dear DAVE,

About 10 years ago I had Lupus. After being diagnosed, I began changing my eating habits to eating more fruits and vegetables. I would exercise 2-3 hours a day and eventually lost 4 dress sizes. I eventually started teaching others about health, however, the more involved I became in teaching others the less time I would have to go to the gym. That’s where David came not the picture. It was at the New Life Expo that I saw David rebounding for about 2 years straight. He always looked great. His claim of “10 minutes a day made me think I have to get a rebounder. finally, after 2 years of procrastinating, I bought a rebounder. (Cellerciser) The results were FANTASTIC and immediately noticeable. In about two weeks all the cellulite on my legs were gone, in about two months my new and face were wrinkle free. I achieved results from 10 minutes a day of rebounding that I did not achieve from being in the gym 2-3 hours a day.

What a wonderful invention!


Dear DAVE,

COVID 19 breakout! Needed some exercise and a friend was looking at sites and videos and shared with me. So, then I did my own research got a 200$ rebounder. That I still have and did your Cellerciser workout that I use still every day since the last week of April. However, I’ve had my Cellerciser for a month or so now and I love it. When I started using your workout, it was baby steps. I felt woozy when I first got on the rebounder. I can finally after 3.5 months, do the full workout, except I can’t let my arms do the jumping jack thing I still use the bar. I just need it for balance. I was slowly getting into a funk I never thought would happen to me. And now I can play with my grandbaby and not feel like an unfit granny.

Thank you!


Dear DAVE,

Hi Dave,

I wanted to tell you what the Cellerciser is doing for me. First of all I have been Cellercising for about 6 / weeks now for 10 minutes, sometimes a little longer, each day, and one thing I have noticed is that my hair is growing and I have not been taking anything, other than my regular vitamins, so it has to be the Cellerciser. From the circulation in following your workout Dave, well mine is similar, but I’ve also notice in doing the twist back and forth, that I have much better elimination, which I know is from the Cellerciser. I feel so much better, and what I like is if I decide to workout on the Cellerciser a little longer some days, I love it, and it’s just a normal routine for me in my daily life to get on the Cellerciser everyday. At first, I was going to the gym, but too frustrated having to clean the machine every time someone used it, or just too many people in one place, where in the privacy of my own home I have the Cellerciser. That to me is much better and not time consuming. Thanks Dave, I love it. and I would not be without it.


Dear DAVE,

Thank you for this wonderful piece of equipment! I am enjoying my Cellerciser very much and it’s good to know you take such pride in the workmanship of your products. I walk for an hour every day and then I get on the Cellerciser. It’s a great addition to my exercise routine. The gentleman I spoke with on the phone was so kind and knowledgeable and I received my Cellerciser so quickly, just two days! This has been a great experience for me all the way around.

Thanks again


Dear DAVE,

At age 68, my exercise regimen included going to a field and running eight 100-yard dashes at race speed, but it was pounding my body so much that I had to look for an alternative. That’s when I bought a Cellerciser and discovered that I could do the exceedingly beneficial sprinting at home (regardless of weather) with Km bodily jolting. I was ecstatic. I had found what is absolutely perfect for sprinting. But then lo & behold, it turned out to be the ideal whole-body exercise apparatus, and truly one of my best finds ever.

Thank you, Dave, for providing such an extremely high-quality product; especially those “gotta love ’em” springs that make me feel so lucky to have found out about them before buying some other rebounder, unawares. I’m glad I read those testimonials from people saying they had had a whatever brand before switching to Cellerciser; all of them tickled pink reporting, “sooooo much better” … and wishing they had known what a difference and better value.



Dear DAVE,

I hope this email finds you well! It has definitely been a challenging year for everyone and SUCH a great time to rebound and work out from home.

I wanted to let you know that I have had SO much fun experimenting with different workouts on the Cellerciser. Since I last sent you my HIIT workout (which you so kindly added to your app (what an honor, by the way!), I have been creating some focused workouts for my patients (mostly women) to address the woman’s body and common trouble spots.

My newest HIIT video on YouTube includes a simple format: Warmup: three-minute warmup (one-minute health bounce, one minute hip rock, one-minute gentle twist.

– 30 seconds of lung strengthening

– 30 seconds rest (health bounce)

– 30 seconds sprint in place

– 30 seconds rest (hip rock)

– 30 seconds Jamba run

– 30 seconds. rest (gentle twist)

– 30 seconds front kick

– 30 seconds rest (health bounce)

– 30 seconds back kick

– 30 seconds rest (hip rock)

REPEAT THE ABOVE 5 WORK/REST CYCLES ONE MORE TIME (for a total of 10 minutes not including warmup and cooldown)

Cooldown: two minutes (any combination of the warmup or rest moves)

Another update:

Of course, we know that the Cellerciser will address every muscle group in the body (and that is one of the many reasons I love it). And as always, I direct folks to your DVD and your excellent moves to address targeted toning on the Cellerciser. In addition, in my experimentation, I have found that focusing on intrinsic muscle groups with very small movements and adding the gentle bounce has amplified the desired toning effects exactly where my patients (and I) want it. I have taken some moves common to barre, Lotte Berk, Callanetics, Pilates, etc. Each movement adds stress to the targeted intrinsic muscle group using a very small pulse. This pulse or small movement is then magnified even further using a gentle bounce on the Cellerciser. I call this method Transform 24 because I was able to transform these trouble areas in 24 workouts. It was tempting to call the workouts 11 CellerciseHER11; but that’s for you to steal (HA! HA!).

Quite frankly, I am not sure there is anyone out there using the power of the Cellerciser to amplify micromovements to focus on the female physique; but I am seeing great results with my weight loss patients and on a personal note, my body has never been in better shape.

I have included the HIIT video and the whole-body workout

“TRANSFORM 2411 for your reference. While I certainly do not have the extended knowledge, experience, and coordination that you have with rebounding, I wanted to create something for my patients who want amazing toning effects in their “trouble areas” all while working from home. The Cellerciser has met the challenge well! In your limited time, if you wish to review these videos, I wanted to share the links

with you (given Cellercise is my muse;-) ).

Here is the playlist (including the introduction to Transform 24 and my nod to Cellerciser):

I have also created a cellulite-specific video for female patients that also includes the Cellerciser as part of the overall treatment plan:

There are a couple of other videos (“How I Boost My Immune System” or “My Best Fitness Tip at 45”) where the Cellerciser is the solution to common concerns. At the end of the day, I cannot see myself addressing either my patients’ health concerns, weight management, or my YouTube followers’ lifestyle needs, without the Cellerciser. I LOVE mentioning –and directing people to–your website, ALL THE TIME. What a pleasure to be able to creatively challenge others to improve their health with just ONE piece of equipment.

Thank you so much for everything you do to inspire health professionals!

I can’t wait to share more updates …

P.S. My first rebounding video {and the first video I created) is now at 115K views. I am small potatoes, but this video is proof that folks really want to know more about rebounding!


Dear DAVE,

I’ll be writing a review later but wanted to say thank you for this high-quality product. I have gone through several different rebounders and thought I had the best when I scored a preowned Bellicon. After replacing bungees trying to get the mat firmer, (couldn’t keep up with David Hall routines along with the IJI twins) I decided I needed a Cellerciser. When I first tried it, I thought oh boy I’m going to be sore as the mat felt quite a bit tighter, but shortly after starting my first routine I was IN LOVE! It is much less jarring for me; I feel it’s easier, yet I get a BETTER workout AND I feel rejuvenated after every workout and have been feeling better than ever (never felt like this with the other rebounders and would often have lots of upper back and neck tension). The plan was to put it away after each workout, but I find I want to use it so often throughout the day that it’s been staying out. So happy!!!! Thank you, David Hall and the entire team!


Dear DAVE,

From the first time I tested you Cellerciser at the whole life expo in Chicago this last October I knew your Cellerciser was qualitatively different from any other mini-trampoline I’ve ever used.

In the past I used Cellercising as a way of warming up before I really worked out. Now the centerpiece of my workout is Cellercise. I was an athlete in college and have worked out my whole life. Recently I started to become interested in finding a convenient form of exercise that would develop flexibility, endurance, and strength. A complete workout on the Cellerciser has been the answer to my search. I do the exact workout you outline in your video and finish with some stretching and dumbbell exercises. The whole workout takes no more than 20-30 minutes.

Thanks for your determination and enthusiasm in educating the public about the health benefits of Cellercise.




Dear DAVE,

I renewed my subscription to the Mr. Rebounder app but the app didn’t recognize my renewal. So I called and talked to David Hall about it. He called me back in less than five minutes to let me know it was a known problem they were working on. In the meantime, my access is now fixed. Great service!

I’ve exercised on a rebounder for over twenty-five years and while it is not my only form of exercise, it’s my favorite and most consistent exercise option. It’s fun and a great workout. I started using one in my early forties and am now in my late 60s. I credit my rebounder for keeping me in shape.

When Covid started, I used my rebounder even more often and was delighted to buy a subscription to the app. I listen to music while I bounce and enjoy my whole workout. I learned a few new ways to bounce from the app which I didn’t expect after 25 years.

Anyway, rebounding is excellent  exercise and also excellent fun. If you live somewhere where the weather makes it hard to get outside year round then a rebounder gives you an easy option. I could go and on but I’ll stop here.

Thanks again for the app assistance.


Dear DAVE,

Meeting the two of you was a high light of our trip: right up there with the Grand Canyon, I have begun to use the Cellerciser regular, it seems the time goes faster than on the rebounder. I use a five minute egg timer and sometimes it has already run out before I think to look at it.

Hope you’re both well and happy.

Best Wishes


Dear DAVE,

We spoke a couple of weeks ago. I just placed an order for my second trampoline. As I indicated during our chat, I literally can’t live without it. It brings joy to my day to use it. I  spend more time jumping like a crazy kid that I can admit. It’s more than just exercise which I am glad am getting, the trampoline changes my mood instantly. The second place is so tiny that I have to hide the trampoline right away after I use it but I can’t live without it so I have to find a way to hide it 😉

I cant thank you enough And I am looking forward to receiving it !


Dear DAVE,

It is an honor to write to you!

First of all, I want to let you know about how I found out about Cellercise. I am in the Enagic business traveling around the country teaching people about alkalinity and the SD501 unit from Japan. I was fortunate enough to have met Wade Lightheart through this business. He came to stay with us last December to do a couple lectures at a health club with is. When he came into my home in Manhattan Beach, CA behind him, he was wheeling something I had never seen. When he unzipped the bag and pulled out the Cellerciser, I fell in love! Wade and I Cellercised the next morning on our porch and I immediately got one overnighted… as I knew I couldn’t go another day without this!

Wade and I have become great friends and I just love when he visits. We see each other at all our training events and we always talk about the Cellerciser. I spoke in front of 900 people at our last event a couple weeks ago and emphasized the importance of Cellercising. Everyone was coming up to me after asking where to get one! I believe it is the BEST workout in the world and when people see me, they can’t believe I haven’t been to the gym since December!

We live on the Beach in Manhattan Beach, it is called “The Strand”. I jump outside every morning as hundreds of people go by and smile, wave, etc. It has replaced my gym and I take it everywhere we travel to. I am a personal trainer and health coach and completely endorse this product as well as the Kangen Water! I was sending everyone to your website to purchase one, until I realized you have a referral program. I recently signed up and now have the link on my website which I am building by popular demand. I also have many requests to shoot a fitness video with this product as well. I tell people that they get a great video with their unit, but still, people like watching me do the moves and doing it along with me.

We had a Labor Day party at our home with a DJ and a crew who filled me jumping for 75 minutes straight! It was streamed onto the internet live. I have attached pictures of this as well as me jumping in front of our home in Costa Rica ?

I really wanted to let you know what I am up to down here and how much I appreciate your product and I believe this e-mail just about covered that. If you have any ideas or feedback from all this, I would love to hear!

Oh, and thank you for sending me the special gift of the DVD with your seminar and other features. Very informative! As I listen to you, I hear your love for what you are doing and the gratitude you have for your message spreading to those who really need this. And I love how you will never consider doing something that will compromise the integrity of the product! You are right when you say that it is not what you get from this world, but what you give back. I completely live by this principle and am on a mission of teaching people simple ways to increase their health, mentally and spiritually, which is already in them. I am just the messenger.

Well, I will wrap it up. I am grateful you took the time to ready this and hope to hear back for you David.

Peace, love, and blessings to you!

Your fellow Cellerciser,


Dear DAVE,

My name is Lisa, and here is my experience so far with Covid-19 and the AMAZING tri-fold Cellerciser:

I am very overweight, much of it which happened when I suffered with long-haulers Covid. I travel full-time for my work, always flying (45+ weeks per year).

It had gotten to where I had to have wheelchair assistance for all my flights, as I would be so out of breath from even walking up the jet bridge, to where I had to sit down for 10 minutes, just to recover. I remember calling my husband from SLC one trip, when it all started, and telling him I didn’t know if I was going to make it. And I told him I don’t mean whether I’m going to make my connection or not, I meant if I was going to live or not. I eventually contacted my sister (she’s in South Carolina, and I live in Oregon).

She had, along with her Naturopath and Oncologist, researched for years and ended up curing herself of Stage 4 non-smokers lung cancer. The first thing she did was put me on a daily protocol of organic kale, and pure organic pineapple juice. I start every morning by filling up my nutribullet with the kale, pouring the pineapple juice up to the line, blending and drinking the entire jar.

Within 2 weeks, I knew I was well on the way to recovery. After a couple of months of my kale routine, and making significant progress, she then added a daily vitamin regimen, which I take with my kale concoction. After a couple of months of that, she said I needed to start rebounding.

I bought a less expensive rebounder off of Amazon, and I could literally not even jump/bounce for 30 seconds, as I was just too winded from that tiny little amount of time. Well, I kept at it, and slowly but surely, within just a couple of months, I was up to 10,000 bounces per day (rebounding 3 to 5 times a day, 2000 bounces per time).

Then came my having to start traveling for work again, and I missed my rebounding!

First, I point out these time frames, because I can’t tell you how MANY times over the DECADES I have tried to eat right, start a vitamin regimen, start a regular exercise program. I will do really well for the first week or two, and then I’ll miss a day, get back on track for couple of days, and within 2 months, it’s all over. So, my super smart sister knew this, and let me master one step, before she added another step. It’s now been at least 6 months, and although I miss a day or two here and there, I ALWAYS get back on track really quickly. I MISS it too much if I don’t!!!

So, I started researching rebounders I could travel with. I researched for at least a month, and everything ALWAYS brought be back to the Cellerciser as the best of the best, and then the real blessing, the tri-fold Cellerciser.

My prayers were answered. I ordered it just days before my weekly travel started back in earnest, it came in just days, and the rest is history. I travel with this beauty every single week and use it every single day. When I get home, I open it back up, and use it the two days I’m at home. The first time I traveled with it, I’ll admit I was a bit worried about being able to get it put together and then break it down and pack it up again. Traveling like I do, I have a routine, and adding extra time to that routine is always a challenge. Well, the first time I put it together, it took me a few minutes, and the same time when I broke it down and packed it in its case. But I did it!! Now, it’s nothing whatsoever. I pop it together is well less than a minute, and the same thing for breaking it down, and popping it back in its case. (It literally folds itself up once you fold it in half.) I lay it face down, fold the legs, stand on one side of it, and pull the other side back on itself. It is truly so easy after a few times of practice.

Lastly, I had some questions today, that I had been grappling with for a few weeks.

When I arrived at my hotel, I sat in the parking lot, and called the number for Cellercise.

Hearing and seeing David on so many YouTube videos, I knew exactly who it was when he answered. I was in awe. But I also wasn’t surprised after the TON’s of comments I had read about how he would answer or get on the phone when so many of you had called. I didn’t want to waste his valuable time, but in true David fashion, he made me slow down, asked how I was doing, and got to know me before letting me ask my questions.

It was so, so pleasant and so, so personal. He answered my questions, shared personal stories of his use of the Cellerciser, and gave me some suggestions for my program, that I’ll be adding here in just a few minutes when I finish this message.

I thanked David, not only for myself, but for how he has so positively impacted and helped the lives of so many of us.

I will never be without my Cellerciser. It is quite truly as important to me as the air I breathe.

Keep on keeping on. CELLERCISE!!!


Dear DAVE,

HI! My name is Marilyn. I am a mother and grandmother (59 years), who has a very busy schedule; and as a result, found it increasingly difficult to get to the gym even 3 or 4 days a week. Besides that, I was becoming more aware that my gym workouts (even with consistency) were not very effective. I have always been very careful with my diet, but still I was only maintaining and not losing weight. Through surfing the internet, I am so grateful for finding the Cellerciser. It absolutely does everything it is advertised to do. It is a solid, sturdy piece of equipment that takes up such little space. I look forward every day to my 15 min workout. Since it arrived April 2009 till now July 10, 2009, I have averaged using it 6 days a week. The results have been amazing to me, I am thinner and firmer all over (legs/ arms/ stomach/ back). My clothes are looser, and even my posture has improved. I am so happy, and I know now it is only a matter of time before I reach my goal of size 6! Thank you, David Hall, for a single, easy and effective workout, the Cellerciser. I am committed for life, I can’t stop telling everyone to try Cellercising, you will NOT be disappointed because it really works!!



Dear DAVE,

My name is Marilyn. I am a mother and grandmother (59 yrs), who has a very busy schedule; and, so as a result, found it increasingly difficult to get to the gym even 3 or 4 days a week. Besides that, I was becoming more aware that my gym workouts (even when consistent) were not very effective. I have always been very careful with my diet, but still I was only maintaining and not losing any weight. Through surfing the internet, I am so grateful for finding the Cellercise®. It absolutely does everything it is advertised to do. It is a solid, sturdy piece of equipment that takes up such little space. I look forward every day to my 15 min workout. Since it arrived April 2009 until now Jul 10, 2009, – I have averaged using it 6 days a week. The results have been amazing to me. – I am thinner and firmer all over (legs/arms/stomach/back). My clothes are looser – and even my posture has improved. I am so happy and I know now it is only a matter of time before I reach my goal of size 6. Thank you David Hall for a simple, easy and effective workout – the Cellercise®- I am committed for life – I can’t stop telling everyone, “Try Cellercising – you will NOT be disappointed because it really works!!

P.S. – Please thank Jerry (sales rep) for all the great information. It was really because of him I purchased the Cellercise® – Thanks so much Jerry!!



Dear DAVE,

It’s been over 6 months since we purchased our Cellerciser. More than enough time has gone by to really know this product. Honestly, it is the best piece of exercise equipment I have ever invested in (I own and regularly use a Pilates machine, a Schwinn exercise bike, a Nordic Track, Ab Rocket, Perfect Push-Up, Free Weights and work out bench, Dip Bar, Chin Up Bar, etc.)

The Cellerciser is used every day by my family, unlike the other equipment. We love it!! The Cellerciser is fun to use, and easy to use, unlike some of the other equipment that we own. The overall health of each one of us has improved. We all look better and feel better. We even have fewer colds now!

Although one of my children was highly skeptical in the beginning when we first purchased it, he now acknowledges that the Cellerciser was worth every penny.

The Cellerciser is additionally easy to assemble, easy to transport, and easy to store. And, the customer support was fantastic.

We are grateful to God that we made this purchase and that it has worked out so fabulously for each member of our family and wanted to thank you for a absolutely terrific, high quality product that has made such a positive difference in the life of each member of our household (two parents in their S0’s, and three kids in their early 20’s).

Thank you!!



Dear DAVE,

My husband requested his own Cellerciser for his birthday so that he can continue to bounce when I travel. We’ve just set it up today and I’ve been bouncing between the two this afternoon 🙂 I feel like a kid on a moonwalk carnival ride!


Dear DAVE,

I cannot fully express my delight and amazement with the Cellercise®! Initially I looked at it with some skepticism but thought it would make an “interesting” piece for my television show – especially with Dave’s individual energy. I was not, however, expecting such a life-altering personal experience!

I have come from 215 lbs./24% fat to 180 lbs./13%, with visible loss of girth, but increase in lean muscle. The overall effects of both body image and lifestyle have been astounding. This all while recovering from a broken leg!

It has the effect of not only toning muscle but making one’s effects “worthwhile”. One naturally starts seeking out time to bounce and modifying diet easily and repeatedly. It also is by far the most “organic” of any of the machines I have tried, in that one can put as much into a session as one wishes, and even when tired, a few minutes of “maintenance” bouncing can be achieved with ease, yet the benefits are manifold.

With just a little consistency, this “device” has become a “friend” inasmuch as I take it on remote shoots, to hotels, etc., and cannot imagine life before, and certainly not without.

Thanks Dave, and all over there at Cellercise®.


Dear DAVE,

Despite the fact I had gym membership. I found that I was not utilizing it as much as I would like so I decided to invest in this piece of equipment which is a Cellercise®. It is a minute, trampoline that is compact and easy to store away because it can be folded up. I had to gradually build up to a ten minute work out because the body cannot take more than that as a beginner. I no longer have any excuse not to exercise! I do five minutes in the morning daily and ten or more minutes in the evening at least five days a week.  Nine months on I have lost some weight too!

Thank you


Dear DAVE,

Being a professional pilot on long haul, world-wide operations, I truly travel a lot. My job has only few options to move while at work as it is mostly lengthy hours sitting in the cockpit. I always felt that it is important to move in between the flights, so I ran a lot, whenever possible. But, since I am not the “gym” guy either, it was always a compromise, bad weather or smog in big cities can contribute to that.

Being health focused (my job is really unhealthy due to the massive traveling involved), I was looking for a way to boost the immune system and move in a healthy way. Rebounding therefore is the perfect solution for me. Of course, I found the CELLERCISER right away and intuitively knew that this would solve all my concerns about what kind of workouts to do and when.

I have been using the CELLERCISER for more than a year now and can confirm 100% that it is the best and most intelligent way to train and stimulate our whole body. Please let me close in thanking you from the bottom of my heart for your lifelong dedication on that topic and product.

I am sure there is no better way for me to stay as healthy as I can with physical activity on the CELLERCISER and a health focused ketogenic diet.

Please give my regards also to your wonderful team. Jerry was a fantastic help to send over swiftly my second trifold CELLERCISER, which I will use at home for my family while traveling with the other one.

Best regards from NY,


Dear DAVE,

I’d love to give you a little more background info, and you can use as much or little of it as you’d like for testimony material.  A year or so ago, I became convinced that I needed a regular exercise routine, in  addition to the changes I’d made in my nutritional habits (about 3 years ago, I began  incorporating the Weston Price traditional food preparation techniques and other supplementation based on his book “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration” and Sally Fallon’s cookbook, Nourishing Traditions). I became familiar with the Radiant Life Company and remembered with interest their recommendation of the Cellerciser. So, I finally got one. Once I received it. I became a little concerned, because since the birth of my 3rd child in 2005, I suffered from some pelvic relaxation (also known as pelvic organ prolapse). I was, with the help of a website and information begun by Christine Kent ( determined to not have surgery for this condition. With the help of Christine’s program, I had stabilized the condition. When I first got the Cellerciser and jumped on it, I felt a jarring in the pelvic organs, and was disconcerted, thinking I might not be able to rebound. That’s when I contacted you. You encouraged me to use a sitting back slightly posture, and that it could strengthen the muscles in that area. I also read in the book that came with the Cellerciser that women who had pelvic relaxation could do it, with gentle bouncing (not jumping). So, I began developing my own exercise routine, first in sitting posture, then very gentle bouncing. Gradually I worked up to my current 20 minutes per day. Sometimes its 20 minutes twice per day. Paying careful attention to my posture, the positioning of my organs over the pubic bone, and using sitting and standing exercises on the Cellerciser, I have improved my condition. I feel stronger than ever. Not only do I feel stronger with respect to this condition (I can even run now with no discomfort, and I can gently jump on the unit), where I was previously having some cracking in my knees. that is completely gone, and my joints feel better than when I was in my 20’s. Also, I have improved circulation -some veins that were beginning to protrude in my feet are completely gone, and some other veins in my legs are reduced. I have better tone and definition overall, but especially in my upper body. Finally, I have SO MUCH MORE energy, which is required as I homeschool my 3 young children and run a part time law practice. I need that energy!! I have thought of writing so many times. I love the Cellerciser because it’s fun, it’s efficient, and it is so convenient, which I also need for my lifestyle. I couldn’t drag myself out to run, nor could I get to a gym. And, I have never had a form of exercise that I’ve been able to stick to doing like this every day with such ease. Our 69 year old aunt (a cloistered Benedictine Nun from Kent, England) came here for a 3 month visit late last year –she tried the Cellerciser and thought what a wonderful thing it would be for the aging nuns in her community. I can’t thank you enough for making such an incredible health product. Personally, I think everyone would benefit by having a Cellerciser in their home. I tell everyone about it! And, to those who think it’s expensive, I say compare it with the cost of a gym membership or think of all the money you will save by being well and feeling great. What would you pay for that?? Thanks again, David, and I’ll email you my sister’s address tomorrow. We’re going to get her a Cellerciser.



Dear DAVE,

I joined in the spring during Covid. I purchased a B Bounder from the Shopping Channel, but I didn’t like the bounce. I sold it and bought two used Cellercisers on Facebook! I will be taking one to my condo in Mexico to leave there as I spend 6 months in London, Ontario and 6 months near Huatulco, Mexico. I am looking forward to bouncing on my balcony, overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Don’t worry, I’ll post lots of pics! I love the exhilaration of Cellercising. According to Fitbit, my cardio is now in the Excellent range for women of my age.


Dear DAVE,

The main reason for me to buy the Cellerciser with the safety bar was to help my child with autism to lose some weight. He’s 9 years old and overweight (135lbs). It arrived early in January and my two kids love it instantly. They began taking turns bouncing on it and they even bounce both at the same time. My other kid is 11 years old and weighs about 7Slbs. Since the Cellerciser is rated at 300Ibs I have no worries, even better, if they play together, they will use it more.

Once they finished playing with the Cellerciser it was finally my turn. At that time, I was around 287Ibs and it worried me being so close to the rated weight. Also, my ankles and knees complained even with a light jog. Started slowly, small bounces, checking if the Cellerciser holds, and it did. It feels strong, my feet seem to be parallel to the floor at every bounce no matter where I land. It was great because then, I don’t have to consciously make sure my ankles are straight. So far, so good.

Jumping higher and almost leaving the matt I can feel the strong forces under my feet but no impact. It took me by surprise because wasn’t expecting these forces to be that strong. After a while, I tried some exercise movements that can no longer do on a flat floor due to the impact. I can now do them again on the Cellerciser.

My wife is about 112Ibs. She also tried the Cellerciser that day and still use it almost every night. She mostly does the healthy bounce and side to side bounces. My kids like to bounce as high as they can and I, can do some exercises on the Cellerciser that will normally hurt my knees and ankles on a flat hard floor.

Apart from the matt that doesn’t stretch under my weight and the sturdiness of the frame, the feature that I like most is the Tri-Flex Spring. At first, I thought that my feet could hit the floor, especially when bouncing on one foot. The springs stretch more with me bouncing than when my 75Ibs son bounce on it but, is not excessive. Still, have good clearance from the floor even when doing higher bounces. For me, this means that I don’t have to change a thing for any member of my family. My kids finished using the Cellerciser and I can jump right on. So convenient.

For me, the security bar is a must. It wobbles a bit but still makes you feel secure. Dave explained that it is a design feature to help you have better balance. I did not believe him and thought he was covering a design flaw. After using the Cellerciser for a while I proved myself wrong. When completely lose my balance, the bar will save me from falling off but when my balance is pretty good that wobbling allows me to recover the balance by myself while feeling secure.

Spring noise was very much my concern. Brand new it was very quiet. Later it began to be noisy, very noisy indeed. With all the other features the Cellerciser has, the spring noise was the price to pay. After a few noisy days, I saw one of Dave’s video where he explained how to get rid of the noise with a little oil at the springs ends. No more spring noise!!!

The Cellerciser is perfect for me. Can handle the weight of all members of my family as it is, is convenient, strong, safe, quiet and fun.

Best Regards,


Dear DAVE,

I used the Cellerciser a few minutes incredible… love it… I was doing crunches already bounced with my butt on the matt wow talk about heavy on the abs perfect.

Mom loves the Cellerciser she is more fanatic then I am when I did 3 sessions on a day she would already have done 6-7! Mom is 59 diabetic type 2 (no insulin shooting yet but uses 9 pills a day) she has severe bone material damage from working too hard in her life (she was a nurse and picked up lots of people by herself in her twenties to wash them… back then you didn’t have lift systems! So she lifted her with her arms thus lots of bone density she lost over the years) it fills my heart with joy every time I catch her on it… she has an inner smile when she jumps I can tell… awesome invention… everyone should have one at home! Beats a PlayStation 3 !!!!!

Greetings from Holland,


Dear DAVE,

I’ve just purchased your Cellerciser as I learned about it from another site which is now my ultimate source for the food products I’ve always been looking for. For the first time here’s something I can do for 10-15 minutes when I get up at 4:30 am getting ready to go to the job. And I look forward to it. And, then when I get home and change into something comfortable, time for session #2. On days off, I’ll add a few more 10 minute sessions.

I’m 58, pass for 48, took all the vital measurements and won’t do a check on measurements for 30 days, keep a log, etc.

Having been a runner and various relationships with gyms and equipment at home, the Lack of Mental Obstacles and the Lack of Distractions (headphone music, etc.) that is involved w/ Cellercising is Important and vastly under-rated. Two points, you know you’re working the core foundation of your body (cells) and you’re not experiencing any time-segments of pain ->So, you’re not experiencing any time-segments of pain -> So, you’re not looking for distractions during the process of exercising -> as a pleasant distraction.

To me, it’s important to experience all the nuances while I’m Cellercising and this exercise will be very beneficial to integrating the Seven Tibetas and my ancient Chinese exercises and also assisting in my work in segueing from the Beta state towards the Theta state (Cycles of Brain Waves/second) I’m probably getting into the deep end of the pool so I’ll stop here.

To me, now I see all those exercises that work on muscle groups (it’s all symbolism) whereas exercising the Cells- that’s Substance.

Down the road I envision myself as going out and demonstrating the Cellerciser and showing people my driver’s license will be an integral part of “Show and Tell”

I wish you Indago Felix!


Dear DAVE,

Let me preface by saying that I have been doing daily push-ups since high school. I am now 47. Anytime I would skip doing push-ups for five days or more, I would lose a significant amount of muscle mass. That’s just how it’s always been.

I had used my Cellerciser probably 10-15 times after I first purchased it before I pinched a nerve in my neck. Subsequently, I wasn’t able to do any physical activity for three-and-a-half months. In fact, for the first ten nights, I slept on a chair, held in perfect position by pillows, not moving an inch all night.

I noticed, after a week, it seemed that I hadn’t lost any muscle mass, although I hadn’t done anything physical at all. At the end of my three-and-a-half months of no exercise, I had lost a moderate amount of muscle mass. It was probably the amount I would have lost after 5 days before my Cellerciser! Also remarkable was that I gained my muscle mass back very quickly when I resumed my push-ups and Cellercising.

This led me to another discovery. Normally, I would be sore the day after doing an 80 push-up set. I decided that I would try Cellercising after my push-ups. The next day, I noticed that I wasn’t sore. That night, I did two sets of push-ups with 5 minutes of Cellercising after each set. The next day, I experienced no soreness, and only felt stronger. My guess is that the Cellerciser was probably moving the lactic acid out of my muscles.

All I know is that I love my Cellerciser! I have used it every day for a year-and-a-half now. Every time I go out of town, it is opened up and ready to go in my hotel room. I feel great using it to start my morning, even if it’s only for 2-5 or 10 minutes. Every night, I am on it for 10-45 minutes, depending on how interesting the news is to me that night!

Thank you, David for an important addition to my health, physical condition, and quality of life.


Dear DAVE,

This is my Cellerciser story. I am a Ph.D. clinical psychologist and I have a clinic near Ann Arbor, Michigan which specializes in chronic and health psychology and I have been working in this field for over 25 years. I lecture around the state and country regarding chronic pain and the opiate epidemic and I am very interested in the mind body connection.

Approximately 10 years ago I purchased a Cellerciser. I loved it. I was doing it every day. I have flat feet, so it is difficult for me to run and do aerobic exercise besides swimming. I was able to do this in the comfort of my home and my kids also loved the Cellerciser. I eventually purchased a kangaroo spring type shoe approximately five years ago. I thought it would be similar to the Cellerciser, a portable spring in my shoe, and I started running all around the area around my house and very shortly I severely damaged my ankle and I thought I was unable to jump on the trampoline. I was told by doctors that I needed to rest my ankle. I spent thousands to try to treat my ankle. I was seen by a physiatrist, acupuncturist, massage therapist, acupressure practitioner, chiropractor, kinesiologist, nutritionist. All of these treatments did provide some improvement, but I still have chronic pain and it severely limited by ability to enjoy travel and walking.

Eventually, two months ago, I was so frustrated seeing my kids jump on the trampoline and I was not able to jump on the trampoline and I was so jealous I decided I could not take it anymore. My ankle is not healing, and I was just going to jump very gently. I noticed after I had jumped that my ankle felt more energized. As I continued to jump over several days, I noticed the pain moving from one part of the ankle to a different part of the ankle, to the knee and eventually after 6 weeks all of my pain in my ankle completely left me.

Now it has been two months since I started jumping on the trampoline and I have forgotten I had an ankle injury that lasted over s years. In addition, I noticed as I jumped my mood improves after I jump, and I feel some of the same spiritual energy I feel when I meditate when I jump. I notice my mid back pain has improved. I also think my vision has improved.

I write with my hands constantly, I write reports all day long for 20 years and I have started to develop arthritis in my hands and since I started jumping, I do not know the mechanism but all of the arthritis symptoms in my hands are now gone. My hands are pain free. I feel born again. I am very grateful for your Cellerciser. Thank you for inventing it and I really appreciate the personal touch I experience whenever I call Cellerciser. I either speak to you or another gentleman and they try to be as free as possible to educate me about the Cellerciser.

Thank you.


Dear DAVE,

My husband researched and then bought us a Cellerciser a few years ago. I did it inconsistently for a while but now I hardly ever miss a day! When I had to go stay with my daughter for an extended period of time my husband bought me the travel Cellerciser.

My daughter now has one too and she is enjoying it.


Dear DAVE,

As I mentioned, I am also an opera singer and voice teacher, and I also use my Cellerciser to warm up and get my breath going for singing. I invite all my students to use it as well at the beginning of their lessons, and they always enthusiastically say yes! One student has already gone on to buy her own Cellerciser from you as well.

Just yesterday someone came to buy my bicycle trainer which I hadn’t used it in years due in part to knee issues (and I suppose just losing interest). When I told him that now I just Cellerciser he was all excited about it. He said he had stopped running because of knee injuries and a friend had suggested he run on a rebounder. He’d never tried one, so I got out my Cellerciser to have him experience the delight of bouncing. Perhaps he will be calling you soon to buy his own!

Meanwhile, I am leaving shortly on an extended trip to Israel and I knew from the moment I booked my flight that I had to take my Cellerciser with me. It lightens the energy all around and adds buoyancy to life-this is too important to live without! And I can’t wait to invite my friends’ 5-year old to come bounce on it. When I last visited, he wanted to bounce with me on his parents’ bed and told me he was allowed to-well, the parents later told me otherwise! So, this should solve a few family issues and bring joy to another comer of the world.

Actually, when I was a child, I dreamed for years about having a trampoline {along with a retractable roof on the upstairs playroom so I could use it there!). When I encountered you at the New Life Expo two years ago and took my first bounce on your Cellerciser, it was literally a dream come true for me. I have been bouncing with excitement ever since! Thank you so much for creating this wonderful product and making it available to the world.

Many thanks to you (and to Jerry!) and wishing you all many blessings!


Dear DAVE,

Good morning! I received my ½ fold Cellerciser today, and I love it. Years ago, I had a Reboundair model and this one is so much nicer. That one was, although a sturdy, quality product – bulkier and very hard to open/close with one person (it had a dangerous tendency to snap shut with some force). It also squeaked noisily from day one.

Fast forward to today- here I am very out of shape, although I have been building up stamina over the last six weeks with dally cardio and light weight training sessions. I set it up quickly by myself then spent 1O minutes doing baby bounce and side to side hip rocks while watching your DVD. It was quiet so I had no trouble hearing the video. I was sweating profusely within four minutes. Wow l I normally don’t sweat until 20 minutes into my cardio sessions. I’m also glad I bought the balance bar. I never used one previously, but I was glad to have it there today as my legs were a little shaky after the ten minutes.

Now, I do have a question. This metal washer slid out of the shipping box when I pulled the foam out. I’m not sure if it belongs somewhere on the unit or not. Kindly advise.

Thank you!


Dear DAVE,

I’ve been struggling with painful gout for many years. The from the internet helped me but I needed more help. I. ordered the Cellerciser because I realized l needed to circulate the lymph fluid in my lymphatic system. When l first started using my Cellerciser I could only move my feet up and down an inch or so. I could not jump all the way off the mat. Within a month I was able to jump up and down all the way off the mat for over 30 minutes at a time. l just did 60 minutes today! I feel lots better now. With my diet changes and my use of my Cellerciser, I can almost always walk completely pain free now, even after 8 hours at work. Jerry at 800-856-4863 went the extra mile to ensure l got what l ordered. I just ordered two more Cellercisers. A half fold for my daughter and a new trifold I can take with me to the park so I can practice Cellercising and sun gazing at the same time. I am 56 years old and plan on using the Cellerciser as my main form of exercise to help get me to my ideal weight.

Thanks, Cellerciser!


Dear DAVE,

Yup have had a rich life – working in the amazon with indigenous peoples now, helping protect their lands and fighting oil companies so I need to be in tip top shape and very fit to keep up with the indigenous people walking through the forest. I am in Quito the capital of Ecuador writing my book on living in the rainforest and the crime rate is very high here so dangerous to go running – so hence the Cellerciser! As it is portable, I may even take it into the Amazon with me when I go in for my next 5 week stint!

Many thanks,


When you invest in a Cellerciser®, you become part of the Cellercise® family. We are available 9-5 M-F (mst) or by email at to answer your questions & to share the best exercises toward your fitness objectives.