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These customers have had a tremendous experience using Cellercise®. Their stories are incredible. Hear them below. When you’re finished, you can go back and read even more reviews about how Cellercise® has improved our customers’ lives in other ways.


Dear DAVE,

I want to thank you for the wonderfully made Cellerciser! Praise God! I have seen the pounds of fat slowing melt off my arms, legs, and bottom. I’m “shrinking” in my side mirror view. I am a 57-year-old post-menopausal African American woman who is very hippy, and the hips are slowly going down. My cousin noticed me and said, “Your arms are getting tone.” I told her that it is the Cellerciser I use when I do the “I Dream of Jeannie” move and “holding my fingertips on each muscle near each shoulder” and I rebound as high as I can for 2 minutes total. She was impressed and motivated to see it also happening to her when she buys a Cellerciser.

Daily use of the Cellerciser has allowed me to see results in my body as well as my excellent response to a very demanding extended recreational activity. I love to hike, and I recently did a 6-mile strenuous hike. I was amazed to see how much more flexible my body has become, and I was able to endure the hike without stopping before I reached the top, which was about 2 hours of climbing. I made it down the mountain about 10 minutes quicker than when I went up the mountain. When I’ve hiked in the past, my legs would be so sore, and I’d have to try to think of other things to keep going but I would still have to stop several times on the way up. This time, there was no soreness or tightness in my legs or calves, or ankles. I am very impressed and feel that the oxygen getting to my cells, when I Cellercise, is making my own cells more fit for physically challenging activity. It was a hard hike, but I realized that my time was excellent, and my recovery time was very good as well. Before I went on the hike, I was not sure how I would do on a 4-hour hike, given I only Cellercise about 15 minutes per day. I thought I needed to “practice” for 30 minutes or 1 hour daily to be ready for the hike. As you said David, our cells don’t know how to tell time and don’t go by a watch. I gauged my soreness level and that seems to be much less than it is usually, after the hike. And I only stretched very briefly, less than 1 minute, beforehand. I’m really impressed!

The Cellerciser is remarkable and everyone should have one! My cousin brought one of the other three top rebounders (Cellerciser of course is #1), and she said that she definitely felt the Cellerciser has a much more smooth and supportive bounce. I thoroughly love my Cellerciser and my cousin is invested in it too, as she is planning on buying one because she feels that it is the best unit on the market.

As for the squeaky noise of my Cellerciser, it has finally dissipated after I had to do a major job in removing oil substance from the previously oiled places of the rebounder. As you said, I agree Dawn dishwashing liquid is the best in doing the job. I think the graphite oil, that someone recommended on the internet, was terrible and made my unit sound like it was old and defective. Now, with 1 drop of the 1 in 3 oil on both sides of the spring contacting the metal, the situation has been solved. That is 3 drops of oil per spring. (1. The two places that the spring hooks touch the metal that holds the mat; 2. one place or other side of spring that touches or hooks into the metal pin). I have a wonderfully quiet unit and thank you and Jerry much for your input.

I used to excessively exercise, and I now think the extended time period was detrimental by causing my cortisone level to rise and then prevent me from losing weight. I have usually liked to exercise but I had to listen to music to get myself “going”. In just 15 minutes (first three minutes warm up, health bounce or jog in place; and seven 55-second interval sets with your other suggested moves with two to three 20 – 30 second Jamba runs in last interval set), I am able to listen to tv or radio and the time actually goes by so fast and before I know it I’m done. As you explained, the Cellerciser points out the weaknesses in the body. Since I was an “adventure enthusiast” when I was younger and I was rear ended during a car accident, there is a tightness in my lower back. I am trying to do the lower back exercise that I have found on your website to strengthen this weakness. I know with time things will improve. Also, the same for my right knee that I am also doing your suggested exercises on the Cellerciser.

I prayed to the Heavenly Father for wisdom and for Him to give me something that will optimize my health and allow me to work for another 8 years with excellent health. And after that have a high-quality life, which allows me to even go back to cross country skiing and more challenging hiking. The Cellerciser has answered this prayer in a major way, after only 6 months of use.

The Heavenly Father has directed me to other products that have exceeded my expectations – those developed by Dr. Carolyn Dean, who has over 40 years as a medical doctor and is also a naturopath. After about 1 year of taking her Re-Mag, a specialized version of Magnesium, another health miracle has come to me. I have been able to get off the hydrochlorothiazide blood pressure medication after 15 years. I have learned that some professional athletes may appear to be in “excellent health” but if they sweat too much and become magnesium deficient, they can have an unexpected heart attack and/or their heart health can be seriously compromised. The Re-Mag is actually so powerful it is like taking an intravenous version of Magnesium in a hospital. It has also allowed me to be less uptight and helped address frozen shoulder and tendency to have a locked neck. I have not had a frozen shoulder or locked neck since I have been pairing your Cellerciser with the Re-Mag and Re-Myte, for the past 6 months. Between my magnesium stores being built up and the lymphatic cleaning of my body through the Cellerciser, I know the joint problems are lessening and will eventually totally stop. I also expect the diagnosis of osteopenia to be changed to normal bone formation in the next year or two. The Re-Mag has allowed me to be calmer and less likely to both overeat and get off a healthy food program. The Re-Myte (minerals) and food replacement drink Restructure have also been great products for me to also help me feel full. Of course, I feel that the Cellerciser has worked in tandem with her products to improve my total situation. My circulation has tremendously improved and my blood pressure was so low one day after I got off my Cellerciser that I actually had to eat some cheese to “raise it”. I was feeling so shaky, because my circulation has improved tremendously after my workout. After my blood pressure being so high for so long, I have to be patient and know that my body will slowly heal, and I will again become accustomed to a very healthy blood pressure range. I am so grateful to the Father, as my blood pressure without meds now has come down from 150/lO0s to 120’s -130s / mid -70s -low 80s.

I deeply thank and praise the gracious Heavenly Father for giving you a genuine heart to care about others who seek health by educating people about your awesome Cellerciser. I thank Him for you not compromising the high quality of your product. I know that your commitment to excellence will benefit many people now and many years to come. In closing, the Father has certainly given you the wisdom to help millions of people with their health and fitness through giving you the idea of the Cellerciser and workouts that go with it. I thank you for being obedient to Him and sharing his miracle idea with so many people. He is so faithful, and I pray His continued joy, peace, health, and prosperity for you and yours.



Dear DAVE,

I’m so happy to be a part of the Cellercise Family! I’m happy to share my testimony. I pray it will help someone.

On December 15, 2010 I prayed to God, knowing He would be the only one that could help my health. I prayed that if He wanted to take me home to do it now!! If not, then He needed to help me get well. For I felt I was going to die. My health was very bad. I had asthma that was the worst of all. I also had high blood pressure, a very fast pulse due to the medication and I was overweight. I could no longer function well; I was very weak and constantly short of breath.

After a year leave of absence, I had to take an early retirement. I could no longer do my job.

I was on 13 prescription medications daily; yet not getting well but worse. On December 16, 2010 I first used a Cellerciser. At this time, I could hardly walk, I was so sick. I was on my third prescription in a row of a strong dose of Prednisone, but it was not helping. I could hardly catch my breath.

I did a “Health” bounce for about 3 to 5 minutes. My lungs began to open up and I could only then begin to clear them and begin to get better. This was my new beginning!

Praise God! And I’ve gotten better and better ever since.

I am down from 13 prescriptions meds to 5. My blood pressure is normal, and I’ve lost 45 pounds in 6 months.

I have a 4-year-old grandson whom I was not able to pick up to hold in 2 ½ years without an asthma flare up or with strength. I can “easily” pick him up and hold him now! He weighs 50 pounds. When I first picked him up, he said: “Look mom, Grandma is better!” I can play outdoors and go places with him now and keep up with him.

I am enjoying this summer for the first time in 4 years.

I thank God!

I thank you David for Cellercise.

And I thank my brother, Ed Calles for introducing me to my new lifestyle changes. I Cellerciser every day and eat organic and super foods.

Praise God I have my life back and better than before! And even better to come. WOW!

Every opportunity God puts before me to share my experiences and what I’m doing for my health I gladly share. I pray that God allows me to help as many people as I can. I’m blessed!

Cellercise is God sent, the world is full of people that can be helped by it. I pray I can be an example, especially for my family. God Bless You, Everyone!!


Dear DAVE,

Thank you so much for coming to Paradise Valley SDA Church in Phoenix, Arizona to speak with Paul the weekend of March 1. It was so nice to meet you in person, and I know my husband, Luke, really received a special blessing from talking with you after the meeting. I’ve been concentrating my Cellercising on my thighs with that exercise you showed us Monday night. I can feel the cottage cheese disappearing already!

The Lord is mightily using you and we thank you for all your hard work and sacrifice to get the message of health out. As we said, we would really like to hear you speak at the Modern Manna crusade in Lodi this summer.


Dear DAVE,

I figured it out, bought the app and am bouncing and Cellercising with it already.

It’s fantastic to have such company. My sessions fly by now and I am just SO pregnant with big expectations.

– Already the Cellerciser has fixed my knee problem (from using a cheaper model originally)

-Controlled a slight bladder leaking

-Strengthened my legs so I can now do things I wasn’t able to before

-Is clearing my skin because people say I look 50 not 63

-And given me an all-round light and fit feeling that I’ve wanted and tried getting other ways, for years without success.

I left it alone for nearly 2 weeks at one stage and BOY did I start to feel the difference. I got back into it quick smart and went back to feeling great within two workouts (although a little sore in muscles again).

There is no doubt in my mind God has led me to the greatest invention for getting the body into tip top shape all round.

The app is now my closest friend and we are getting along fantastically. I love the variations in music and as I said, I fly through a routine and am finished before I know it.

May God continue to Bless you and your desire to see us in better health Dave.

Thank you for your acceptance to His call and I’m so happy that He brought you through to the other side of your own health issues back then.

All the best to everyone in my Cellerciser family also!

Never buy a cheaper re-bounder. It will set you back in months of pain, but if you have, the Cellerciser can gently fix it.



Dear DAVE,

I’m so happy to be a part of the Cellercise family. I’m happy to share my testimony. I pray it will help someone.

On December 15, 2010 I prayed to God knowing he would be the only one that could help my health. I prayed that if he wanted to take me home to do it now! If not, then he needed to help me to get well. For I felt I was going to die. My health was very bad. I had asthma, that was the worst of all. I also had high blood pressure, a very fast pulse due to the medication and I was overweight. I could no longer function well; I was very weak and constantly short of breath.

After a year leave of absence, I had to take an early retirement. I could no longer do my job. I was on 13 prescription medications daily. Yet not getting well, but worse.

On December 16, 2010 I first used a Cellerciser. At this time, I could hardly walk, I was so sick. I was on my third prescription in a row of a strong dose of prednisone, it was not helping. I could hardly catch my breath.

I did a health bounce for about 3 to 5 minutes. My lungs began to open up and I could only then begin to clear them and begin to get better. This was my new beginning! Praise God! And I’ve gotten better and better ever since.

I am down from 13 prescriptions meds to 5. My blood pressure is normal, and I’ve lost 45 pounds in 6 months. I have a 4 year old grandson whom I was not able to pick up to hold for 2 ½ years, with out an asthma flare up or the strength. I can easily pick him up and hold him now. He weighs 50 pounds. I can play outdoors and go places with him now and keep up with him.

I am enjoying this summer, for the first time in 4 years. I thank God! I thank you, David for Cellercise. And I thank my brother, Cal for introducing me to my new lifestyle changes. I Cellercise every day, I eat organic and super foods.

Praise God, I have my life back and better than before! And even better to come. WOW!

Every opportunity God puts before to share my experiences and what I’m doing for my health I gladly share. I pray that me to help as many people as I can. I’m blessed!

Cellercise is God sent, the world is full of people that can be helped by it. I pray I can be an example, especially for my family.

God bless you, everyone!



Dear DAVE,

Yes, it came in two days! I have started the “baby bounce” several times a day since the Cellercise® arrived. We have it set up in our bedroom, so it is visible to get on several times a day for a few minutes.

Bobby and I watched the videos together and he is joining me in the commitment by using it himself. He will be 81 on March 25 and is starting to slow down quite a bit with fatigue. So, we were encouraged by the information on the videos about this being a good tool for older folks to keep moving without causing injuries. Incidentally, I will be eighty this year. I do not know if it is coincidental or actual that I am already feeling better with the pain decreasing remarkably in the morning when I awake. In fact, this morning I felt so good that I did not-take the Motrin medication that I have been taking every morning for one year …. Motrin was the only way that I could obtain relief from the nerve pain in my left leg.

Mary, the email that you sent to me about the Cellercise® was truly an answer to prayer. Thank you for being His instrument in giving me the information that I so desperately needed for help. All the glory to God for helping me … through you.

I had become resolved to the thought that I would have to live with the pain because nothing that I tried was giving me any relief whatsoever. Everything failed except the option for surgery, which I refused. I just got to the point where I totally surrendered it to the Lord.

Praise God from whom all blessing flow for His wonderful answer!


Dear DAVE,

February 29, 2016

Yes, it came in two days I I have started the “baby bounce” several times a day since the Cellercise® arrived. We have it set up in our bedroom so it is visible to get on several times a day for a few minutes.

Bobby and I watched the videos together and he is joining me in the commitment. He will be 81 on March 25 and is starting to slow down quite a bit with fatigue, so we were encouraged by the information on the videos about this being a good tool for older folks to keep moving without causing injuries. Incidentally, I will be eighty this year.

I do not know if it is coincidental or actual that I am already feeling better with the pain decreasing remarkably in the morning when I awake. In fact, this morning I felt so good that I did not take the Motrin medication that I have been taking every morning for one. Year Motrin was the only way that could obtain relief from the nerve pain in my left leg.

Mary, the email that you sent to me about the Cellercise® was truly an answer to prayer. Thank you for being His instrument in giving me the information that I so desperately needed for .help. All the glory to God for helping me … through you.

I had become resolved to the thought that I would have to live with the pain because nothing that I tried was giving me any relief whatsoever. Everything failed except the option for surgery … which I refused. I just got to the point where I totally surrendered it to the Lord.

Praise God from Whom all blessing flow for His wonderful answer!


Dear DAVE,

When I received my Cellercise® I began using it, as you suggested, for just a few minutes a day. I experienced immediate reduction of pain in my hips. Over the following five days, I rejoiced in a complete cessation of that pain, as I bounced for just a few minutes each day. Dave, this is so wonderful for me because, for years now, I could only get temporary relief from that recurring pain by taking dangerous pain killers. Now my Cellercise® helps my body eliminate the toxins at the root of the disorder through that gentle pumping motion you’ve mentioned.

My friends listen in amazement as I tell them that my spiritual life is improving right along with my physical health, because my cells are becoming better transmitters and receivers of God’s Love.

May God richly bless you for this gift you’re sharing with the world!


Dear DAVE,

I spoke with Jerry on the phone and he asked me to e-mail my testimony to you. I am a Registered Nurse with FMS and CFS and have been quite sick for the past 1-2 years. I was in so much pain that I was taking morphine. My life was vanishing from my very eyes on a daily basis. All I could do was go to work and come home and go to bed. I am single so I have to work; although I have had to continually cut back my hours.

With the assistance of my doctor, Christine Staub, I decided to go off all my medications cold turkey and start over. She suggested the Cellercise® and had one in her office. She had to help me get on and off it because I was so weak and unsteady. I could barely bounce on it but started off with 1 minute 3-5 times per day. I did that for about 2 weeks before I was able to bounce a little harder. I am still off all medications and am gradually increasing my time and effort on the Cellercise®. The level of pain I was experiencing on a scale of 1-1 O was about 15. I was in agony. Now the pain level is between 0-3. There are some other things I am doing as well, but I believe the Cellercise® is playing a major role in my recovery. I give the ultimate credit to God.

I would like to be able to talk to the Fibromyalgia group here in town, but they do not allow any products to be mentioned. I am still planning on talking with them about a generic subject and hand out business cards. That way if anyone is interested in hearing more, they can call me. I’ve already had 2 of my friends order one for general health and well-being. I am excited about my continued improvement and thank you for all your efforts.


Dear DAVE,

It’s been a blessed pleasure to meet you, over the phone! I so value this outreach and appreciate David Halls! Research and insight into health. Again, I found the DVD to be amazingly, incredible!

Ultimately, I am grateful to our God, who is the source of all goodness and righteousness. Praise His Name!

Thank you!



Dear DAVE,

Yesterday at Church my friend, Rea told me that you so kindly spent an hour talking with her last week regarding her recent ALS diagnosis. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! My heart is so sad the Lord Is taking her through this trial, but I am so grateful that He has given us near & far friends, like you, to support the hardest times in life. Rea & Pat are leaders in our Church & so very special. It’s incredibly scary how fast Rea’s speech has been affected (in only about 2 months).

Rea told me her husband, Pat, was in the room for a good part of the conversation. He apparently became INSTANTLY serious about Cellercising for his own health! Yay!

Rea & Pat helped me tremendously when I had 2 heart valves repair (per congenital defects) 2.5 years ago. Now I get to support them as they go through their trial. I received my Cellercise® in August and have THOROUGHLY enjoyed it! I’m on it at least every morning for about 12 minutes. I listen to TobyMac, Kirk Franklin, Mary Mary, etc. while bouncing – so, it’s an exercise & praise session at the same time. Last week I took my Cellercise® to a 4-day software conference & used it 2x/day while there. I’ll be taking it to another conference this week & doing the same. Although it’s only been a month for me, I can see some nice changes/slimming starting. It will really help in the short, wet, cold, nasty days of Fall/Winter! My dachshund & cat take turns lying on it when I’m not using it. The dachshund even tries to bounce with me sometimes. Hilarious!

Regardless, the primary purpose of this note is to thank you for ‘loving’ on Rea & encouraging her. An hour of your time is very generous.

God bless you and keep you and your family and may He choose to prosper the Cellercise® family more than ever.



Dear DAVE,

I just wanted to thank you so much for putting together the AMAZING Cellerciser! This has been such a blessing in my life and feeds me spiritually every day. I am practicing the art of tithing to those who provide this amazing energy for me. If you could help me by accepting this tithe, you will help me in creating more abundance in my life!

Thank You!


Dear DAVE,

A few months ago, when I saw my doctor, she told me I was diabetic not the news I wanted to hear but I knew it was coming. She wanted to put me on medication right away I told her no I would find a way to turn this around knowing I only had a few months to accomplish this.

It was hard work looking for the right answers to turn this thing around and I prayed for the answers to help me! I was out of shape and overweight and weighed 201. In researching I came across the Cellerciser did my due diligence and decided to purchase it and received it on 5/16. I love my Cellerciser and I would health bounce every day for 10 minutes 2 and 3 times a day and sometime more, but I had more work to do on my diet which was another challenge along with not drinking enough water!

My diet is a work in progress and improving upon it every day and every way and drinking more water. I went to see my doctor this evening and she told me I was NO longer a diabetic and I lost 11 lbs. and my blood pressure was down!!! She was amazed I did it and told me to keep doing whatever I’m doing and will see her in 4 months! I LOVE this journey and this group!


Dear DAVE,

Oh, my!!!! You are an answer to prayer! I can’t wait to share this with my principal! He is going to be SO excited and my little guy so blessed! I’ll take some pictures and or videos and send them along as soon as I can. You may not understand this, but I consider this a miracle from God. He takes such good care of me! He has just used you to bless me and my kids!

I’ve been wondering (and worrying I confess) about how to meet his extreme need for movement. think this will be perfect!

Thank you again- from the bottom of my heart!


Dear DAVE,

I wanted to add a little note to you here to thank you for an excellent product, a great service which you are providing for humanity, as well as appreciation that you mention God. I, too, have faced serious health challenges, benefitted much from rebounding and been blessed through Jesus Christ, my Lord. In today’s world, fewer and fewer people seem courageous enough to tell others about God, but you are still doing so. May the Lord continue to bless you and your family, Dave Hall, according to His riches in glory. Keep up the good work!




Dear DAVE,

Thank you for today’s inspiring presentation in Wayne, PA. You may recall that I spoke to you briefly about the spiritual aspects of your presentation-especially the analogy between Jesus clearing out the temple, and our responsibility to clear out the physical temple. I like the idea of identifying those who are buying and selling, and then, ushering them out. Well done!

I do belief, as you casually mentioned, that this is a genuine ministry for you, a way of responding to to the Lord, and a way of serving him. And I honor you for that.

Meanwhile, we wish you Godspeed, and God rest in all your endeavors.

With affection.


Dear DAVE,

What a pleasure talking with you both today. Greatly appreciate all you do to share time health and your heart you put into it. Looking forward to replacing the Needaks in our clinics and improving as many lives as God sends us. May God bless your Health Business and you and your family.

Saving America one colon at a time.


Dear DAVE,

Thank you so much for coming to Paradise Valley SDA Church in Phoenix, Arizona to speak with Paul Volk the weekend of March 1. It was so nice to meet you in person, and I know my husband, Luke, really received a special blessing from talking with you after the meeting. I’ve been concentrating my Cellercising on my thighs with that exercise you showed us Monday night. I can feel the cottage cheese disappearing already!

The Lord is mightily using you and we thank you for all your hard work and sacrifice to get the message of health out.



When you invest in a Cellerciser®, you become part of the Cellercise® family. We are available 9-5 M-F (mst) or by email at to answer your questions & to share the best exercises toward your fitness objectives.