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These customers have had a tremendous experience using Cellercise®. Their stories are incredible. Hear them below. When you’re finished, you can go back and read even more reviews about how Cellercise® has improved our customers’ lives in other ways.


Dear DAVE,

Thank you for doing what you do! This is the first time I’ve been able to do a cardio workout pain-free!!


Dear DAVE,

March 10, 1998

I want to take a few minutes-to share with you what I think about your rebounder and the great addition it has been to my life.

I have Chronic Active Hepatitis C. The way that it effects me is that I battle with fatigue and joint/muscle pain on a daily basis. It was very difficult for me to exercise. I loved walking but it took its tole on my joints and seemed to increase my fatigue. Also, it was impossible for me to do during inclement weather, which, in Missouri is often. When I heard about the rebounder it seemed to be too good to be true. Exercise, easy on joints and better than walking. I had to see this.

In December I gave myself a rebounder for Christmas and 1 was off and jumping. Now for the results so far. As I was hitting midlife I felt like everything was drooping, heading south so to speak instead of north. When I started jumping my muscles started firming and now everything is once again heading north. The exercise is gentle and does not fatigue me. In fact, it seems to really aid in circulation, giving me more energy. I was bothered with what felt like congestion in my liver area and now I can jump a short, gentle period and this congestion even clears.

It truly has been a great addition to my life. My entire family, husband, 13 year old son, and my mother have now started jumping too. My mother, at (oops, guess I better not tell her age) over 80 liked mine so well that she purchased one for herself.

Thank you David for the time you took to explain the rebounder to me and to help me get started ‘jumping for life’.


Dear DAVE,

Rebounding is such a great exercise! I have been using my Cellerciser for 6 weeks, and I notice my body is getting noticeably more toned. I am 57 and I am feeling really good! I look much younger than my years say, and rebounding is helping out with my cause! I hope to have a beach body by summer – I might just reach my goal!


Dear DAVE,

This past September I was completely migraine free and to this date have had no tremors from September to November, I failed to exercise a total of 8 days. There was four mornings I have had mild migraines, all relived by Cellercising.

Some of the other great benefits of Cellercising have been: no asthma attacks, dramatic weight loss, increased muscle mass, and strength, and compliments that I receive from others, saying “How much better I look”.

I must say, that I have a life now! I still have strength to grow and am looking forward to the day when I will have even more energy. I’m confident that will happen.

Another big step since Cellercising: I’m driving again, something I haven’t been able to do for four years. I just praise the Lord for the opportunity he has given me to listen to your presentation, to actually have a Cellerciser in my home, and for the idea and determination he gave me to get on it for the first time with a migraine.

The enthusiasm for Cellercising and the joy of living pain free, has led me to keep my eyes and ears open for any opportunity that I may have to share with others having physical problems. That is because I’ve had such a wonderful, unexpected, and exciting gift given to me! I want everyone to experience the gift of being pain free, living a life without migraines, and other physical ailments.

Since having such great results physically, I also feel so much better mentally. First, I give thanks to the Lord and thank him for you, your work Dave, and your development of the Cellerciser! How much pleasure and satisfaction you must receive from your work!

Thank you so much. The Cellerciser has given me a new lease on life.

Yours Truly


Dear DAVE,

Look what came in the mail today! Already had my first workout on it and all I can say is WOW!!! I found out about Dave and the Cellerciser family in November of 2020 and started pouring through the videos to become familiar with the moves and Dave’s ideology. What an amazing person! I had gotten a cheap rebounder for Christmas and I started Cellercising that day. Since then, I have been rebounding every day. After about 6 weeks, I started having problems with the cheap rebounder. I didn’t want anything to stop my workouts, so I made the Investment in the trifold. The old adage, “you get what you pay for”, sure holds true in this case. Rebounding on a Cellerciser is like night and day compared to my previous rebounder. The bounce is more firm and I felt more of a workout in all my muscles, especially in my calves and abs. My suggestion to anyone who has purchased a cheaper rebounder Is to buy a Cellerciser when you can. The difference is phenomenal!!!

Thank you, Dave Hall, and all of you for your support and kindness! I am now an official part of the Cellerciser family! Feeling blessed.


Dear DAVE,

I never would’ve thought just bouncing would give me muscle strength, but the proof is in the pudding, so to speak… Just less than three months ago, I could only do 2 (from the knee) pushups without collapsing. Now, just from using my Cellerciser at least 10-20 min./day, for the last two months, I did 40 (from the knee) pushups last night before giving out Quite an improvement, I’d say I haven’t had the nerve to try full body pushups yet, but will try soon. I’m sure I won’t be able to do nearly as much as the front the-knee pushups, but, still going from 2 to 40 in less than three months is a major improvement! I always try to do that quad exercise on the Cellerciser (where you quickly go from one leg to the other, with knees bent) and I can definitely see some quad definition at this time also!

Previously, I had trouble sticking with exercise for years as I thought I “had” to work out for 45 min- an hour each time, and that always seemed a hard goal to reach. But, knowing that I only need to do 10 min/day makes it so much more doable. No matter how tired I am at the end of the day, I can always manage to do 10 min. of bounding and oftentimes do 15-20 min. just because it feels so good and I don’t want to quit!


Dear DAVE,

Oh my gosh! l I can’t praise your Cellerciser enough! l I’m 56 and have tried so many different pieces of exercise equipment and nothing comes close to how I feel after doing a Cellerciser session! I run 2-4+ miles every day, but I feel that I get even more out of a 20 minute session on your Cellerciser. When my girlfriend told me about hers, money was tight for us, so went to a local Sports Store and bought a mini trampoline. It was just awful. It hurt to use it and I actually injured myself on it. I just couldn’t understand how my girlfriend praised her Cellerciser so so much. I gave the mini to the grandkids.

Now with the real Cellerciser (it sure is NOT at all like any other rebounder!) I see what an incredible difference the real thing makes.

This is just wonderful -1 use muscles that running doesn’t employ and feel so much stronger in just 20 minutes rather than my usual 1/2 hour to an hour run.

Plus, I really love the fact that I can use it right here in my home and don’t have to go to the track.

If you have any hesitation about getting the Cellerciser, honestly, put them aside and get it. It’s the absolute best exercise equipment that I’ve ever owned!

Thanks so much for creating this superb exerciser, Dave keep up the good work!



Dear DAVE,

Being both overweight and out of shape, I was looking for a way to turn both issues around. I have a quality treadmill but have never been able to keep with it due to pain in my feet, knees or back, so I was looking for an alternative. The Cellercise® is all they say it is. I started 6 weeks ago at less than 5 minutes a day and am now up to 20 minutes daily. I have had no injuries from rebounding but did break my pinky toe when not on the rebounder and I was able to find positions to work out on the rebounder in a matter of days even though I was still walking with a limp.

I’ve seen the benefit of better skin tone, less facial wrinkles, better cardio (I doubled the mileage I was able to walk the dog in less than 2 weeks on the rebounder) and increased muscle. I have suffered from plantar fasciitis for years and have found that rebounding barefoot has strengthened my feet and I do not have any symptoms anymore. I am no longer stiff when I get out of bed in the morning and get up walking like I did 15 years ago.

I did not start watching calories until the last 3 weeks and though my clothes fit better prior to that, I don’t believe I lost any weight those first weeks. Now that I am watching calories as well, I am consistently losing 2 or more pounds a week without starving.

We put the Cellercise® in the family room so that we can use it while watching TV. While I am the biggest user of this, both my teenage daughters and husband will use it.


Dear DAVE,

Cellercise is my best friend!!! The only workout until the rest of my life!!!!! I ADORE IT. So many benefits and muscles are getting stronger!!


Dear DAVE,

I figured it out, bought the app and am bouncing and Cellercising with it already.

It’s fantastic to have such company. My sessions fly by now and I am just SO pregnant with big expectations.

– Already the Cellerciser has fixed my knee problem (from using a cheaper model originally)

-Controlled a slight bladder leaking

-Strengthened my legs so I can now do things I wasn’t able to before

-Is clearing my skin because people say I look 50 not 63

-And given me an all-round light and fit feeling that I’ve wanted and tried getting other ways, for years without success.

I left it alone for nearly 2 weeks at one stage and BOY did I start to feel the difference. I got back into it quick smart and went back to feeling great within two workouts (although a little sore in muscles again).

There is no doubt in my mind God has led me to the greatest invention for getting the body into tip top shape all round.

The app is now my closest friend and we are getting along fantastically. I love the variations in music and as I said, I fly through a routine and am finished before I know it.

May God continue to Bless you and your desire to see us in better health Dave.

Thank you for your acceptance to His call and I’m so happy that He brought you through to the other side of your own health issues back then.

All the best to everyone in my Cellerciser family also!

Never buy a cheaper re-bounder. It will set you back in months of pain, but if you have, the Cellerciser can gently fix it.



Dear DAVE,

I have been using my Cellerciser since October, started really slowly. I use it for a few minutes every day. Everything is changing! I’m losing weight, getting some definition in my muscle tone, my lung capacity has improved, my skin is brighter and firmer. I’m almost 64 and get compliments every day! I’m even jogging now on my Cellerciser. Best thing I’ve done for myself in a really long time.


Dear DAVE,

I hope this email finds you well! It has definitely been a challenging year for everyone and SUCH a great time to rebound and work out from home.

I wanted to let you know that I have had SO much fun experimenting with different workouts on the Cellerciser. Since I last sent you my HIIT workout (which you so kindly added to your app (what an honor, by the way!), I have been creating some focused workouts for my patients (mostly women) to address the woman’s body and common trouble spots.

My newest HIIT video on YouTube includes a simple format: Warmup: three-minute warmup (one-minute health bounce, one minute hip rock, one-minute gentle twist.

– 30 seconds of lung strengthening

– 30 seconds rest (health bounce)

– 30 seconds sprint in place

– 30 seconds rest (hip rock)

– 30 seconds Jamba run

– 30 seconds. rest (gentle twist)

– 30 seconds front kick

– 30 seconds rest (health bounce)

– 30 seconds back kick

– 30 seconds rest (hip rock)

REPEAT THE ABOVE 5 WORK/REST CYCLES ONE MORE TIME (for a total of 10 minutes not including warmup and cooldown)

Cooldown: two minutes (any combination of the warmup or rest moves)

Another update:

Of course, we know that the Cellerciser will address every muscle group in the body (and that is one of the many reasons I love it). And as always, I direct folks to your DVD and your excellent moves to address targeted toning on the Cellerciser. In addition, in my experimentation, I have found that focusing on intrinsic muscle groups with very small movements and adding the gentle bounce has amplified the desired toning effects exactly where my patients (and I) want it. I have taken some moves common to barre, Lotte Berk, Callanetics, Pilates, etc. Each movement adds stress to the targeted intrinsic muscle group using a very small pulse. This pulse or small movement is then magnified even further using a gentle bounce on the Cellerciser. I call this method Transform 24 because I was able to transform these trouble areas in 24 workouts. It was tempting to call the workouts 11 CellerciseHER11; but that’s for you to steal (HA! HA!).

Quite frankly, I am not sure there is anyone out there using the power of the Cellerciser to amplify micromovements to focus on the female physique; but I am seeing great results with my weight loss patients and on a personal note, my body has never been in better shape.

I have included the HIIT video and the whole-body workout

“TRANSFORM 2411 for your reference. While I certainly do not have the extended knowledge, experience, and coordination that you have with rebounding, I wanted to create something for my patients who want amazing toning effects in their “trouble areas” all while working from home. The Cellerciser has met the challenge well! In your limited time, if you wish to review these videos, I wanted to share the links

with you (given Cellercise is my muse;-) ).

Here is the playlist (including the introduction to Transform 24 and my nod to Cellerciser):

I have also created a cellulite-specific video for female patients that also includes the Cellerciser as part of the overall treatment plan:

There are a couple of other videos (“How I Boost My Immune System” or “My Best Fitness Tip at 45”) where the Cellerciser is the solution to common concerns. At the end of the day, I cannot see myself addressing either my patients’ health concerns, weight management, or my YouTube followers’ lifestyle needs, without the Cellerciser. I LOVE mentioning –and directing people to–your website, ALL THE TIME. What a pleasure to be able to creatively challenge others to improve their health with just ONE piece of equipment.

Thank you so much for everything you do to inspire health professionals!

I can’t wait to share more updates …

P.S. My first rebounding video {and the first video I created) is now at 115K views. I am small potatoes, but this video is proof that folks really want to know more about rebounding!


Dear DAVE,

By Dr. Morton
Dr. Morton has long been an advocate of the benefits achieved from Cellercise®. He has been our customer and friend for many years. He states the following:

1. It increases the capacity for respiration
2. It circulates more oxygen to the tissues
3. It establishes a better equilibrium between the oxygen required by the tissues and the oxygen made available.
4. It causes muscles to perform work in moving fluids through the body to lighten the heart’s load.
5. It tends to reduce the height to which the arterial pressures rise during exertion.
6. It lessens the time during which blood pressure remains below normal after severe activity.
7. It holds off the incidence of cardiovascular disease.
8. It increases the functional activity of the red bone marrow in the production of red blood cells.
9. It aids lymphatic circulation, as well as the flow in the veins of the circulatory system.
10. It encourages collateral circulation.
11. It strengthens the heart and any other muscle being used in the body so that they work more efficiently.
12. It allows the resting heart to beat less often.
13. It lowers elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
14. It stimulates the metabolism.
15. It promotes body growth and repair.
16. It tones up the glandular system, especially the thyroid to increase its output.
17. It adds to the alkaline reserve of the body which may be of significance in an emergency requiring prolonged effort.
18. It chemically attains absolute potential of the cells.
19. It reserves bodily strength and physical efficiency.
20. It expands the body’s capacity for fuel storage and endurance.
21. It improves coordination through the transmission of nerve impulses and responsiveness of the muscle fibers.
22. It affords muscular vigor from increased muscle fiber tone.
23. It offers relief from neck and back pains, headaches, and other pain caused by lack of exercise.
24. It enhances digestion and elimination processes.
25. It allows for better and easier relaxation and sleep.
26. It results in a better mental performance, with keener learning processes.
27. It curtails fatigue and menstrual discomfort for women.
28. It minimizes the numbers of colds, allergies, digestive disturbances, and abdominal problems.
29. It tends to slow down aging.
30. It reduces the likelihood of obesity.


Dear DAVE,

I received my Cellercise® 8 days ago and I have been using it every day mostly twice a day! Being a high level martial artist for 30 + years, I have pretty much tried every form of exercise, from running, jump rope, swimming, calisthenics, pull ups dips, biking, stair master, stretching, weight training and using the Cellercise® has surpassed all of them in my humble opinion! In 8 days! I feel energized, happier, more flexible, abs and legs are firmer! Almost all advertised products rarely deliver on their hype! This one actually goes far and above what I expected!! Much respect to all of you! P.S. The staff is fantastic!!!


Dear DAVE,

I was watching the live broadcast tonight, as I wasn’t able to get on the live one, and when you were discussing the building muscle and showed a live example, it reminded me of Charles Atlas and his exercise system he developed in the 50’s. He never used weights or any other thing to gain his incredible physique and strength.

He called his movement and system, “Dynamic Tension”. I remember it from when my older brother bought Charles Atlas system in the early 60’s and for some reason that name stuck with me. I did find his course online a long time ago and had forgotten about it until recently when you showed your exercise.

Here is a screenshot of his one page showing the “dynamic tension” that you describe.

Can you imagine what he would look like if he had your Cellerciser? LOL

Thanks again for a quality product.


Dear DAVE,

I saw your mini trampoline device at a trade show in New York City ten years ago. As a tired Olympian, I took a look at your physique and stayed for the demo, then bought 6! In 2001, I met my fiancé, whose skin around her stomach had begun to crinkle through “normal” aging. After cellercising for 20 minutes 4 times a week, I can tell you that her stomach’s skin and muscles are that of a twenty-year-old!!!


Dear DAVE,

This part of my journey I started in May 2016 when I chose to live. I was turning 55 in October of that year and knew if I did not change some things I would not be around as long as I wanted to be. So, I changed my diet, and started running! I could only run for about 30 seconds and then I’d have to walk. I was 60 pounds heavier than I am now! In May of 2017 I did my first SK. One month later I did my first 70.3 Half lronman Triathlon. Did my second SK in July and my first marathon in October. Then I found out about the Cellerciser® … so before I did my next event in May of 20181 was using the Cellerciser®. It has been a game changer for me! ” In 2018 I did 10 events several of which I place first in my age group. In 2019 I did about 12 events and got first place in many of my age groups. Also, in 2019 I did my first 103 mile ultramarathon and finished in qualifying time! 2020 was a tough year as a lot of events were cancelled but I did very well in the ones I competed in! In 2020 I have done very well this year and just finished my fifth 70.3 Half lronman distance triathlon. I came in first place in my age group! The end of September I do my first full lronman Triathlon … looking forward to it! ????. Many people are totally amazed that I am able to finish those distances and do not have the time to exercise like most people. My 30 minutes every morning workout {Pia yin] on my Cellerciser® is 98% of what I do. Working as a truck driver 14 hours a day (70-hour week) makes it pretty hard to be able to do any other exercise so thank you so very much. I really appreciate having this to help keep me being able to do the things I want to do.

Now that I am turning 60 in October, this is awesome, I feel better now than I did when I was in my thirties … May the Lord bless each one of you in this wonderful Cellercise® family!

*Grace has completed several additional races since the writing of this letter. 144.6 mile race: 116 miles on a bike, 2.4 miles on a swim, and 26.2 miles running .. all within the 17 hour limit. She is an inspiration and help to so many others and has a heart of gold. Thanks for being a part of the Cellercise® family Grace!


Dear DAVE,

Just bought Cellercise® from you 3 weeks ago. I was diagnosed with Chronic fatigue Syndrome many years ago and used fascia and energy work to pull me out of it but could never regain my strength and knew something was missing. Muscles always hurt after exercise, felt awful. In 3 weeks with Cellercise® my body has changed dramatically, and I have used it every day without relapse. Bags under eyes gone, fat ratio decreasing, noticeably more toned, more energy and zip in my step. Breath and mood increased. Got one from Big5 at first and it hurt my knees, felt jolting. What a difference when I got the Cellercise®! I study fascia! release and everything you say aligns. Thank you!!


Dear DAVE,

We wanted to share with you how wonderful the Cellerciser has been for our family.

Our whole family of seven uses the Cellerciser almost every day. Our four older children have been delighted with the muscle and strength they have gained from it.

We have a story to share with you about our fifth child. Melody, who has Trisomy 18 (an extra copy of the 18th chromosome). About 90%- of babies with Trisomy 18 do not make it out of the womb alive. If they survive the time in the womb, 50% die in the first week. Of those only 5-10% make it to a year. Little Melody is six years old. Her health is very good other than her propensity to get colds lately. We are working on her development diligently. Children with full Trisomy 16 have severe developmental delays. Melody does not walk a talk in words. Yet. I can definitely say Melody is doing far better than she should be, given her condition.

A couple of years ago we bought a Cellerciser with her in mind. Back then she did not have the strength to stand up or the height to hold the bar. Occasionally we would lay her on the Cellerciser and jump her or help her stand and jump her, but nothing consistent

About a month ago I was listening to you talk about how someone could be in a wheelchair, put their feet on the Cellerciser, and have someone else jump. You noted how beneficial that could be. We decided to try Melody on there again. We realized that she is now tall enough to hold the bar.

The results have been amazing. Just in one month she is stronger and has better balance. Trisomy 18 children tend to be very weak. Melody now has definition in her muscles! It is impacting her development in countless other areas. She is making more connections cognitively, as well.

Melody has a website. In our latest post we talked about how beneficial the Cellerciser has been for her. I thought I would share it with you. The link is below.

The main reason Melody does not walk is because of a lack of balance. She has the pattern of walking in her brain. and she has the strength to do it, just not the balance. We have seen that the Cellerciser has helped her with that some. We are hoping it will continue to do so to the point of her being able to walk on her own. I have never come across a full Trisomy 18 child who walks independently. We have hope that Melody could potentially do that if you have any suggestions for us beyond what we are already doing (having her stand on the Cellerciser with the help of the bar as well as lying her down on her back and bouncing) please let us know.

We are immensely grateful for you and for the Cellerciser.

Thank you


Dear DAVE,

I did weights for YEARS and never saw results like these in my muscle tone

I saw it said in his group to trust the Cellerciser process and that’s exactly what I did. That’s what I’ll continue to do because I see my body getting stronger every day before my eyes.

My goal isn’t weight loss and I’m not dieting/ following any particular diet. My only goal was to have FUN, feel GOOD, be HAPPY, and to get STRONG. That’s it.


Dear DAVE,


Dear DAVE,

I am a Cellercise user since August 12th. Have been Cellercising 1 day short of one month and I am super excited about the improvements in the way I feel, the strength, the stamina, energy levels, better posture, less aches and pains, better mood, etc.

I am very excited also on what is to come because I am still going slow and giving it time for the whole body to adjust and strengthen.

I have a quick question? Is there a YouTube video or a video that shows Dave’s full routine? I have been doing some simple moves for 5-6 minutes in the morning and then 1 O minutes in the afternoon. It would be great to get the whole 10-12 minutes that Dave follows.

We all want to look like him!!!

Thank you,



Been Cellercising for 80 days straight. 5 mins in the am and 1O in the PM.

I’m noticing more definition on my legs for sure. My neck and my shoulders too, I’m even noticing more muscularity and vascularity on my forearms.

Feel more agile and the skin feels tighter. My goal is to get to 6 months non­stop in order to experience the max benefits. Looking forward to it.


Dear DAVE,

It’s the videos you folks post. It’s done the job of getting my bum off my chair and on the Cellerciser. I’ve only been doing the health bounce for the last week (because my balance is still not quite there) but I am noticing HUGE gains for a 63-year-old who mostly sits around the house. I used to have trouble going up and down the stairs to do laundry. (Blew out one knee years ago.) Now I am bouncing (bah ha!) down the stairs. There’s an improvement to small muscle movement, too. Just ordinary things like bending over to load the dishwasher is no longer a (“creak”, “snap”, “pop”) tiresome ordeal. This is pretty amazing. I seriously love you, my new tribe.


Dear DAVE,

I cannot thank you enough for teaching me, through your DVDs, about Cellercising. My husband very graciously agreed to buy one for me when he saw how enthusiastic I was about what I had learned on your DVDs. I have been very limited in the amount of exercise I do on a daily basis, due to an injury I sustained to my foot about 17 years ago. At that time, I trod on a very large rusty nail and, while the injury healed, years later that area of my foot became very sore, often swelled and was so inflexible that I could not kneel with any comfort and bend it back. My worst difficulty was that any form of exercise involving my foot caused it to ache and often swell. Hence, I very rarely exercised and was terribly unfit I work in an office job full time and have suffered terribly with back and shoulder problems. I continually go to a bowen therapist/ chiropractor to help keep my aching back in alignment. I knew my problem was weak muscles but did not know what to do about it.

The idea that originally interested me in the Cellerciser was that I could exercise and not hurt my foot. It worked. I have had some pain, but it is improving at a rapid rate, so much so that it is ever so much more flexible than it was, and it does not hurt to use it on the Cellerciser at all.

The thing that has completely blown me away though is that when I commenced, I asked my husband to take a couple of photos of me in my bathing suit so that I could see the improvement in my physical appearance. Then last night, approx. 1 month after commencing, I again asked him to take a photo and see if I could see any improvement. Imagine my amazement to discover that in profile in the first photo I was standing leaning slightly forward – I had no idea I was doing it or that it was not normal until I compared it to the one taken last night when I am standing up straight. Then lo add to my delight, I looked at my back in the mirror this morning and noticed my spine had changed. When I was a teenager I was diagnosed with kyphosis [curvature of the spine outward]. This is similar to scoliosis only the spine curves outward so that it was very visible through my skin [in the small of my back]. This morning I discovered that it has, unbelievably, straightened, or at least it appeared like that to me. It does not appear to protrude at all but while

I can still feel that it is curved and not yet normal the change is truly amazing. I thought Cellercising would help with my fitness, muscle development, toning and balance, but I had no idea it would help to straighten my spine or cause me to stand up straighter.

So, thank you a thousand times.

Many thanks and God bless you in the work of sharing your knowledge of health.

Kind Regards,


Dear DAVE,

I’m a trainer/writer, other than walking and the Cellerciser, I lead a sedentary lifestyle. I haven’t been able to exercise due to injuries -left upper-arm amputation (1973), sprained left hip, right shoulder dislocation plus nagging back injuries from being rear-ended and having four vertebrae ripped lose from my mid-upper back bone in 1988. My condition at this time: weight 197 lbs. -age 67 -out of shape – dinged all over.

Cellerciser arrived Friday 21st of March 2008 -assembled and started – I actually watched the DVD and read the instructions – but did overdo it a bit to start.

Saturday March 22nd muscles felt a little sore, colon flush and VIBE machine treatment. My mantra while -bouncing is “Age 30, perfect DNA.”

Sunday March 23rd all four sides for before pictures – juicing -fruits and vegetables.

Monday March 24th ordered my Dad (93 years old with stroke and back problems) a Cellerciser. Bouncing multiple times per day -building up stamina and reducing recovery time daily.

Friday March 28th also walked four miles.

Monday 31st first 10-minute continuous bouncing -felt good -noticed the spider veins look like they’re reducing down.

Tuesday April 1st morning 12-minute bouncing exercises followed by a short walk, I noticed that my chronic back pain was not hurting.

Friday April 4th two weeks of Cellercising and my muscles are tightening-up all over my body. My stamina is increasing, and my recovery time based on how winded I am and how long it takes to regain my normal breathing rate is decreasing. I bounced using different exercises three times at least 10 minutes each time.

Friday April 11th doing two to three bouncing sessions of to 10 to 15 minutes and walking.

Saturday April 12th – weight 192 I have lost 5 pounds and one inch on my waist, muscle tone is getting better I feel better all over. I’m building up muscle quick and the fat will be coming off fast now. The four-year-old hip and shoulder injuries are healing fast.

Friday April 18th week four complete. Doing two to three bouncing sessions of to 10 to 15 minutes and walking. Any fat on my legs is gone -they are solid when I flex. Most of the fat layer is gone from my butt. I have six-pack abs under the layer of belly fat. The skin on my face is smoothing out and there is a noticeable reduction of fat on my face -still some but going away fast. I “feel” better all over. I did a five-mile walk, by accident, and was not tired afterwards.

Friday April 25th -week five complete. Ordered Barney (a friend with a serious balance problem) a Cellerciser on Thursday it will be drop-shipped to arrive on Monday. OK this is significant, the muscles in my stump are starting to tone-up. A left-upper-arm amputee for over 35 years and now the stump muscles are toning-up, WOW! The only “exercise” the stump muscles could possibly get would be isometrics, if I was doing them, I’m not. Spider veins are disappearing, and it looks like the “droopy” eye lids are going away. It’s hard to tell, but the age spots seem to also be lightening up on my forehead.

My Personal Fitness Goal is: Stronger, more stamina, faster recovery, improved balance, weight back to 160 + 5 lbs.

My Long-term Goal: is age-reversal to full maturity 30-years-old with: perfect DNA/RNA, perfect healing, perfect regeneration, perfect shape and perfect wellness till I decide it’s time to leave this plane of existence.

How I will know I have reached my Fitness Goa/: I was a SCUBA Instructor Trainer for over 20 years and had to retire in 2003, too out-of-shape and torn-up for diving. My goal is to make multiple dives on multiple days from the breakwater at Avalon on Catalina Island, California. This means I have to be able to walk up and down a 45-degree boulder-slope, enter and exit through surf while wearing over 80 pounds of dive gear. This will be possible by October 15th, 2008 or sooner. More Under Water adventures await-Yea!

I’ll be putting up an article about Cellercising on my website and pictures at each major phase (each 10-pound drop in weight) of my “re-engineered” body. I’d love to be the “poster boy” for the Cellerciser. If a one-armed, injured, old geezer can benefit and do the age-reversal thing -so can anyone! A-HO! So Be It! Get Back, Here I Come, with my Brain-On and Soul-On Seminars.

There’s no way I can write or tell you how much this means to me. Thank you Harv and David – again the right thing at the right time – I love serendipity.

Lance “The One-Armed Bandit”


Dear DAVE,

We have purchased three units from you, but we find that the trifold is our favorite. The unit seems to have a gentler feel during the exercise and also it is so easy to manage, to fold, and to put away. We also prefer the size and the placement of the balance bar. Both of us believe that the Cellerciser regimen is strengthening our 75-year-old bodies. We are thankful that we found you guys and your product, and we plan on utilizing your system until the day we leave this earth.



We are sending you an update regarding our joining the Cellerciser family. (we have purchased 4 units for ourselves and other members of our family.) Last November at the age of 75 we started Cellercising and have observed several changes:

–              We have not had a cold or any kind of sickness since November of last year.

–              Our endurance has improved.

–              Varicose veins have diminished.

–              Hernia is just about healed.

–              Have noticed a general tightening of muscles.

–              After Cellercising a general improvement in mood.

There are probably other improvements taking place that we have yet to identify but look forward to observing. We are convinced that your product and program has hit a “sweet spot” in the physical fitness world. Where else can you eliminate expensive equipment, simplify your routine, save time, and enjoy the activity?  We also appreciate your commitment to amazing customer service and the willingness to take your valuable time to answer individual questions. Keep up the good work and may the Lord bless you, your family and your Cellerciser family.


Dear DAVE,

Hi Dave,

I want to share my experience with the Cellercise family. I was diagnosed with heart failure a couple of years ago. And I’ve been trying to get better naturally since. During a conversation with a friend on a radio program I heard a caller talking about the benefits of rebounding. It didn’t take me long to start a search 👀. Initially I tried Amazon and through haste bought a popular rebounder which was quite good –
However I came across Dave Hall and was hooked! I researched all I could including watching his old videotapes. Then I decided that I needed a Cellerciser to make a good go at getting better. So the rebounder I bought was returned! Anyway to cut a long story short
I’ve had the Cellerciser now around 6 weeks and noticing a difference-
1. I can climb 4 flights of stairs in my house – before I used a stair lifer halfway and dragged myself the other 2 flights.
2. My muscles are stronger.
3. I can Cellercise now for nearly 20 minutes straight- when I started I could only manage a few minutes.
4. I’m sleeping better and longer.
5. I want to do housework and little chores.
6. And amazingly my heart feels a lot better and I’m walking better.
7. I’m aiming on improving my heart and come off the medication and live a normal Cellerciser life! ☺️
Thank you Dave! For inventing Cellerciser and for being on the phone to offer advice and Pep talks! Absolutely marvelous and anyone out there with Heart Failure grab a Cellerciser and start bouncing.


Dear DAVE,

I cannot fully express my delight and amazement with the Cellercise®! Initially I looked at it with some skepticism but thought it would make an “interesting” piece for my television show – especially with Dave’s individual energy. I was not, however, expecting such a life-altering personal experience!

I have come from 215 lbs./24% fat to 180 lbs./13%, with visible loss of girth, but increase in lean muscle. The overall effects of both body image and lifestyle have been astounding. This all while recovering from a broken leg!

It has the effect of not only toning muscle but making one’s effects “worthwhile”. One naturally starts seeking out time to bounce and modifying diet easily and repeatedly. It also is by far the most “organic” of any of the machines I have tried, in that one can put as much into a session as one wishes, and even when tired, a few minutes of “maintenance” bouncing can be achieved with ease, yet the benefits are manifold.

With just a little consistency, this “device” has become a “friend” inasmuch as I take it on remote shoots, to hotels, etc., and cannot imagine life before, and certainly not without.

Thanks Dave, and all over there at Cellercise®.


Dear DAVE,

It’s been about 14 months since I bought the rebounder from you when you were in Austin at the Whole Life Expo. At that time, you told me that if I used l for 10 minutes a day for 60 days, I wouldn’t believe the difference.

Well, I can say that it didn’t take me 60 days to see an amazing difference in my body! I have worked out all my life since my early 20’s (I’m 46 now) and was in fairly good shape when I started bouncing. But after only 1 week, I began to see my body changing. I started to lose weight and muscles started to pop out all over. It has now been 4 months and I have lost 22 lbs. and my muscles have all become very defined.

I’m addicted to the trampoline and use it for 10-20 minutes each and every morning as soon as I wake up. Not only have I lost weight and become more defined, but my energy level has reached a new high. I no longer get tired in the afternoons and sleep much better at night.

I have people telling me how great I look and asking how I’ve done it. When I tell them, they say … “That’s all?” Yes, it’s hard to believe that in only 10 minutes a day you can change the way you look all over. I have stopped lifting weights and have cancelled my health club memberships. In all the years I went to the clubs, I never had the type of results I’ve seen from rebounding, nor as quickly.

I intend to keep bouncing the rest of my life.


Dear DAVE,


It has been miraculous the positive influence your trampoline has had on my body. I’ve faithfully bounced twice a day for the past 2 1/2 weeks and the benefits are starting to come.

I’ve spent thousands on supplements the past 15 years. I’ve tried every strength/Pilates/stretching routine available and nothing has worked like your tramp to help me get my joint and muscle health back!

Helen and I are sold on what you have created!





Dear DAVE,

Let me preface by saying that I have been doing daily push-ups since high school. I am now 47. Anytime I would skip doing push-ups for five days or more, I would lose a significant amount of muscle mass. That’s just how it’s always been.

I had used my Cellerciser probably 10-15 times after I first purchased it before I pinched a nerve in my neck. Subsequently, I wasn’t able to do any physical activity for three-and-a-half months. In fact, for the first ten nights, I slept on a chair, held in perfect position by pillows, not moving an inch all night.

I noticed, after a week, it seemed that I hadn’t lost any muscle mass, although I hadn’t done anything physical at all. At the end of my three-and-a-half months of no exercise, I had lost a moderate amount of muscle mass. It was probably the amount I would have lost after 5 days before my Cellerciser! Also remarkable was that I gained my muscle mass back very quickly when I resumed my push-ups and Cellercising.

This led me to another discovery. Normally, I would be sore the day after doing an 80 push-up set. I decided that I would try Cellercising after my push-ups. The next day, I noticed that I wasn’t sore. That night, I did two sets of push-ups with 5 minutes of Cellercising after each set. The next day, I experienced no soreness, and only felt stronger. My guess is that the Cellerciser was probably moving the lactic acid out of my muscles.

All I know is that I love my Cellerciser! I have used it every day for a year-and-a-half now. Every time I go out of town, it is opened up and ready to go in my hotel room. I feel great using it to start my morning, even if it’s only for 2-5 or 10 minutes. Every night, I am on it for 10-45 minutes, depending on how interesting the news is to me that night!

Thank you, David for an important addition to my health, physical condition, and quality of life.


Dear DAVE,

I have been using the Cellerciser consistently (3 -4 times per week) for only 3 weeks now but I have to tell you …. I am over the moon about how I am feeling and what I am seeing. My whole body is changing. I’m feeling muscles in my arms that haven’t been there in years. I also had a lot of saggy skin that was from earlier weight loss on my face and arms and that has greatly improved already!! And the way my brain feels right now at 56 is AMAZING. I feel so much better mentally and feel more alert and alive. You may remember my phone call a few weeks back about plantar fasciitis? I called because I had had so many issues with that during the last 20 years … and it started to bother me again when I first started using the Cellerciser which made me panic. I called and talked with you Dave, and you read me a few reviews on how bouncing has helped people with this problem, but I was still a bit skeptical to but it nicely. However, I loved the way bouncing made me feel so I kept Cellercising. Sometimes with my shoes on but mostly with bare feet at this point. Guess what? Plantar fasciitis is completely GONE! No signs of it and my feet feel better than they have since I was in my 20s. My sister Marie started this Cellercising revolution in my family a few months back and out of a family of seven …. Five of us have a Cellerciser and love it. We are working on the last two brothers and telling them it is so worth the investment. My brother Daniel came and bought one at your factory on his 70th birthday and is one of your biggest proponents. He came there to get a picture with Dave, but you weren’t in the office that day. Couldn’t be happier and will definitely continue to tell everyone about this amazing product. Every home should have one … it is rolling back the clock for me.

Thank you!!!


Dear DAVE,

It was good seeing you again at the NY Expo -as usual you look great -Well Dave, so do I thanks to you and 18 months (and counting) of rebounding-Chronologically, I’m over 50 yrs. of age, but, I look and feel like 25! Just 10 minutes a day (sometimes more) is all it

takes, and, it’s such great fun. I’m smooth, hard, and muscled and have the stamina of life! Thanks again Dave to a great guy and a great invention. I look forward to rebounding when I’m a hundred!

Warmest Regards


Dear DAVE,

Dear David,

I am truly amazed at what my Cellercise® has done for my body in the last 30 days-once I actually got motivated enough to use it daily. I added two 2-pound hand weights about 10 days ago for a little extra resistance, and I have experimented briefly with four 2- pound weights. My month-old size 10 jeans are “bagging” on me. Perhaps, I will be in a size 8 in another month. I am starting to see a hint of muscle definition in my arms. It is easy now for me to understand why you look the way you do after so many years of Cellercising! I imagine that there will come a day when I will have to limit myself to 10 minutes a day or I will become too thin, but in the meantime, I am usually Cellercising a minimum of 20 minutes a day-often double that. The time just flies by when I crank up the music. Watching my shape change daily, I can only imagine the positive changes going on inside my cells!


Dear DAVE,

Everywhere I go I am always asked, “Wade, what’s your secret for getting so shredded”.

“Well there’s no secret” I say, “it’s a combination of whole foods, scientific high volume training, cutting edge supplements and most of all Consistency over Time.”

Sometimes simplicity seems to simple people suspect I have some sort of trick up my sleeve.  In a today’s world that constantly pushes the latest and greatest, people become almost suspicious if I am not touting something totally radical.  It’s funny that one I have too sometimes go over the top to bring people back to the basics.

However, last year I did get “Blown Over” by and “old technology” with newfound results.  I have now tried, tested, and proved this type of training in my own workouts and I know feel comfortable sharing it with the world.  So here we go, get ready to jump into the fast lane for getting ripped.  It’s called Cellercising, and if you haven’t heard of it, you most likely will, and most definitely you will run into some charlatans who are touting inferior products.  So let me give you the straight goods before someone else feeds you the shtick!


I Get Introduced To The Real Deal

Last year I was attending a health conference in my favorite state in America, California.  I must say this conference was one of the better ones I have attended, as there was a host of sincere, professional, and extremely knowledgeable health practitioners sharing their wisdom.  Of all the individuals who were there one of them in particular stood out head and shoulders about them all, his name David Hall.

Now I had heard of rebounding in the past, and I have heard many health experts talk about the effects of rebounding, mini-trampolines, and so on but not one of them had a physique that impressed me.  Basically, I believe that if you’re an expert on something related to physical fitness, health, and vitality you better look and be the part because if you can’t do the work yourself how can you possibly teach others.  I suggest you dear reader incorporate this attitude when assessing the value of information of individuals professing to be experts on the net, or in your local community.  Basically the proof is in the pudding, but back to my story.

When I first say David walk up on stage I was blown away buy the incredible condition he was in.  Although he did not have the mass of a bodybuilder the condition and symmetry of his body was nothing short of stellar.  I estimated that he was well below 7 percent body fat yet his muscles were extremely pliable and relaxed until he flexed them.  Upon flexion his soft arm curled and twisted into a steel-like mass of muscle sinewy muscle fibers that both shocked and delighted even the most jaded bystander.

After his presentation of his customized rebounder called the Cellerciser I managed to have a few private moments with David to have him share what was so superior about his technology and why it helped him get so lean.


The Master Speaks…

David was quick to demonstrate the mechanics of his Cellercisers.  He showed me the springs he designed himself, the quality of the steel, as well as the other materials used in constructing his rebounder.   He also shared his story about a family member who had purchased a cheap imitation and wound up hurting him or herself in an attempt to save money.  Moral of the story don’t sacrifice quality when achieving optimum health.

David and I had a great time talking about his product and his adventures with as well as the science behind why and how the Cellerciser worked.  After a quick photo we parted and he told me to contact him anytime to answer any questions.  I can honestly say of all the health and wellness practitioners I have met in my 20 years, David had to one of the most genuine and sincere individuals I ever met.


The Science, How Rebounding Works

I researched all the information David poured into me in that brief span of time, and then went to work doing my due diligence on how the “Cellerciser” or rebounder worked.  I was impressed to find out that it was NASA who first made the rebounder so popular as they discovered the fastest way for Astronauts to rebuild lost muscle mass and endurance after returning from space was to rebound.  The reason rebounding works is simple”

It unlocks the power of three forces Acceleration, Deceleration, and gravity.  No other exercise on the planet that I aware of can do that in one simple bounce.  Not to mention, this technology can do so without putting any strain on the joints, which is of huge benefits to people with connective tissue damage, or individuals who are overweight, or heavily muscled bodybuilders.

With every bounce on the rebounder, every single cell in your body is subjected to the movement of the cellular fluid inside the cell.  This action creates a pumping motion inside the cell that pushes waste materials out and lets nutrients in.  The gentle rhythm of jumping also moves the lymphatic fluid through your body in the lymphatic system ridding the body of toxins and pollutants.

Each cells is forced to work thickening and strengthening the cellular walls and improving the cells metabolic functions.  What’s even more amazing that every single cell in your body gets worked with every bounce from your toe cells to your brain cells.  In fact the first time you bounce on the rebounder for a few minutes and step off your will feel an electrical buzz throughout your whole body.

So with as little as 10 minutes you can work you whole body as intensely as possible.  David has a whole series of exercises, and functions with his Cellerciser for all age levels and intensity components, which makes his product so versatile for everyone.  While I won’t go into all the details in this article I will say David’s level of expertise is impressive as is his ability to teach what he does.  His Cellercisers all come with a complete course in how to use it and what exercises to perform.



I then went out and compared other brands and experts including Al Carter who became famous in the 70’s for touring with his family. I highly recommend reading his book the Miracles of Rebounding as a source of finding the ins and outs of rebounding.  As I looked at all the manufactures I found that their existed I wide range of quality.  From cheap 50-dollar versions that were painful to jump on right down the Rolls Royce David Halls’ Cellerciser.

I jumped on them and all and I can say that David’s was by far the most comfortable and versatile.  I prefer his tri-fold unit that has wheels you can wheel it anywhere you wish to go and travel with the Cellerciser.  Perfect for getaways without sacrificing quality or space.

So then it was off to see how it affected me and I can honestly say I was pleasantly surprised.   David recommended several sessions a day of only a few minutes in length.  I followed that advice for a few days and found a new level of tone and leanness in just a week’s bouncing.

The exercise was so fun as I danced on the Cellerciser to my dance music that I got carried away one day.  I had some great dance tracks blasting and thought I would really go for it… I ended up going all out for about 60 minutes getting one of the most intense cardio workouts I have had in my life.

After doing so, I was a bit disoriented and I ended passing out for a couple of hours.  When I woke up the next day my lymph nodes were extremely sore and it felt like I had burned by tongue.  What I later found it out is that I over trained the cells who had not been used to training as I pushed each cell to the absolute physical limit.

The other thing was, I was significantly leaner.

I gave myself a few days rest and went back to a saner program as suggested by David.  Believe me 10-30 minutes a day is way more effective than hours of cardio for getting lean.

I then incorporated the Cellerciser into my training and found with just 10 minutes by body got stronger, my weight workouts improved, and my muscle tone improved as well I got significantly leaner.  It was almost too good to be true but yet the mirror doesn’t lie.


The Cellerciser Unlocks Contest Conditioning

This year as I prepared for the INBA Championships and the Natural Mr. Olympia I use the rebounder daily instead of cardio.  I dance on the Cellerciser for 10-20 minutes and then add 5 minutes of interval sprinting to get into contest condition.  It’s so easy, so fun, and most of all I do the training right in the middle of my living room.  Hey, there’s no excuse to miss a cardio session.

I personally believe that it’s the best and easiest way to improve ones’ health and vitality and to lean out in record time.  All of my close friends who have purchased a Cellerciser have reported the same results and all of it love it as there is no pressure on the joints and the convenience is second to none.

I give the Cellerciser big thumbs up for those short on time, or looking for a new trick to get leaner, and healthier.  David Hall’s unit is by far the best unit on the market and is most definitely worth the extra dollars.

I plan on writing more about the benefits of the Cellerciser in the future and I will be talking about more on my websites.

Until then keep I’ll keep bouncing my way to buffness and I hope you are too.


Dear DAVE,

Bouncing Your Way to Buffness

By Wade T. Lightheart Formerly Known as Wade McNutt CSNA 3-Time Natural National Bodybuilding Champion Director of Human Performance Yaletown Holistics Vancouver, Balance Health Group Toronto

Everywhere I go I am always asked, “Wade, what’s your secret for getting so shredded”.

“Well there’s no secret” I say, “it’s a combination of whole foods, scientific high volume training, cutting edge supplements and most of all Consistency over Time.”

Sometimes simplicity seems to simple people suspect I have some sort of trick up my sleeve. In a today’s world that constantly pushes the latest and greatest, people become almost suspicious if I am not touting something totally radical. It’s funny that one I have too sometimes go over the top to bring people back to the basics.

However, last year I did get “Blown Over” by and “old technology” with newfound results. I have now tried, tested, and proved this type of training in my own workouts and I know feel comfortable sharing it with the world. So here we go, get ready to jump into the fast lane for getting ripped. It’s called Cellercising, and if you haven’t heard of it, you most likely will, and most definitely you will run into some charlatans who are touting inferior products. So let me give you the straight goods before someone else feeds you the shtick!

I Get Introduced To The Real Deal

Last year I was attending a health conference in my favorite state in America, California. I must say this conference was one of the better ones I have attended, as there was a host of sincere, professional, and extremely knowledgeable health practitioners sharing their wisdom. Of all the individuals who were there one of them in particular stood out head and shoulders about them all, his name David Hall.

Now I had heard of rebounding in the past, and I have heard many health experts talk about the effects of rebounding, mini-trampolines, and so on but not one of them had a physique that impressed me. Basically, I believe that if you’re an expert on something related to physical fitness, health, and vitality you better look and be the part because if you can’t do the work yourself how can you possibly teach others. I suggest you dear reader incorporate this attitude when assessing the value of information of individuals professing to be experts on the net, or in your local community. Basically the proof is in the pudding, but back to my story.

When I first say David walk up on stage I was blown away buy the incredible condition he was in. Although he did not have the mass of a bodybuilder the condition and symmetry of his body was nothing short of stellar. I estimated that he was well below 7 percent body fat yet his muscles were extremely pliable and relaxed until he flexed them. Upon flexion his soft arm curled and twisted into a steel-like mass of muscle sinewy muscle fibers that both shocked and delighted even the most jaded bystander.

After his presentation of his customized rebounder called the cellerciser I managed to have a few private moments with David to have him share what was so superior about his technology and why it helped him get so lean.

The Master Speaks…

David was quick to demonstrate the mechanics of his cellercisers. He showed me the springs he designed himself, the quality of the steel, as well as the other materials used in constructing his rebounder. He also shared his story about a family member who had purchased a cheap imitation and wound up hurting him or herself in an attempt to save money. Moral of the story don’t sacrifice quality when achieving optimum health.

David and I had a great time talking about his product and his adventures with as well as the science behind why and how the cellerciser worked. After a quick photo we parted and he told me to contact him anytime to answer any questions. I can honestly say of all the health and wellness practitioners I have met in my 20 years, David had to one of the most genuine and sincere individuals I ever met.

The Science, How Rebounding Works

I researched all the information David poured into me in that brief span of time, and then went to work doing my due diligence on how the “cellerciser” or rebounder worked. I was impressed to find out that it was NASA who first made the rebounder so popular as they discovered the fastest way for Astronauts to rebuild lost muscle mass and endurance after returning from space was to rebound. The reason rebounding works is simple”

It unlocks the power of three forces Acceleration, Deceleration, and gravity. No other exercise on the planet that I aware of can do that in one simple bounce. Not to mention, this technology can do so without putting any strain on the joints, which is of huge benefits to people with connective tissue damage, or individuals who are overweight, or heavily muscled bodybuilders.

With every bounce on the rebounder, every single cell in your body is subjected to the movement of the cellular fluid inside the cell. This action creates a pumping motion inside the cell that pushes waste materials out and lets nutrients in. The gentle rhythm of jumping also moves the lymphatic fluid through your body in the lymphatic system ridding the body of toxins and pollutants.

Each cells is forced to work thickening and strengthening the cellular walls and improving the cells metabolic functions. What’s even more amazing that every single cell in your body gets worked with every bounce from your toe cells to your brain cells. In fact the first time you bounce on the rebounder for a few minutes and step off your will feel an electrical buzz throughout your whole body.

So with as little as 10 minutes you can work you whole body as intensely as possible. David has a whole series of exercises, and functions with his cellerciser for all age levels and intensity components, which makes his product so versatile for everyone. While I won’t go into all the details in this article I will say David’s level of expertise is impressive as is his ability to teach what he does. His cellercisers all come with a complete course in how to use it and what exercises to perform.


I then went out and compared other brands and experts including Al Carter who became famous in the 70’s for touring with his family. I highly recommend reading his book the Miracles of Rebounding as a source of finding the ins and outs of rebounding. As I looked at all the manufactures I found that their existed I wide range of quality. From cheap 50-dollar versions that were painful to jump on right down the Rolls Royce David Halls’ cellerciser.

I jumped on them and all and I can say that David’s was by far the most comfortable and versatile. I prefer his tri-fold unit that has wheels you can wheel it anywhere you wish to go and travel with the cellerciser. Perfect for getaways without sacrificing quality or space.

So then it was off to see how it affected me and I can honestly say I was pleasantly surprised. David recommended several sessions a day of only a few minutes in length. I followed that advice for a few days and found a new level of tone and leanness in just a week’s bouncing.

The exercise was so fun as I danced on the cellerciser to my dance music that I got carried away one day. I had some great dance tracks blasting and thought I would really go for it… I ended up going all out for about 60 minutes getting one of the most intense cardio workouts I have had in my life.

After doing so, I was a bit disoriented and I ended passing out for a couple of hours. When I woke up the next day my lymph nodes were extremely sore and it felt like I had burned by tongue. What I later found it out is that I over trained the cells who had not been used to training as I pushed each cell to the absolute physical limit.

The other thing was, I was significantly leaner.

I gave myself a few days rest and went back to a saner program as suggested by David. Believe me 10-30 minutes a day is way more effective than hours of cardio for getting lean.

I then incorporated the cellerciser into my training and found with just 10 minutes by body got stronger, my weight workouts improved, and my muscle tone improved as well I got significantly leaner. It was almost too good to be true but yet the mirror doesn’t lie.

The Cellercise® Unlocks Contest Conditioning

This year as I prepared for the INBA Championships and the Natural Mr. Olympia I use the rebounder daily instead of cardio. I dance on the cellerciser for 10-20 minutes and then add 5 minutes of interval sprinting to get into contest condition. It’s so easy, so fun, and most of all I do the training right in the middle of my living room. Hey, there’s no excuse to miss a cardio session.

I personally believe that it’s the best and easiest way to improve ones’ health and vitality and to lean out in record time. All of my close friends who have purchased a cellerciser have reported the same results and all of it love it as there is no pressure on the joints and the convenience is second to none.

I give the Cellercise® big thumbs up for those short on time, or looking for a new trick to get leaner, and healthier. David Hall’s unit is by far the best unit on the market and is most definitely worth the extra dollars.

I plan on writing more about the benefits of the Cellercise® in the future and I will be talking about more on my websites.

Until then keep I’ll keep bouncing my way to buffness and I hope you are too.


When you invest in a Cellerciser®, you become part of the Cellercise® family. We are available 9-5 M-F (mst) or by email at to answer your questions & to share the best exercises toward your fitness objectives.