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These customers have had a tremendous experience using Cellercise®. Their stories are incredible. Hear them below. When you’re finished, you can go back and read even more reviews about how Cellercise® has improved our customers’ lives in other ways.


Dear DAVE,

Oh my. What a difference! Mr. UPS delivered my Cellerciser a few minutes ago. It was a breeze to set up. There is no contest between it and whatever brand I have been using. It is tight, my feet stay flat, and my ankles were not the least bit stressed. Sooo glad I decided to purchase an in-stock item! My order was placed late on 7/19 and it arrived today, the 22nd. Utah to Michigan. Way to go Team Cellerciser!!

Edit: My husband didn’t know I bought this. He came in the room, and I asked him to bounce. He said, “I don’t like it, it makes my knees hurt.” I urged him to try it for a minute any way. He bounced and said, “This isn’t the same unit. It’s tighter and doesn’t bow toward the center.”


Dear DAVE,

Being both overweight and out of shape, I was looking for a way to turn both issues around. I have a quality treadmill but have never been able to keep with it due to pain in my feet, knees or back, so I was looking for an alternative. The Cellercise® is all they say it is. I started 6 weeks ago at less than 5 minutes a day and am now up to 20 minutes daily. I have had no injuries from rebounding but did break my pinky toe when not on the rebounder and I was able to find positions to work out on the rebounder in a matter of days even though I was still walking with a limp.

I’ve seen the benefit of better skin tone, less facial wrinkles, better cardio (I doubled the mileage I was able to walk the dog in less than 2 weeks on the rebounder) and increased muscle. I have suffered from plantar fasciitis for years and have found that rebounding barefoot has strengthened my feet and I do not have any symptoms anymore. I am no longer stiff when I get out of bed in the morning and get up walking like I did 15 years ago.

I did not start watching calories until the last 3 weeks and though my clothes fit better prior to that, I don’t believe I lost any weight those first weeks. Now that I am watching calories as well, I am consistently losing 2 or more pounds a week without starving.

We put the Cellercise® in the family room so that we can use it while watching TV. While I am the biggest user of this, both my teenage daughters and husband will use it.


Dear DAVE,

Thanks so much for the conversation Dave, last Friday 6th Dec (your Thursday). I feel much more confident & inspired knowing that I am heading in the right direction. The primary reason for getting the Cellerciser (which arrived, 5-6 weeks ago, on 1st Nov) was to improve my bone density due to osteoporosis which has reached a critical stage (BMD -4.19) resulting in frequent and numerous spinal fractures, pronounced kyphosis and forward head posture. I started off super steady for the first 4-5 weeks and cannot believe the improvement, especially in the last week or so!!! Still got a long way to go and will post updates along the way to share. But … the big surprise is my husband!! As a result of a spinal operation years ago, the bone had calcified and pinched the nerve that feeds his calf muscle, which sadly, as a result, is wasting away. He is not able to put his whole weight on that leg and has a strong limp. However, he started gentle bouncing for a minute or two each morning and has progressed to a point where he can ‘jog’ on the spot, lifting his knees up high. He can also do the side rock (which coincidentally relieved an imbalance in his hips just a couple of days ago before it got to the point of needing to visit the chiropractor). Also, his feet are sitting flatter on the floor when he walks. He is probably up to about 3 mins or more and starting to add the odd session to his day now & then. This has been an added bonus to getting the Cellerciser which we are certain is the best ever thing we have ever done for our health. I would like to make special mention of a Cellerciser member, Lina who encouraged me to purchase the Cellerciser. Lina & I are both on a healing journey and we met through a mutual health-based website and have become close friends. I live in Australia and Lina lives on the other side of the world, divine intervention at work in the best possible way. Feeling so grateful & blessed!


Dear DAVE,

I recently bought the tri-fold Cellercise® and within 2- 3 days the red raised puss filled spots on my rear end started healing up to no more, gone!! I was just waiting for some more eruptions to occur shortly after, because I constantly battle this and trust me my husband knows and sees these scars on my rear end from the breakouts and bleeding, tears on my skin. Well, it’s been 1 month now doing just 10 min bouncing and some of the routine stuff that David Hall shows us on his 10 min work out about 2 to 3x’s a day and no more red raised eruptions anymore!!! I couldn’t believe it, but my husband said wow, this must be the Cellercise® you are doing, since I have done nothing different in my life.

Anyways, also my digestion and my husband’s digestion is so much better!! We didn’t know having a bowel movement should be so easy! We are regular now and sometimes we go #2 … 2x’s a day!!

Also, I used to get frequent diarrhea and now this twist bouncing that Dave Hall teaches us I believe has really has made my bowels normal again! I have been battling this diarrhea for so long, like S years.

I am sharing this all to you all, so that everyone will know that this Cellercise® is different from all other rebounders, and I believe it’s the BEST! Trust me I do a lot a research. Also, what rebounder company do you know of that you get wonderful, humble, truthful people who will chat with you online or call their phone# and talk with Jerry. They are really not trying to sell anything , since the Cellercise® really sells itself! They just want you to get blessed and all the benefits!! And so do I! That’s why I am writing this.

And to top this all off my husband who is sort of a skeptic, after seeing my red spots disappear , tried the Cellercise® for 10 min. only 1 day in the morning and that day, all day he did not have any bottom foot pain (planterfacious) … he constantly needs to roll his foot on a golf ball to try to easy this bottom foot pain, mid day and the end of the day. He carried this golf ball in his pant pocket at all times for years. So, the next day he did this routine again on the Cellercise® and he felt so good energetic and no foot pain! My husband has so much energy … like me now and He is doing so much for me like wash my car, (which he is always too tired to do @) but now this Cellercise® has given him energy, oxygen to his cells, etc. He is helping with the dishes, etc. etc. Ladies, if your husband is tired and burned out …. or you are tired or burned out … Please get a Cellercise®! ! And who knows what else in your body will get improved or eliminated!

Lastly, we are getting more things done everyday, just by adding the Cellercise® to our daily regime, it gives us energy vs. taking away energy. I used to go on my stationary bicycle and jog. I would get a little energy rush, but then get some aches and then get tired. But, with the rebounding on the Cellercise®, we actually are oxygenating all our cells so that we have all day energy, constant and steady, we can breathe deeper too!

God bless Jerry for great customer service! And God bless Dave Hall for making this Cellercise® rebounder the

Best!!! and they both are so real. Q Real people. Hard to find in this world.

Love and THANK YOU!!!


Dear DAVE,

TA-DA!! Enter the Cellerciser in late October 2018.

Desperate to discover how I could exercise daily, I made the best decision of my life and purchased online a Cellerciser, beginning a modest daily program of the “health bounce” and other movements, usually barefoot, morning and night. Immediately I noticed multiple benefits in balance and in my legs and back- not the least of which happened slow but sure within the structural integrity of my feet and toes. For the first time in recent memory I could begin to slightly flex and spread my toes and it was exciting to see positive changes occurring daily!


Dear DAVE,

I am a 49 year old Type I diabetic who just purchased a Cellerciser. I am so glad to have a way to exercise for a short time each day that will really impact my health without bringing on low blood sugar or getting a snack to eat after 45 minutes. I am about 40 lbs. overweight. I have gained this in the last 9 years after going on an insulin pump. I became aware of the diabetes at age 36.

I also have always had foot problems. This was noticed as a toddler and has become painful in the last 4 years. This isn’t related to the diabetes. It is an alignment problem that has been helped in part by a wonderful chiropractor.

Thank you for making a safe dependable rebounder.



Dear DAVE,

Hello, I turned 48 this year, I served in the military. So, I did a lot of running. My knees, ankle and feet are constantly bothering me. So now I do a lot of walking, especially with my dogs. On one of my walks a couple of weeks ago, I picked up my neighbor’s Pure fun mini trampoline. I don’t know why I did. I jumped on it for a couple of days. I started to YouTubing about it trampolines and saw your videos. I was hesitant about spending so much on a “kid” mini trampoline, but the reviews were so positive, I figure I give it a shot. I needed an alternative to get back into shape and no longer can run. So, I ordered the Cellerciser. All I can say is WOW, as soon as I step on it, I felt the difference immediately. It feels amazing, from the way it bounces, to the feel of the material under my bare feet. When I bounce on the Cellerciser, it just makes me want me to keep bouncing. My knees didn’t hurt nor my feet or ankles. I hope to get many years out of your product.


Dear DAVE,

I cannot thank you enough for teaching me, through your DVDs, about Cellercising. My husband very graciously agreed to buy one for me when he saw how enthusiastic I was about what I had learned on your DVDs. I have been very limited in the amount of exercise I do on a daily basis, due to an injury I sustained to my foot about 17 years ago. At that time, I trod on a very large rusty nail and, while the injury healed, years later that area of my foot became very sore, often swelled and was so inflexible that I could not kneel with any comfort and bend it back. My worst difficulty was that any form of exercise involving my foot caused it to ache and often swell. Hence, I very rarely exercised and was terribly unfit I work in an office job full time and have suffered terribly with back and shoulder problems. I continually go to a bowen therapist/ chiropractor to help keep my aching back in alignment. I knew my problem was weak muscles but did not know what to do about it.

The idea that originally interested me in the Cellerciser was that I could exercise and not hurt my foot. It worked. I have had some pain, but it is improving at a rapid rate, so much so that it is ever so much more flexible than it was, and it does not hurt to use it on the Cellerciser at all.

The thing that has completely blown me away though is that when I commenced, I asked my husband to take a couple of photos of me in my bathing suit so that I could see the improvement in my physical appearance. Then last night, approx. 1 month after commencing, I again asked him to take a photo and see if I could see any improvement. Imagine my amazement to discover that in profile in the first photo I was standing leaning slightly forward – I had no idea I was doing it or that it was not normal until I compared it to the one taken last night when I am standing up straight. Then lo add to my delight, I looked at my back in the mirror this morning and noticed my spine had changed. When I was a teenager I was diagnosed with kyphosis [curvature of the spine outward]. This is similar to scoliosis only the spine curves outward so that it was very visible through my skin [in the small of my back]. This morning I discovered that it has, unbelievably, straightened, or at least it appeared like that to me. It does not appear to protrude at all but while

I can still feel that it is curved and not yet normal the change is truly amazing. I thought Cellercising would help with my fitness, muscle development, toning and balance, but I had no idea it would help to straighten my spine or cause me to stand up straighter.

So, thank you a thousand times.

Many thanks and God bless you in the work of sharing your knowledge of health.

Kind Regards,


Dear DAVE,

I’ve been using the Cellercise® since April, sometimes just several times a week, sometimes more. I love it! Nothing else gives me the low-impact, weight bearing workout I get from this rebounder. I’ve had difficulty with my knees and ankles, and have been wearing orthotics to support my arches. It only took a few weeks of gentle bouncing (while holding my arches up) to strengthen my feet, and I was amazed to find myself standing barefoot with my arches off the floor. Nothing else has helped, much less in that short of a time. Even though I don’t do many of the vigorous activities on the rebounder, I feel more toned overall, especially in my calves, arms, and abdominal muscles.

Dave, it’s so fun! You were right about how easy and fun it is. There’s something about the bouncing, the vertical movement, the simultaneous toning and relaxation involved. Stress from my day melts, I feel happy, my circulation is improved, and my body feels cleaned out.

Before I bought the Cellercise®, I’d notice myself pondering what it would be like to experience greater or lesser forces of gravity. It was a subtle thing, at the back of my mind, and seemed to be there at random, or perhaps if I was in an elevator. I think intuitively my body knew what it needed to heal. I’m so grateful to have been guided to the Cellercise®, and very much appreciate all that you’ve done to create this opportunity for so many people. I especially appreciate your level of integrity in design and research, and the help you offered me in setting up a program. Bless you!



Dear DAVE,

I’ve been using the Cellerciser since April, sometimes just several times a week sometimes more. I love it! Nothing else gives me the low-impact, weight bearing workout I get from this rebounder. I’ve had difficulty with my knees and ankles and have been wearing orthotics to support my arches. It only took a few weeks of gentle bouncing (while holding my arches up) to strengthen my feet, and I was amazed to find myself standing barefoot with my arches off the floor. Nothing else has helped, much less in that short of a time. Even though I don’t do many of the vigorous activities on the rebounder, I feel more toned overall, especially in my calves, arms, and abdominal muscles.

Dave, it’s so fun! You were right about how easy and fun it is. There’s something about the bouncing, the vertical movement, the simultaneous toning and relaxation involved. Stress from my day melts, I feel happy, my circulation is improved, and my body feels cleaned out.

Before I bought the Cellerciser, I’d notice myself pondering what it would be like to experience greater or lesser forces of gravity. It was a subtle thing, at the back of my mind, and seemed to be there at random, or perhaps if I was in an elevator. I think intuitively my body knew what it needed to heal I’m so grateful to have been guided to the Cellerciser, and very much appreciate all that you’ve done to create this opportunity for so many people.  I especially appreciate your level of integrity in design and research, and the help you offered me in setting up a program.

Bless you!


Dear DAVE,

I received my Cellerciser yesterday. Man, the quality of it is the best I love it and the springs are quiet compare to the one I had. Big! Big! Difference. It’s like night and day, I had purchased a competitor “maximuspro ” not bad but then I kept running into your website and your YouTube and was impress with the information and testimonies of your happy customers. So, I sold my rebounder after a month of use and ordered yours. It has changed my life in so many ways, I had numbness on my left foot and after just two sessions of 10 minutes issue was resolved. I sleep better, and before any weightlifting I rebound for ten minutes and my work outs are way better. It helps out with my sinus as well. I rebound 3 times a day for 10 sometimes 15 minutes. I will tell and share with friends and love ones.

Thank you so much and God bless.


Dear DAVE,

I have used Dave Hall’s cellerciser for nearly 7 years now; it has been a life-saver for me, especially when I tore my Achilles tendon and was in a walking cast. I bounced for 30 minutes a day on my back because I was unable to walk and stayed fit and in shape during my 2-month recovery period. It’s portable and easy to take outside, but it’s the best indoor exercise on rainy or snowy days– when you can’t be outside and don’t want to go to the gym. Not only is it fun, but I have reduced my weight, maintained lean body mass and built sleek, beautiful, defined arm muscles on it by using only light weights 3 times a week. Everyone asks me if I life weights and when I tell them my secret, they can’t believe that I don’t spend hours in the gym! Many of my friends are getting them because of how I look. The most incredible thing about the cellerciser is that I know that it is helping my body in many other ways because of the gravity force that is exercising every cell in my body. I feel great using it and after I’m done; I will use one for the rest of my life!


Dear DAVE,

I ordered my bifold Cellercise® in August of 2017 with the stabilizer bar.

Initially I could only do the health bounce for a couple of minutes before my ankles started hurting, then my knees.

After about a week, my ankles no longer hurt, and I was able to move on to about 5 minutes then 1O minutes. Then my knees no longer hurt.

Throughout 2018 I would use the cellerciser when short on time which was more often than not. I definitely felt so much better when I did my 10- 15 minute workouts. About Sept 2018 I took the bar off be It just got in my way.

Also, after August of ’18, I began a gym membership and started doing intervals on the treadmill 3 days/week (which was a combination of a really fast walk, then a normal walk, which progressed to a slow jog with a walking interval, to a semi fast jog to a slow jog interval). Then I got all excited because I was working out, so I decided to “run” outside, and It was slow progress because running on pavement is not the same as a treadmill. The other thing is my shoes were very old (3 yrs. old), and so, my feet would hurt, then my knees would hurt, so I’d take breaks from exercising, because my knees were so sore. Then the only thing I could do was jump on the cellerciser despite my knee pain. The great thing was that even though I could not run with that knee pain (and at times I could barely walk), I found I COULD Cellercise®, get my fitness on, AND recover from my knee pain.

Fast forward to now. Right before the new year, I’d decided to attempt a nonstop run for about 25-30 minutes which is far different than intervals with resting between short jogs. On my most recent nonstop run, the day after I felt a slight pain in my left hip and didn’t think anything of it, so I went out the next day and began my run. I only got 1/2 way and had to stop because the pain in my hip became unbearable. I could only run if I pushed on my left hip which in turn pushed my body to the right. I didn’t think this was good practice, even though the pain was alleviated, so I walked all the way home and called it a day. All the rest of the day it hurt to walk anywhere, and I couldn’t help but limp. I prayed and claimed healing over my hip and then next day I was 90% better with no meds – praise the Lord! Still feeling slight pain, I decided to do a health bounce to test out the pain intensity. Feeling no pain, I went ahead and did an all-out routine and felt fine the whole rest of the day!

I love the fact that I can get my cardio workout in despite the recent kind of pain that immobilizes me in the running arena. Thanks for such a wonderful product!


Dear DAVE,

I have had MS for 25 years and use a walker but for the last 8 months I have had to use a wheelchair because of excruciating knee pain.

When I was introduced to the Cellercise® I could not get on or off without help. Starting off with 3-5 minutes, within 2 weeks I was able to go for 10 minutes and get on by myself but had help getting off. Now after 3 months I get on and off with NO help.

My balance was so bad dressing had to be done in stages. Now I can stand for at least 5 minutes without hanging on to something.

Circulation was so bad both my feet were a dark purple color with much swelling and pain. Now swelling is gone and feet are a healthy pink color with very little pain. Overall, I feel so good.

This is the only piece of exercise equipment that I have been able to use, and I have tried many.

For the first time I am seeing a reversal of the effects of MS.

I am so grateful for the Cellercise® and expect continued results as I bounce away.



Dear DAVE,

When I got my Cellerciser my husband scoffed because he didn’t think it was real exercise. Fast forward to just over a month ago. He ended up in the hospital for a month in ICU with undiagnosed diabetes and was going into diabetic keto acidosis, kidney infection, stones & more. Well since he has been home, he has been experiencing numbness in his feet. The doctor said he probably has nerve damage. I said to him why don’t you just try the Cellerciser it is supposed to be good for circulation. Since he started several days ago, he has seen a significant improvement. He is now Cellercising 3 times a day and had completely changed his mind.


Dear DAVE,

I am really excited about the Cellercise®. It’s so easy and it’s fun. Reminds me of when I use to jump on the bed when I was a kid (but I don’t get in trouble for Cellercising).

I am also wanting to show my mom who is 70 and has weak angles and is over weight and that combination doesn’t work real well. I think she could do the Health Bounce without a problem. I have two older brothers who are runners and I know this would be a great cool down for them and when they just don’t have enough time to go running they could Cellercise® instead. Still hard to believe the 10 minutes a day has the kind of results in your tape. I will be in touch in a couple of months to let you know how things are going. GREAT PRODUCT!




Dear DAVE,

I just want to thank you for all you do to help people get heathy and fit. I have been using my Cellerciser since February and to my surprise my bunion on my right foot has been getting straighter my foot was getting deformed and I was not able to wear some of my shoes with out pain and I did not know how crooked my step was until I put on a pair of work shoes, I couldn’t understand why my shoe was not fitting well. My bunion had made my step so crooked it made my shoe crooked! I have had to throw them away, and I can wear my boots with out pain it has helped with my muscle mass, all my life I’ve been flabby. I am actually firming up I couldn’t believe my eyes when I looked in the mirror ,I’m getting back my figure, my apron flab is slowly disappearing and I am having fun on my trampoline.


Dear DAVE,

I also purchased Cellercise® out of desperation, as with micronutrients, silver solution and water ionizer. I injured my foot playing basketball in early 2014. I had metatarsalgia where the bone pushed through the tissue in the ball of my foot and gave me a lot of pain when I walked. I was becoming very lethargic. Then I discovered Cellercise®. After Cellercising for a week, I felt much better mentally and physically and at the same time my foot was healing because of the low impact. I have enjoyed Cellercising for 6 years now. My previous back, shoulder and neck pains are gone. Cellercise® also helped to practically eliminate arthritis in my hands.


Dear DAVE,

I was reading your list of benefits of rebounding and I have a few of my own that I would like to add. Or question you about.

I’ve been rebounding regularly for the past 7 or 8 weeks since I lost my job due to covid-19. Because I’m housebound and spend a lot of time on the computer I make it a point to bounce every hour even if it’s just for 2 minutes … sometimes it’s 5 minutes but it’s not a lot. I’m a woman in my 60’s and I deal with a lot of aches and pains.

What I’ve noticed since I started bouncing regularly is two main things:

  1. I no longer have Charlie horses in my legs/and or feet on a nightly basis – sometimes so debilitating that I want to cry.
  2. I no longer suffer from plantar fasciitis. It always hurt the most when my feet would first hit the floor in the morning.

Dear DAVE,

This is my Cellerciser story. I am a Ph.D. clinical psychologist and I have a clinic near Ann Arbor, Michigan which specializes in chronic and health psychology and I have been working in this field for over 25 years. I lecture around the state and country regarding chronic pain and the opiate epidemic and I am very interested in the mind body connection.

Approximately 10 years ago I purchased a Cellerciser. I loved it. I was doing it every day. I have flat feet, so it is difficult for me to run and do aerobic exercise besides swimming. I was able to do this in the comfort of my home and my kids also loved the Cellerciser. I eventually purchased a kangaroo spring type shoe approximately five years ago. I thought it would be similar to the Cellerciser, a portable spring in my shoe, and I started running all around the area around my house and very shortly I severely damaged my ankle and I thought I was unable to jump on the trampoline. I was told by doctors that I needed to rest my ankle. I spent thousands to try to treat my ankle. I was seen by a physiatrist, acupuncturist, massage therapist, acupressure practitioner, chiropractor, kinesiologist, nutritionist. All of these treatments did provide some improvement, but I still have chronic pain and it severely limited by ability to enjoy travel and walking.

Eventually, two months ago, I was so frustrated seeing my kids jump on the trampoline and I was not able to jump on the trampoline and I was so jealous I decided I could not take it anymore. My ankle is not healing, and I was just going to jump very gently. I noticed after I had jumped that my ankle felt more energized. As I continued to jump over several days, I noticed the pain moving from one part of the ankle to a different part of the ankle, to the knee and eventually after 6 weeks all of my pain in my ankle completely left me.

Now it has been two months since I started jumping on the trampoline and I have forgotten I had an ankle injury that lasted over s years. In addition, I noticed as I jumped my mood improves after I jump, and I feel some of the same spiritual energy I feel when I meditate when I jump. I notice my mid back pain has improved. I also think my vision has improved.

I write with my hands constantly, I write reports all day long for 20 years and I have started to develop arthritis in my hands and since I started jumping, I do not know the mechanism but all of the arthritis symptoms in my hands are now gone. My hands are pain free. I feel born again. I am very grateful for your Cellerciser. Thank you for inventing it and I really appreciate the personal touch I experience whenever I call Cellerciser. I either speak to you or another gentleman and they try to be as free as possible to educate me about the Cellerciser.

Thank you.


Dear DAVE,

I have been using the Cellerciser consistently (3 -4 times per week) for only 3 weeks now but I have to tell you …. I am over the moon about how I am feeling and what I am seeing. My whole body is changing. I’m feeling muscles in my arms that haven’t been there in years. I also had a lot of saggy skin that was from earlier weight loss on my face and arms and that has greatly improved already!! And the way my brain feels right now at 56 is AMAZING. I feel so much better mentally and feel more alert and alive. You may remember my phone call a few weeks back about plantar fasciitis? I called because I had had so many issues with that during the last 20 years … and it started to bother me again when I first started using the Cellerciser which made me panic. I called and talked with you Dave, and you read me a few reviews on how bouncing has helped people with this problem, but I was still a bit skeptical to but it nicely. However, I loved the way bouncing made me feel so I kept Cellercising. Sometimes with my shoes on but mostly with bare feet at this point. Guess what? Plantar fasciitis is completely GONE! No signs of it and my feet feel better than they have since I was in my 20s. My sister Marie started this Cellercising revolution in my family a few months back and out of a family of seven …. Five of us have a Cellerciser and love it. We are working on the last two brothers and telling them it is so worth the investment. My brother Daniel came and bought one at your factory on his 70th birthday and is one of your biggest proponents. He came there to get a picture with Dave, but you weren’t in the office that day. Couldn’t be happier and will definitely continue to tell everyone about this amazing product. Every home should have one … it is rolling back the clock for me.

Thank you!!!


Dear DAVE,

I used a rebounder bought at a yard sale for a few years before taking the plunge. It had several things on it that made me think that it may have been an old Cellerciser – but no logo. The big difference was the mat. No pronation on the Cellerciser and a nice smooth bounce. Glad I decided to spend the $$.


Dear DAVE,

Received my Cellerciser on Thursday, (the first day of my expected delivery date range!) and was rebounding that night. Since I’ve been rebounding on a bungee-based model for the last three years, my body is already used to the movement. The problem was, I’d been trying to do David’s exercises on it the whole time without the same springy energy on the return or matt tension which is a comfortable flexible firmness! I rebound barefoot and my feet love it! It is hard to describe! I do NOT feel my brain hitting my skull like with my first spring-based model. I LOVE the Cellerciser. I had hit a plateau as far as weight loss was concerned. My Scales moved on Saturday!! I feel like things are flowing again. In a good way. I love that I can jog on this and do all of David’s exercises effectively. The matt surface is actually bigger than my bungee model. I just feel more going on in my body than with the other rebounder. NO pronating going on, either. I do FEEL, in my body, after I’ve done my 10 minutes that I am DONE for the day and can mark exercise off of my list. I have not heard even one squeak on it either, and it’s been 6 days thus far, and I’ve been giving it a workout. I have been super-productive at work, too! Mental clarity, spring in my step, completing task after task, super organized. And sleeping really well! If this is just after 6 days, I can’t wait to see what another 30 does for me! I took before pictures and measurements, too! Will post an updated review when I have measurable results that are visible to the eye. I was afraid I’d be sorry to have spent $$ on another rebounder when I already had one, but I am SO glad I did. On the bungee based model, trying to jog was exhausting and unfulfilling. This just feels good! It is the newest model with the black carry bag, etc. I’ll keep the other one for bouncing-only in another room, but for my main workout space and allotted exercise time, the Cellerciser is the one!!


Dear DAVE,

It’s me Wanda (from MO). Wanted to let you know that the Cellerciser has been a great way to workout (I’m 55) and my daughter (who is a 400m Sprinter in High School). We use it daily. Don’t have to make an effort to drive to the gym 3x a week. My daughter Dayna has used it more than I have. It keeps her legs nice and strong and she’s able to stay in shape when the weather is “crappy” or during the off season. I recently saw my son (16-year-old football player) bouncing on it – he has noticed that his sister and I get a great workout and the workout can be more challenging than it looks. He thought the jumping Up & Down was super easy.

I originally owned a Bellicon – I had to stop using the Bellicon because my ankles would hurt after jumping on it – didn’t realize that while jumping on the Bellicon my ankles (particularly my left ankle) would pronate. Unfortunately, I ended up at the Podiatrist office because my left ankle was swollen and painful. Had to wear a brace on my foot just to walk the dog for months. The podiatrist sent me to physical therapy to strengthen my ankles. FINALLY, I no longer have to wear the brace.

Because I enjoyed the results of jumping, I continued to do my research. That’s when I decided to try The Cellerciser and have been a fan ever since. It’s been about a year since I’ve owned mine and it is one for the best purchases I’ve ever made. Love it! Love it!

This is one SATISFIED CUSTOMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


When you invest in a Cellerciser®, you become part of the Cellercise® family. We are available 9-5 M-F (mst) or by email at to answer your questions & to share the best exercises toward your fitness objectives.