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These customers have had a tremendous experience using Cellercise®. Their stories are incredible. Hear them below. When you’re finished, you can go back and read even more reviews about how Cellercise® has improved our customers’ lives in other ways.


Dear DAVE,

Since I first started having pain in my hip over 4 years ago, I have been in fear of the increasing pain and lack of mobility. I was sure I would never be able to run, wrestle, bike … with my kids again. After the tumor was diagnosed and then removed last January, (along with 80% of my Gluteus Medius muscle and parts of the gluteus minimus, maximus, and piriformis) I was sure I would not be able to do all the things-a young mother should be able to.

I just wanted to thank you for the Cellercise® tramp. My sister was able to bring it to me here in AZ early in June and “it could not have come at a better time. I had finished my physical therapy in the office (I could walk without a limp) and was on my own. The lunges and squats I had been doing were causing pain and inflammation in my knees and I was having a hard time getting to the gym as often as required. I was beginning to feel stiff and sore all over again and the thought of a life of daily physical therapy was dragging me down. I just wanted to have my life back free of pain.

I have been using the Cellercise® (not as consistently as I should) with wonderful results. I only have to spend a few min and it makes all the difference. On days that I do not I am stiff and my hip drags, but even 5 min in the morning loosens and strengthens enough to get me though the day, and I don’t have any of the knee or ankle pain that I was battling with the weights at the gym. But, the most important thing, is that I can do it at home – no finding babysitters – which is a must with a military husband that is often called away for periods of time!!! We have just moved to a home on the Army Post this month and so now I have a place to keep it out all the time and I am able to spend a few min several times a day.

I am so grateful for your kindness in sending this. It really has given me my life back. I know that as I continue to use it, I will be able to keep up with my kids throughout. their life and perhaps keep me out of a wheelchair as I get old! I have hope of continuing to do the things I so enjoyed before tumor and surgery like biking, backpacking, and dancing with my husband!


Dear DAVE,

July 25, 2007

My name is Anne. My Father is Bob. Since I first starting having pain in my hip over 4 years ago I have been in fear of the increasing pain and lack of mobility. I was sure I would never be able to run, wrestle, bike… with my kids again. After the tumor was diagnosed and then removed last January, (along with 80% of my Gluteus Medius muscle and parts of the gluteus minimus, maximus, and periformous) I was sure I would not be able to do all the things a young mother should be able to.

I just wanted to thank you for the cellercise tramp. My sister was able to bring it to me here in AZ early in June audit could not have come at a better time. I had finished my physical therapy in the office (I could walk without a limp) and was on my own. The lunges and squats I had been doing were causing pain and inflammation in my knees and I was having a hard time getting to the gym as often as required. I was beginning to feel stiff and sore all over again and the thought of a life of daily physical therapy was dragging me down. I just wanted to have my life back free of pain.

I have been using the cellercise (not as consistently as I should) with wonderful results. I only have to spend a few min and it makes all the difference. On days that I do not I am stiff and my hip drags, but even 5 min in the morning loosens and strengthens enough to get me though the day, and I don’t have any of the knee or ankle pain that I was battling with the weights at the gym. But, the most important thing, is that I can do it at home -no finding babysitters – which is a must with a military husband that is often called away for periods of time!!! We have just moved to a home on the Army Post this month and so now I have a place to keep it out all the time and I am able to spend a few min several times a day.

I am so grateful for your kindness in sending me this. It really has given me my life back. I know that as I continue to use it I will be able to keep up with my kids throughout _ their life and perhaps keep me out of a wheelchair as I get old! I have hope of continuing to do the things I so enjoyed before tumor and surgery like biking, backpacking, and dancing with my husband!

Thank you!


Dear DAVE,

Thanks so much for the conversation Dave, last Friday 6th Dec (your Thursday). I feel much more confident & inspired knowing that I am heading in the right direction. The primary reason for getting the Cellerciser (which arrived, 5-6 weeks ago, on 1st Nov) was to improve my bone density due to osteoporosis which has reached a critical stage (BMD -4.19) resulting in frequent and numerous spinal fractures, pronounced kyphosis and forward head posture. I started off super steady for the first 4-5 weeks and cannot believe the improvement, especially in the last week or so!!! Still got a long way to go and will post updates along the way to share. But … the big surprise is my husband!! As a result of a spinal operation years ago, the bone had calcified and pinched the nerve that feeds his calf muscle, which sadly, as a result, is wasting away. He is not able to put his whole weight on that leg and has a strong limp. However, he started gentle bouncing for a minute or two each morning and has progressed to a point where he can ‘jog’ on the spot, lifting his knees up high. He can also do the side rock (which coincidentally relieved an imbalance in his hips just a couple of days ago before it got to the point of needing to visit the chiropractor). Also, his feet are sitting flatter on the floor when he walks. He is probably up to about 3 mins or more and starting to add the odd session to his day now & then. This has been an added bonus to getting the Cellerciser which we are certain is the best ever thing we have ever done for our health. I would like to make special mention of a Cellerciser member, Lina who encouraged me to purchase the Cellerciser. Lina & I are both on a healing journey and we met through a mutual health-based website and have become close friends. I live in Australia and Lina lives on the other side of the world, divine intervention at work in the best possible way. Feeling so grateful & blessed!


Dear DAVE,

If I could only have one piece of exercise equipment, hands down it would be the Cellerciser.

I have been a Doctor of Chiropractic for almost 40 years and have been in the Health and Fitness field most of my life. I initially started using mini trampolines many years ago but after wearing out three of them I did some research and found the Cellerciser. What a revelation!

Nothing like the “Big 5” versions, foldable, pliant and well made. I have had mine approximately 10 years and just recently needed to replace the mat.

I taught high impact aerobics in my 20s and developed a degenerative hip. The low impact exercise with the Cellerciser was ideal and also the perfect rehab equipment after recovering from a hip replacement seven years ago. I have recommended the Cellerciser to family, friends and patients for many years. All have been happy with their purchase. Get a Cellerciser, you’ll be happy you did.


Dear DAVE,

When I received my Cellercise® I began using it, as you suggested, for just a few minutes a day. I experienced immediate reduction of pain in my hips. Over the following five days, I rejoiced in a complete cessation of that pain, as I bounced for just a few minutes each day. Dave, this is so wonderful for me because, for years now, I could only get temporary relief from that recurring pain by taking dangerous pain killers. Now my Cellercise® helps my body eliminate the toxins at the root of the disorder through that gentle pumping motion you’ve mentioned.

My friends listen in amazement as I tell them that my spiritual life is improving right along with my physical health, because my cells are becoming better transmitters and receivers of God’s Love.

May God richly bless you for this gift you’re sharing with the world!


Dear DAVE,

At my last chiropractor visit, as she was checking my hip alignment, she asked “What do you do?!” I thought she was going to say there was something wrong. She said no, your hips and pelvis are in great shape/alignment! I told her I use a Cellerciser/ rebounder. When I was at the chiropractor a few months ago a different chiropractor was adjusting me and she said “Wow, you’re flexible! Do you do yoga?” Nope, sure don’t. But I use the Cellerciser.


Dear DAVE,

I want to say I think Cellercising has fixed my right hip! It started hurting last Fall so much, I was nearly in tears. Had an awful time sleeping because of it. But I’ve noticed that since I got my Cellerciser in late April (happy birthday to me), I’m not having pain! I’ll say this … the pain wasn’t as bad as it was last fall, but I was still having pain when I went to bed most nights. Now? I’m not! THANKS, Dave!!! By the way, I see an excellent chiropractor every 7 weeks & have for the past 16 ½ yrs. He knows the benefits of rebounding and l went to another natural health doctor Saturday, he said I have improved greatly across the board and don’t even need to come back to see him for 2 months this time. It’s always been monthly for check-ups since my mastectomy in November, that doctor too, recommends rebounding. He inherited a chair-style rebounder from his chiropractor dad when his dad died.


Dear DAVE,

I purchased my Cellerciser last year in March and started using it until August 2020 when I had my knee replaced. I had to stop using it while I went through physical therapy. During this time, I had developed both hip and back pain while walking. I am 69 years old and when I went for my 6 months follow up I asked the surgeon if I could start using my Cellerciser again and he said yes. Well after 1 week on starting my workout both my back and hip pain are totally gone. It’s just amazing to me. The Cellerciser truly works. I look forward in working myself back up to where I started before my operation. Thank you, Dave, for all your help with your incredible product and videos on how to become more physically fit and happy.


When you invest in a Cellerciser®, you become part of the Cellercise® family. We are available 9-5 M-F (mst) or by email at to answer your questions & to share the best exercises toward your fitness objectives.