These customers have had a tremendous experience using Cellercise®. Their stories are incredible. Hear them below. When you’re finished, you can go back and read even more reviews about how Cellercise® has improved our customers’ lives in other ways.
I am a Registered Nurse with FMS and CFS and have been quite sick for the past 1-2 years. I was in so much pain that I was taking morphine. My life was vanishing from my very eyes on a daily basis. All I could do was go to work and come home and go to bed. I am single so I have to work, although I have had to continually cut back my hours.
With the assistance of my doctor, Christine Staub, I decided to go off all my medications cold turkey and start over. She suggested the Cellercise® and had one in her office. She had to help me get on and off it because I was so weak and unsteady. I could barely bounce on it but started off with 1 minute 3-5 times per day. I did that for about 2 weeks before I was able to bounce a little harder. I am still off all medications and am gradually increasing my time and effort on the Cellercise®. The level of pain I was experiencing on a scale of 1-1 O was about 15. I was in agony. Now the pain level is between 0-3. There are some other things I am doing as well, but I believe the Cellercise® is playing a major role in my recovery. I give the ultimate credit to God.
I would like to be able to talk to the Fibromyalgia group here in town, but they do not allow any products to be mentioned. I am still planning on talking with them about a generic subject and hand out business cards. That way if anyone is interested in hearing more, they can call me. I’ve already had 2 of my friends order one for general health and well-being. I am excited about my continued improvement and thank you for all your efforts.
When you invest in a Cellerciser®, you become part of the Cellercise® family. We are available 9-5 M-F (mst) or by email at [email protected] to answer your questions & to share the best exercises toward your fitness objectives.