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These customers have had a tremendous experience using Cellercise®. Their stories are incredible. Hear them below. When you’re finished, you can go back and read even more reviews about how Cellercise® has improved our customers’ lives in other ways.


Dear DAVE,

I wanted to write to let you know what a miracle your Cellerciser has been for me. For the past couple of years, I have had leg and knee pain that has gotten worse over time. By March of 2020 my leg was aching so much I could no longer drive or walk more than a block or so.

I went to several doctors over the past year getting MRls, CT scans, and even switched medical plans to see if the new doctor could help. After spending over $2000 the only answer was physical therapy at $40 per visit and drugs. I am not on any drugs and did not want to start now, especially since there was no cause found other than a bit of Osteoarthritis.

At this point I was helping a renter (I have an Airbnb) and noticed a mini trampoline set up in the bedroom. The renter told me all about the Cellerciser she has been using for over 7 years and even brought it with her on vacation – it helped her back problems so much. She saw my pain and loaned it to me. After just 3 days, I felt better, and I decided to invest in one and purchased a Cellerciser for myself.

I received it and started with a simple 5 to 10 minute routine each day and watched many of your YouTube videos. After only 2 months, my leg went from 7 to 1 o pain level to a o to 3. I was so amazed! I able to drive and go for walks once again after at least a year of not being able to without pain.

This week it will be 5 months and my leg is no longer hurting. I believe in this so much I signed up for your affiliate program and am recommending to everyone. After seeing the change in me, 3 of my friends have also purchased.

At 62 I even began to wakeboard this summer for the first time (see photo). I just want to thank you so much for giving my life back. I’m now stronger than I have been in at least 10 years. From not being able to walk without pain to wakeboarding with NO PAIN! THANK YOU!! Now I’m off to Jump for Joy on my Cellerciser!


Dear DAVE,

The Cellercise® has literally changed me. I have only been using it for 11 days and I can feel and see a change in my energy, posture, clarity, in my thought process, my abs, thighs … I could go on and on, but you get the point.

P.S. I only recently went from 2 minutes a day to 6 minutes a day! This is like no other and a must have investment in YOU!


Dear DAVE,

Thanks so much for the conversation Dave, last Friday 6th Dec (your Thursday). I feel much more confident & inspired knowing that I am heading in the right direction. The primary reason for getting the Cellerciser (which arrived, 5-6 weeks ago, on 1st Nov) was to improve my bone density due to osteoporosis which has reached a critical stage (BMD -4.19) resulting in frequent and numerous spinal fractures, pronounced kyphosis and forward head posture. I started off super steady for the first 4-5 weeks and cannot believe the improvement, especially in the last week or so!!! Still got a long way to go and will post updates along the way to share. But … the big surprise is my husband!! As a result of a spinal operation years ago, the bone had calcified and pinched the nerve that feeds his calf muscle, which sadly, as a result, is wasting away. He is not able to put his whole weight on that leg and has a strong limp. However, he started gentle bouncing for a minute or two each morning and has progressed to a point where he can ‘jog’ on the spot, lifting his knees up high. He can also do the side rock (which coincidentally relieved an imbalance in his hips just a couple of days ago before it got to the point of needing to visit the chiropractor). Also, his feet are sitting flatter on the floor when he walks. He is probably up to about 3 mins or more and starting to add the odd session to his day now & then. This has been an added bonus to getting the Cellerciser which we are certain is the best ever thing we have ever done for our health. I would like to make special mention of a Cellerciser member, Lina who encouraged me to purchase the Cellerciser. Lina & I are both on a healing journey and we met through a mutual health-based website and have become close friends. I live in Australia and Lina lives on the other side of the world, divine intervention at work in the best possible way. Feeling so grateful & blessed!


Dear DAVE,

I have to tell you my little story. Went to San Diego. Packed the worst shoes ever to walk in. The jarring impacting of walking all over the place in less than desirable shoes left my calves a mess. I couldn’t walk without excruciating pain. When I got back, I health bounced for 5 minutes and went to work. What a blessing??!! Hardly any pain. Thank you, Dave, for your masterpiece.


Dear DAVE,

I just want to say I’m so happy with my Cellerciser. I was starting to have numbness and tingling in my legs all the time. They would fall asleep and I was worried about my circulation. I got the Cellerciser and have been using it for two weeks. I’m glad to say that the numbness and tingling has gone away!!! My legs are feeling so much better. Hopefully by continuing to use it I can get rid of cellulite. I’ll let you know!


Dear DAVE,

I got my trifold. No complaints from hubby, so I do another method called block therapy. Basically, it’s a piece of cedar wood and you can lay on any part of your body, face, head etc. It helps with fascia. had been bringing out an old injury after I blocked my knees. My whole left leg just hurt in different places. I strained it years ago with weights. So, I’ve been blocking my feet leg calves. What I find interesting is I’m using the Cellerciser which David Hall has said will bring out weaknesses, imbalances. And it did more so in the same leg so I turned down my time on it to 5-10 min instead of 20. Did some stretching for the legs. Did some bounce for both legs. Took it easy. Just the inner part of my knee and ankle are a bit sore. Same old injury working itself out. I did 5 min today watching my feet shifting back on my heels. Got off and the knee feels like it’s getting stronger and less painful now. Very interesting to see this old injury heal up. I’m finding both methods to be very complimentary. Loving it!


Dear DAVE,

Has anyone else experienced this? From my car accident I have one side of my body smaller than the other. My medical team says it’s atrophied from my head injury, the weird part is, today’s checkup when I get mostly my leg measured to make sure it’s not getting worse, I now have equal balance and measurements on both sides of my body. I was handing out information right and left about the Cellerciser website lol because we are all stunned at the results.


Dear DAVE,

I wanted to wait until I have been using the Cellerciser for at least 4 weeks before writing a testimonial even though it was absolutely love at first bounce, and I continue to be amazed and so in love with this wonderful piece of equipment!

I have to back up just a bit to give you the complete story on how my life has changed since becoming a daily Cellerciser. My neighbor was getting rid of their mini trampoline when my 6-year-old son and I discovered it curbside waiting to be picked up by the garbage collectors. We checked it out and tossed it in the car and brought it home. We both got on and my 4-year-old son took his turn as well. We thought it was a lot of fun!

I started researching on YouTube different mini trampoline workouts, and I soon discovered you, David, and your Cellerciser. I’m a stay at home mom, so one of my jobs is to find ways to save the family money, so it took me a few videos and many testimonials to be convinced that the Cellerciser was different than any other mini trampoline out there.

While we were waiting for our Cellerciser to arrive, my kids and I continued to bounce on our other trampoline. My back was continuously getting sore after the workouts, and my kids were starting to lose interest in bouncing on the trampoline. I started to get nervous and thought, oh no what if the trampoline is just not a good exercise for me and my kids will get bored of it.

Then, it arrived! I quickly set up the Cellerciser, and I jumped on. I immediately knew that this was something that I had not experienced before. The bounce felt so smooth, and my entire body, from my hair to my toes, leapt into action! I never wanted to get off of it! My kids and I fought and still fight over who gets to get on it and for how long, so much so that we may just have to get a second one!

The results are amazing! As I said, I’ve been working out (or playing in!) on the Cellerciser for 4 weeks now, and I honestly never expected the dramatic results that I have gotten.

I am 48 years old and a mother to 2 young boys. My husband works a lot, so I must gather up enough energy to keep up with the two of them all day every day! I’ve always tried to stay in shape by running a little and working out at home with free weights and resistance bands whenever I could, but I was exhausted by 8 pm every night, and during the day I did not have the energy that I had when I was younger. I would tell my boys that I used to be able to do this and that and that I used to be fast and strong. I saw the younger moms running with their kids and doing all kinds of activities with them, and I felt badly for my kids, because I felt like I couldn’t keep up with them the way I wished I could.

Well, the Cellerciser has changed all of that for me, and my kids are struggling to keep up with me now! My body composition has changed. I wear shorts above my knees again, something I hadn’t done in more than a decade, because I felt like I had saggy legs. I ran an alumni/parent event at my son’s running club meet. I was the oldest runner in the field by 10 years, and I placed 6th overall and I was the second female finisher. My kids were cheering me on and told me after the race that they have such a cool, and fast mom! That made my entire year!

I feel so healthy and fit and youthful. I feel like the person I wished I could be again, and in some ways, I am even better than my younger me. I love to Cellercise every day for a few times per day. I do David’s 10-minute workout once per day, and I let my body tell me what to do a couple of more times per d y. The Cellerciser is an amazing stress reliever and mood elevator. My body feels so alive after Cellercising. I could not live without it anymore! My kids love it and continue to jump on it daily. They turn on music and jump and smile and have a great time!

Thank you for making such a safe, effective and exceptional piece of equipment that has changed my life and the lives of many others. I can tell that you love helping people, and you have truly helped me and my family. Thank you for warmly welcoming us to the Cellerciser family!


Dear DAVE,

It took me a couple of days to get back on the rebounder after reading the article you sent after listening to my doctor family and friends not to get on it, because it was probably what caused the problem in the first place. I decided not to listen to them and believe in trusting you and the article after being in pain that was now flowing down into my legs for the past two weeks. I decided to get on it and just do a five-minute bounce, within 30 seconds I was feeling amazing relief. The second day got up and did another five minutes which led into ten (because I love being on it). I was amazed that at the end of my day my back was pain free and my legs felt stronger. I want to thank you again for getting back to me and sending the article I was truly at a loss of what to do. Thanks to you I have another great story for telling people why they need to add rebounding to their lives. It’s the best!


Dear DAVE,

I had ACL/meniscus repair surgery in 2017. After surgery, my old trampoline caused a lot of pain in my knee. I got rid of it and invested in my Cellerciser. I’m pain free, my knee (and whole body for that matter), is stronger. My knee is pain free when I’m on my Cellerciser. I was recently asked to jump on a regular rebounder, it was terrible! It was instantly painful on my knee. Confirmed for me that my Cellerciser is definitely superior!


Dear DAVE,

I wanted to know how to join your community. I bought my Cellerciser and had to wait for it to be delivered 6 weeks out and I was so eager to get started. I found your original workout with an avatar and have been doing that program the second week out. Initially I found one on YouTube for women over 50. I started with that workout and honestly within a few sessions I could see my legs begin to tone up. I was sold on your product after watching many of your videos. You struck me as being very honest and real and even though I was tempted to buy a less expensive rebounder I knew that yours would be of superior quality. What sold me the most was that your feet would not pronate. That made so much sense to me, especially since I have back issues and dealing with some nerve damage and neuropathy.

So, as you know there are so many claims in marketing it’s hard to believe everything that is being told to you. One part of me was wanting all your claims the Cellerciser could do and the other part of me said “too good to be true” But it all made sense to me and I was looking to be able to continue to exercise well into my 80’s and beyond. I am 71 now and, in the past, I swam laps for over 36 years, consistently. Unfortunately, I tore my supraspinatus in my shoulder and the pain stopped my swimming. In my 40 and 50 I was a pretty avid runner and have always loved moving my body. At 69 I entered a bikini competition and got into competitive shape and actually was the only one in my age group. I didn’t know it at the time, I thought I would be competing with others my age. So, I competed with the 50’s and held my own.

So needless to say, I have been active and health conscious for many years. But I am not a fool when it comes to wear and tear and that is why I felt that I was going to give your Cellerciser a try. I am so excited with the results so far and honestly, I started on September 7th the day after its arrival. Today it is October the 11th and I am just so impressed with the progress I have made in such a short period of time. I found an easy video of yours online of beginning “how to” and then your original work out with the avatar. That is a great work out for me so far but would like to know about the community that you speak of. I can’t seem to find the community; I did sign up for your newsletter today it may be there and just didn’t know it.

Needless to say, I am telling others how wonderful the Cellerciser is and my husband has remarked on seeing a difference in my body too. I was doing some functional movements and weightlifting but have concerns about stressing my tear and of course my back. So, I have alternated somewhat but you’re winning the race. I have cut back on the weightlifting and giving your plan more time. How easy is 12 minutes a day to feel and see such a rapid improvement!

Also, I would like to mention how Impressed I am with you as a “good person” I could tell that it just comes across even online, that was another reason I was willing to take the chance. It was a money investment for me, but I can tell you that I am glad that I made that decision. I look forward to getting on and I bounce in the morning when I wake up and before I go to bed most nights. I have stretched and use a Melt Roller in addition to your workout, but I have noticed I am not as tight as I was in the morning when I stretch and roll.

I know that you appreciate feedback and the gentleman I originally spoke with and ordered with is a good man as well. It truly comes across that you have your hearts in the right place. It is so nice to know that people like you are in the market for the right reasons and everything you have said can be experienced in a short period of time. Also, I have to say I am not easily impressed with many things and my expectations for my fitness levels are high. That is why I wanted you to know that I am happy with the progress I have seen in a very short period of time. Thank you for being who you are. This is what will let me keep on moving and staying healthy it is a big part of my lifestyle. Much appreciated.



Dear DAVE,

Thanks so much for putting my mind at ease about my sore legs. It will be 3 weeks tomorrow since I received my Cellercise®/Miracle Machine! I beat pancreatic cancer 17 years ago with No chemo, No radiation, No surgery, No drugs. I fasted 38 days at a private clinic outside Cleveland, Ohio. I totally made changes to my diet because= you grew it once & if you don’t make changes you will grow it again. I am now what is called Whole Food Plant Based, salt, oil & sugar free; by the National Health Association. I have the eating part down to a science but was totally void of the exercise part … until you!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have not missed a day since “Celly” got here. I could only do about 15 to 20 reps of each, of your 14 part program. AND the lean back or lean forward ones …. I was really thinking you were crazy but NOW! I can’t remember why I was having such a hard time with those two, but I am up to 70 reps on all 12 with 2 minutes on the baby bounce at the beginning & end. I have lost 11 pounds & 7 3/4.” My legs are very sore but as long as I know I am not hurting myself I am not stopping.

Thank-You sooooo very much for sharing this with the world and Thank-You so much for being so access-able. I can’t wait to write you in 3 months!

My Gratitude, Prayers, & PAPA’S Abundant Blessings on you and yours and what you are sharing.


Hi Dave,

I’ve attached this to my previous letter to refresh your memory as to who I am. I could not wait for 3 months to contact you again. By the way my leg pain is totally gone … just like you and Jerry said it would.

It was 6 weeks last Tuesday 5/21/19. I have now lost 18 pounds and 14 inches in just 6 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am up to 90 reps for each of the 14 exercises and do 3 sets of 60 for each leg and 3 sets of 90 for the stomach of the 3 exercises your wife showed for women. I am sooooooooo in love with my “Celly !!!! ” I probably should be selling these for you. I have lost count of the number of people I have shared my results with that have ordered one. I have friends that went cheap in spite of my telling them why not to and they told me today they just packaged it up and are sending it back because they were bottoming out on it. Keep blessing people Dave with this “Fountain-of-Youth-Blessing,”


Dear DAVE,

I was reading your list of benefits of rebounding and I have a few of my own that I would like to add. Or question you about.

I’ve been rebounding regularly for the past 7 or 8 weeks since I lost my job due to covid-19. Because I’m housebound and spend a lot of time on the computer I make it a point to bounce every hour even if it’s just for 2 minutes … sometimes it’s 5 minutes but it’s not a lot. I’m a woman in my 60’s and I deal with a lot of aches and pains.

What I’ve noticed since I started bouncing regularly is two main things:

  1. I no longer have Charlie horses in my legs/and or feet on a nightly basis – sometimes so debilitating that I want to cry.
  2. I no longer suffer from plantar fasciitis. It always hurt the most when my feet would first hit the floor in the morning.

Dear DAVE,

I want to tell you how much the Cellercise has helped my overall health. I don’t think I would be able to walk without making it my daily routine. I had poor circulation in my legs to where it was forming brown spots on the lower part of my legs. The brown spots went away, and it has put circulation back in my legs to where I can walk normally again. I also can literally feel the circulation up in my head when I get to the last 5 minutes of my exercises. I exercise 15 minutes in the morning after I wake up and 15 minutes before I go to bed at night. Without that, I literally would not be able to function. It has also helped me with my a fib and also opening up my lungs to where I can breathe better.

I HATE to exercise and when my brother brought his Cellercise to the house to exercise, I figured, I COULD DO THAT.

The rest is history LOL!



Dear DAVE,

This is my Cellerciser story. I am a Ph.D. clinical psychologist and I have a clinic near Ann Arbor, Michigan which specializes in chronic and health psychology and I have been working in this field for over 25 years. I lecture around the state and country regarding chronic pain and the opiate epidemic and I am very interested in the mind body connection.

Approximately 10 years ago I purchased a Cellerciser. I loved it. I was doing it every day. I have flat feet, so it is difficult for me to run and do aerobic exercise besides swimming. I was able to do this in the comfort of my home and my kids also loved the Cellerciser. I eventually purchased a kangaroo spring type shoe approximately five years ago. I thought it would be similar to the Cellerciser, a portable spring in my shoe, and I started running all around the area around my house and very shortly I severely damaged my ankle and I thought I was unable to jump on the trampoline. I was told by doctors that I needed to rest my ankle. I spent thousands to try to treat my ankle. I was seen by a physiatrist, acupuncturist, massage therapist, acupressure practitioner, chiropractor, kinesiologist, nutritionist. All of these treatments did provide some improvement, but I still have chronic pain and it severely limited by ability to enjoy travel and walking.

Eventually, two months ago, I was so frustrated seeing my kids jump on the trampoline and I was not able to jump on the trampoline and I was so jealous I decided I could not take it anymore. My ankle is not healing, and I was just going to jump very gently. I noticed after I had jumped that my ankle felt more energized. As I continued to jump over several days, I noticed the pain moving from one part of the ankle to a different part of the ankle, to the knee and eventually after 6 weeks all of my pain in my ankle completely left me.

Now it has been two months since I started jumping on the trampoline and I have forgotten I had an ankle injury that lasted over s years. In addition, I noticed as I jumped my mood improves after I jump, and I feel some of the same spiritual energy I feel when I meditate when I jump. I notice my mid back pain has improved. I also think my vision has improved.

I write with my hands constantly, I write reports all day long for 20 years and I have started to develop arthritis in my hands and since I started jumping, I do not know the mechanism but all of the arthritis symptoms in my hands are now gone. My hands are pain free. I feel born again. I am very grateful for your Cellerciser. Thank you for inventing it and I really appreciate the personal touch I experience whenever I call Cellerciser. I either speak to you or another gentleman and they try to be as free as possible to educate me about the Cellerciser.

Thank you.


Dear DAVE,

I have had lymphedema in my left leg since the 1970’s. Tests showed extensive sclerosis and obstruction of the upper leg lymphatics. In the 70’s, I had three surgeries that included subcutaneous excision of my calf and thigh. These surgeries were unsuccessful in improving the lymph drainage. For over 20 years I wore my compression stockings, elevated my leg at night, and unsuccessfully sought help from various doctors. In the early 2000’s I started researching rebounding for my lymphatic system and found out about the Cellerciser. I purchased one and it has made a big difference in reducing swelling in my left leg. I do the exercises that you have on your videos, while wearing my compression stocking. In the morning and evening, I also do two exercises while sitting on the Cellerciser, without my compression stocking on. The first one I do is bicycles, while bouncing. I lean back and hold onto the Cellerciser bar and keep my legs parallel to the floor. The second exercise that I do while sitting on the Cellerciser, is to keep my legs as vertical as possible and pump my ankles up and down while bouncing. Using the Cellerciser has reduced the pain and swelling in my leg. Because researchers have found that the buildup of lymph fluid is actually an inflammatory response within the tissue of the skin and not just a pumping problem in the lymphatic system, I adhere to a whole food plant based diet that includes many anti-inflammatory foods. I believe that using my Cellerciser and eating healthy, has enabled my leg to look and feel the best that it has since it started swelling decades ago. The first photo was taken in 1978. Notice how swollen my ankle was. The second photo was from the 1980’s, and the last photo is current.

Thank you, Dave, for all that you do!


Dear DAVE,

Thank you so much for coming to Paradise Valley SDA Church in Phoenix, Arizona to speak with Paul Volk the weekend of March 1. It was so nice to meet you in person, and I know my husband, Luke, really received a special blessing from talking with you after the meeting. I’ve been concentrating my Cellercising on my thighs with that exercise you showed us Monday night. I can feel the cottage cheese disappearing already!

The Lord is mightily using you and we thank you for all your hard work and sacrifice to get the message of health out.



Dear DAVE,

I’ve been Cellercising since Nov 2018 and my legs have literally transformed!! The cellulite is almost all gone, my calves, thighs and hamstrings have awesome muscle definition and I’ve lost 81 lbs. My knees used to hurt, and I struggled to stand up from a chair and now, WOW, not one bit of pain or struggle! I actually have biceps and triceps, a much smaller stomach, and glutes and all I use is my Cellerciser. I recently started hiking, but the radical change is only from the Cellerciser. Stay consistent and you will see the results too! I have no doubt that it helps the bones too but haven’t studied it out for myself. I’m thrilled at the results!!


Dear DAVE,

If you can, definitely go ahead and purchase the balance bar with your unit, the increased benefit and options provided far outweigh the cost OR the additional cost of deciding at a later date (*cough* me) to purchase one separately.

I have a painful hip and a painful knee (opposite legs- I assume one was a result of accommodating the other), in any case. I can do this, I’ve been doing it for over a month now, I’ve noticed improvement on all joints.

I have noticed as I got older that my bum was “slipping down the back of my legs” lol.

The other day while over at my daughters, she asked if I was wearing any sort of girdle type thing over my hips and bottom, I laughed and said no why do you ask? She said because it looks like you’ve had a butt lift!!!

Unbeknownst to her, that made my day! I haven’t lost a lot of weight (6 pounds) but what I have noticed is an all over tightening,

My neck, my bat wings, definitely my legs, and oddly (to me) there is a rounding to my shoulders, more definition.

I am a research junkie, so when I decided to go this route, I researched the equipment, the data but more importantly, I researched the man/woman behind these companies, if you are here, then you know all of the above earns 5 star results when it comes to Dave Hall and The Cellerciser. Life is busy and complicated and sometimes messy, all of which will benefit from giving yourself 10 minutes a day. You deserve that. So do the people who love you and want you enjoying life in optimum quality and quantity.

Thank you, Dave and staff, for your exemplary commitment to making a lasting positive impact.

All the best wished for you always


Dear DAVE,

I had a knee scrapping (broken cartilage pieces around my kneecap) removed and shaved to smooth. So, after recuperating, my workouts had to change. I was a lover of Insanity by Shaun T. Lots of jumping. But the Dr. said not for me. No running either. So, I research the best way for me to cross train without the hard impact on my knee. I watched a YouTube video on how good of a cardio workout you can get from a mini trampoline. So, I bought one for $50 at Walmart. Big mistake. I had such a hard time assembling it(bands), I gave up and went back to YouTube. I found a review of David Hall’s Rebounder. Yes, an appropriate name for an adult tramp. When I heard how important it was to use a quality tramp, so you do not hurt yourself, mainly your back, I looked at the piece of crap I bought in Walmart and immediately returned it. Though I found the Cellerciser a little pricey, in good faith, I trust the creator of this great product and the quality in it. I love this thing. It’s mine. I don’t allow the grand kids to use it so they understand it’s my toy. The benefits are incredible. I feel tightness in my core. I love feeling light on my feet. And my greatest achievement is the 291 cholesterol is now 229. That’s why I need the cardio aspect. No damage to my knee. Yay!!! I’ll never stop.

Thank you David Hall and God Bless You and Yours,


When you invest in a Cellerciser®, you become part of the Cellercise® family. We are available 9-5 M-F (mst) or by email at to answer your questions & to share the best exercises toward your fitness objectives.