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These customers have had a tremendous experience using Cellercise®. Their stories are incredible. Hear them below. When you’re finished, you can go back and read even more reviews about how Cellercise® has improved our customers’ lives in other ways.


Dear DAVE,

We’ve only had our Cellerciser trampoline for a few weeks, and I’m writing to tell you about some exciting changes that have already happened. I am a post-menopausal woman and have been suffering from ongoing hair loss the last 4 or 5 years. I have tried EVERYTHING: vitamins, a prescription for estrogen, exercise, you name it, and I eventually gave up because they didn’t work. TWO WEEKS into the Cellerciser program and my hair has stopped falling out! I have made no other changes. The hair falling slowed down in the first few days and now my hair feels healthier, shinier, and I’m not getting a tubful of hair every time I wash it. There are very few hairs falling now. YAY Cellercise! I will say, too, that I see an improvement in other post-menopausal complaints. I have also been suffering from depression after the deaths of my parents some years ago and I am happy to say I’m feeling MUCH better. I’m smiling at work and singing again. I’ve even started riding my bike just for fun, I am someone who had trouble getting up off the couch, so these are real and meaningful changes for me. I’m surprised they happened so quickly. I can’t thank you enough for your enthusiasm about your program. You really got me motivated.

Best wishes to you,


Dear DAVE,

About 12 years ago, I was faced with a death sentence. Doctors said there was nothing left they could do and there was no hope left for me. I looked and felt like twice my age! As a result, I was forced into an early retirement looking for ways to stay ALIVE! I was not ready to leave this planet at the age of only 53 years old.

In my research, I learned that moving the lymphatic system was key to healing. So, I looked for the best ways to move the lymph along with changing my diet and lifestyle habits. There were studies stating how Rebounding was the best way to move the lymph. Since I had medical bills, I could only buy a CHEAP REBOUNDER. After using it for a while, I felt WORSE and it caused even MORE health issues! I thought Rebounding was not for me!

Yet articles from experts kept ‘appearing’ for me to read everywhere that talked about the healing effects of Rebounding. Therefore, it was obvious that I had to search for another Rebounder and hope it would help heal instead of hurting me this time. I tried various re bounders over the months to see & feel the differences in them so I could pick the right one this time which I was willing pay whatever price to just to get the best one! After much experimentation & more research, I chose the Cellerciser and ordered it immediately.

The Cellerciser arrived quickly yet I was scared to use it! I remembered feeling horrible after using the CHEAP rebounder. Plus, more time had passed of not moving the lymph, so I had more aches & pains, more bone & muscle loss, more labored breathing, and weighed only 76 pounds! The Cellerciser set up easily despite being so weak. The challenge was to finally get back on a Rebounder again. It was good that I had ordered the Cellerciser with a Balance Bar as it gave me confidence to climb on it & the support I needed to do some movement with less anxiety!

I played MUSIC to help motivate me to MOVE since it makes me happy. I began to slowly move my body doing just a ‘bounce’ to the music. It FELT GOOD and NOTHING LIKE THE CHEAP REBOUNDER did! There were no rules that I could find on how to use the rebounder, so I made up my own. It is a tool to move the lymph. I just needed to figure a way to MOVE my sick body in ANY way possible. For me it had to be fun and not boring! After about 5 minutes, I was DANCING that I hadn’t done in years.

Now after 9 years of Cellerciser ‘dancing’ I have a better quality of life! EACH YEAR I FEEL YOUNGER & HEALTIDER instead of OLDER & SICKER as in the past!

In June I tum 65! Because I LEARNED HOW TO MOVE THE LYMPH SYSTEM naturally using my Cellerciser, my health issues are more manageable. I feel physically have more energy, mentally have decreased brain fog & emotionally have eliminated depression. The Cellerciser is an astonishing piece of apparatus that assisted in creating miracles in my health as part of my new lifestyle and helped me live long past the few months that doctors predicted 12 years ago!

Thank you, Dave, for designing the best rebounder that gives me hope instead of fear to stay on my healing journey!


Dear DAVE,

Dear David,

I am truly amazed at what my Cellercise® has done for my body in the last 30 days-once I actually got motivated enough to use it daily. I added two 2-pound hand weights about 10 days ago for a little extra resistance, and I have experimented briefly with four 2- pound weights. My month-old size 10 jeans are “bagging” on me. Perhaps, I will be in a size 8 in another month. I am starting to see a hint of muscle definition in my arms. It is easy now for me to understand why you look the way you do after so many years of Cellercising! I imagine that there will come a day when I will have to limit myself to 10 minutes a day or I will become too thin, but in the meantime, I am usually Cellercising a minimum of 20 minutes a day-often double that. The time just flies by when I crank up the music. Watching my shape change daily, I can only imagine the positive changes going on inside my cells!


When you invest in a Cellerciser®, you become part of the Cellercise® family. We are available 9-5 M-F (mst) or by email at to answer your questions & to share the best exercises toward your fitness objectives.