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Fitness Performance

These customers have had a tremendous experience using Cellercise®. Their stories are incredible. Hear them below. When you’re finished, you can go back and read even more reviews about how Cellercise® has improved our customers’ lives in other ways.


Dear DAVE,

Weight up!

I love my Cellerciser!!!

My last visit to the Doctor was so good she kept saying “what did you do?” Well I told her!!! Cellerciser!

I just did a 20 mile Walk for Hunger in Boston this Sunday.. I am pain free.. I feel like a bionic woman, I am 55 years old I do not walk I did not “train” but because I bounce 30 minutes a day the walk was a piece of cake.

Thanks Dave,


Dear DAVE,

I never would’ve thought just bouncing would give me muscle strength, but the proof is in the pudding, so to speak… Just less than three months ago, I could only do 2 (from the knee) pushups without collapsing. Now, just from using my Cellerciser at least 10-20 min./day, for the last two months, I did 40 (from the knee) pushups last night before giving out Quite an improvement, I’d say I haven’t had the nerve to try full body pushups yet, but will try soon. I’m sure I won’t be able to do nearly as much as the front the-knee pushups, but, still going from 2 to 40 in less than three months is a major improvement! I always try to do that quad exercise on the Cellerciser (where you quickly go from one leg to the other, with knees bent) and I can definitely see some quad definition at this time also!

Previously, I had trouble sticking with exercise for years as I thought I “had” to work out for 45 min- an hour each time, and that always seemed a hard goal to reach. But, knowing that I only need to do 10 min/day makes it so much more doable. No matter how tired I am at the end of the day, I can always manage to do 10 min. of bounding and oftentimes do 15-20 min. just because it feels so good and I don’t want to quit!


Dear DAVE,

I’m writing to thank you for introducing me to rebounding. I play competitive tournament tennis, and consider myself in very good shape, but since doing your exercises have gained strength (about 5 pounds of additional muscle in my legs) and increased flexibility in my two months of rebounding.

At the Health Expo, I saw you stand on one leg while stretching the other leg forward and then lowering your butt to your ankle and then standing up. I tried repeating your example and couldn’t come close. Now I can do it.

I’m sure this improvement in balance, strength and flexibility has many other benefits. Thank you for sharing this valuable information with the public.

Best wishes for your success.


Dear DAVE,

At my suggestion, Carol gave me permission to cut and paste these words to you, from her notes that she will hand out at her meeting on April 5. She is expecting 35 people. I wish I could go, so that I could be your roving reporter, but I will do the best I can of site.

Cellerciser — This easy to use piece exercise equipment is for those who are out of condition or can only do only minimal movement or exercise, such as those with arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, or any type of chronic pain or condition. It can easily be used by seniors as well. Those lucky souls who are in good condition, but who want to become even more fit with an easy, fun and extremely low impact program that works every part of the body with minimal effort.

BEST QUALITY: For a Cellerciser, contact: Dave Hall at the Center for Cellular Health: or by phone: 800-856-4863. Ask for Dave Hall and tell him you are affiliated with Carol book project. This is the top of the line half-fold (portable) rebounder available on the market today and is a height quality product.

It prevents injury and gives you an effective but easy-to-do exercise program with minimal impact to joints. Especially good for those with joint problems, chronic pain, recovering from injuries, or those with chronic illness who are out of condition.

Cellerciser -A wonderful woman (That’s me; I mean That’s I!) who participated in this book raved about a product I thought I was familiar with years ago, but I wasn’t aware of how much it had been improved on over the years, and especially geared for those with chronic conditions, chronic pain, or who are out of condition for a variety of reasons, including chronic illness.

Didn’t think you would hear from me for a while, did you?

God bless your day,


Dear DAVE,

I want to let you know what a blessing the Cellerciser has been to me.

The first time I did it all I could do was let my own weight “baby bounce”. Within 3-4 minutes of “baby bouncing” I was able to actually lift my feet to push off for higher bounces. That same time of exercising I was even able to bend and lift my knees to do some jogging. I wasn’t able to jog very long or lift my knees very high, but it was a great improvement from the start. The days I miss Cellercising I have less energy and more pain. I have even struggled with health issues for the last 20 years and the Cellerciser has given me the best results of all the physical therapies I have tried. My husband and I have shared our success with our family from the ages of 23 to 85 and they are now receiving the same blessings we enjoy form the Cellerciser. Thank you for all of the work you have put into bringing us the very best physical therapy available anywhere. Your sincerity, integrity, and excellent service are most welcome and appreciated.


Dear DAVE,

We talked by phone on 5-6-05. Purchased a Cellerciser by Dave Hall 12-10-04 and used it every day until May 24,2005. Weight 01-01-05,240 Ib….03-22-05,231 Ib….05-10-05,235 lb. I Cellercise between 10 to 20 min per day.

Benefits of Cellercising.

Improvement of the bowels.
Pain right side like kidneys. Gone.
Improvement of back pain.
Improvement urination flow.
Body shape changing.
Successful 1″ attempt to draw Blood for lab work. Usually 2 or 3 attempts Height 6 ft I in. height gained 1 inch.
Sleeping better.
Do not fall asleep while driving. On Sunday May 24,2005 took a 600 mile trip without Cellerciser. Did very well staying awake until returning May 28,2005,

Diagnosed as having sleep apnea since 1993.1 have fallen asleep many, many times while driving since 1952. Only driven off the road once and have never been in a accident from Sleep Apnea. Wake up scared.


Now playing tennis and pitching horseshoes without Back Pain. See attached sheet.


Dear DAVE,

I hope you are well. In some ways my Cellerciser journey began over 45 years ago when my Aunt was with a company that sold rebounders and she gave me one. I used it for a while, and enjoyed it, but I was young and “macho”, so I eventually gave it up for miles of running, other excessive types of training, and crash dieting. I carried this regiment on through the years and I now have an artificial hip, and two artificial knees. I am not complaining …. I thank the Lord for good Doctors, and the technology, that allows me not to be a total cripple. I retired from teaching and coaching a few years ago (42 year career) and I realized I had given more concern to my athletes and students than myself. Almost a year ago I finally had that moment where I had a very serious conversation with the man in the mirror. I had a physical. I weighed 411 pounds. My A 1 c was almost 10. My blood Pressure was 170/95. My Cholesterol was through the roof as well. I was taking medication for all of these things already and my physician wanted me to take more including adding shots of insulin. I simply said I was not going to do that and that I would take care of the problem. Actually, that was not that bright, but I was finally fed up. I would not recommend anyone do that, but I knew myself, and my problem has never been not knowing what to do, but rather simply doing it. That evening I went home, and I prayed that the Lord would give me strength to proceed and be with me as I went. The next day, I began doing it. I started slowly. I made the decision that initially I would set a goal of working out four times per week. I could work out more days, but the baseline was four. I figured that if I said I was doing it every day I was setting myself up to fail because sometimes cares of life get in the way. The first day I did fifteen easy minutes on a treadmill and fifteen easy minutes on a bike. The next day I did that again and added a few rounds of 3-5 exercises with light weights I have at home and a TRX. I would do the walking and riding at least four times a week and on at least two of those days I would add the other exercises. I also tried to cut down on sugar and other “bad” carbs, but I did not just deny myself everything. I would also sauna 3-4 times per week. I did all of this for a month and was under 400 pounds and feeling better. I was ready to work a bit harder, so I alternated days of biking and walking with two of my biking days including some intervals and one of my walks being a longer one. I started going to our local club and began a reasonable lifting program twice a week. I began some bouts of intermittent fasting and watch my carbs a bit closer. I was feeling better and better. I also added one thing, a Rebounder. I still had the one my Aunt gave me stored in my garage. Each day after my workout I would bounce (not all that hard) for 5-10 minutes and I found that it made me recover better. I also began revisiting the benefits of rebounding and I discovered your material on YouTube. As I watched, and studied, I decided that a Cellerciser would be much better than the unit I had. I noticed that the suggested maximum weight for the Cellerciser was 350 pounds so I kept working with the goal of getting to the point where I could use the Cellerciser. Finally, when I got to September, I was near 350 pounds and I ordered a Cellerciser. When it came the unit was even better than I imagined. I started using it after my workouts, but then I decided I would get on it every morning, and so I began playing on the Cellerciser for 5-10 minutes every morning. It only took a few sessions before I was looking forward to getting on the unit each morning because I felt so good after I did it. If I felt stiff when I got out of bed the Cellerciser took care of that. I can tell you that I have done a lot of physical things over the years that have damaged my body and I have a lot of orthopedic issues, but 100% of the time when I get off the Cellerciser I feel better, even when I hit it hard. Since I received the Cellerciser I have continued to work out. I have replaced one walking session with Cellerciser and added another Cellerciser session. These are in addition to my morning ritual. I am now down to 300 pounds and maintaining that while I am stuck in the house due to Covid-19. I am on the Cellerciser every day. It not only helps me physically, but the mental benefits are huge. I plan to let my body lose some more weight once this lock-in is over. Right before the lockdown I had a Doctor’s appointment. My A 1 c is at 5.2, my cholesterol and other blood markers are all excellent, and my blood pressure has been in the 120/75 range for 2-3 months now. The benefits I have gotten from rebounding, and a healthier lifestyle, are simply phenomenal. If I was still coaching, I would have several Cellercisers in my wrestling room for warm-up, recovery, and conditioning as well as for training around injuries. I have worked with a lot of young athletes and one group that I think would benefit immensely from the Cellerciser is the female athlete. They have an inordinate number of ACL tears and I think working on the Cellerciser would strengthen the muscular and ligamental structure of their knees in ways that traditional weight training cannot touch. If I could go back in time, I would base my fitness program on rebounding which is what I am moving towards as I approach my post work life. Cellerciser has helped me get healthy. You have helped me as well Dave. I have watched your YouTube videos and, learned a great deal from you. Plus, the motivation you provide in your presentations is priceless. Thanks for your help. I am so sorry this was so long. There is actually much more because God has really transformed me, and blessed me, along the way in this journey … but another time maybe. By the way, I am 63 years old.




When you invest in a Cellerciser®, you become part of the Cellercise® family. We are available 9-5 M-F (mst) or by email at to answer your questions & to share the best exercises toward your fitness objectives.