These customers have had a tremendous experience using Cellercise®. Their stories are incredible. Hear them below. When you’re finished, you can go back and read even more reviews about how Cellercise® has improved our customers’ lives in other ways.
I wanted to write to let you know what a miracle your Cellerciser has been for me. For the past couple of years, I have had leg and knee pain that has gotten worse over time. By March of 2020 my leg was aching so much I could no longer drive or walk more than a block or so.
I went to several doctors over the past year getting MRls, CT scans, and even switched medical plans to see if the new doctor could help. After spending over $2000 the only answer was physical therapy at $40 per visit and drugs. I am not on any drugs and did not want to start now, especially since there was no cause found other than a bit of Osteoarthritis.
At this point I was helping a renter (I have an Airbnb) and noticed a mini trampoline set up in the bedroom. The renter told me all about the Cellerciser she has been using for over 7 years and even brought it with her on vacation – it helped her back problems so much. She saw my pain and loaned it to me. After just 3 days, I felt better, and I decided to invest in one and purchased a Cellerciser for myself.
I received it and started with a simple 5-to-10-minute routine each day and watched many of your YouTube videos. After only 2 months, my leg went from 7 to 1 o pain level to a o to 3. I was so amazed! I able to drive and go for walks once again after at least a year of not being able to without pain.
This week it will be 5 months, and my leg is no longer hurting. I believe in this so much I signed up for your affiliate program and am recommending to everyone. After seeing the change in me, 3 of my friends have also purchased.
At 62 I even began to wakeboard this summer for the first time (see photo). I just want to thank you so much for giving my life back. I’m now stronger than I have been in at least 10 years. From not being able to walk without pain to wakeboarding with NO PAIN! THANK YOU!! Now I’m off to Jump for Joy on my Cellerciser!
For anyone here because you’re considering a purchase, the answer is yes.
Yes, this can challenge those experienced with exercise.
Yes, a beginner can use it to ease into exercise.
Yes, you can use it to do HIIT or Tabata.
Yes, you can walk or jog on it to keep it simple if that’s your thing.
Yes, you can pick up some calisthenics or flexing moves and freestyle your own workout.
Yes, you can gently bounce and meditate in dim light.
Yes, you can dance party.
Yes, there might be an adjustment phase in your connective tissues, but your body will come to thank you.
Photos are me one year ago, and now three months into my Jumping Journey. Considering I am nearly 50, post menopause and have thyroid disease, I am happy to have this much result. In these 3 months I have used the Cellerciser almost exclusively.
This past September I was completely migraine free and to this date have had no tremors from September to November, I failed to exercise a total of 8 days. There was four mornings I have had mild migraines, all relived by Cellercising.
Some of the other great benefits of Cellercising have been: no asthma attacks, dramatic weight loss, increased muscle mass, and strength, and compliments that I receive from others, saying “How much better I look”.
I must say, that I have a life now! I still have strength to grow and am looking forward to the day when I will have even more energy. I’m confident that will happen.
Another big step since Cellercising: I’m driving again, something I haven’t been able to do for four years. I just praise the Lord for the opportunity he has given me to listen to your presentation, to actually have a Cellerciser in my home, and for the idea and determination he gave me to get on it for the first time with a migraine.
The enthusiasm for Cellercising and the joy of living pain free, has led me to keep my eyes and ears open for any opportunity that I may have to share with others having physical problems. That is because I’ve had such a wonderful, unexpected, and exciting gift given to me! I want everyone to experience the gift of being pain free, living a life without migraines, and other physical ailments.
Since having such great results physically, I also feel so much better mentally. First, I give thanks to the Lord and thank him for you, your work Dave, and your development of the Cellerciser! How much pleasure and satisfaction you must receive from your work!
Thank you so much. The Cellerciser has given me a new lease on life.
Yours Truly
I never would’ve thought just bouncing would give me muscle strength, but the proof is in the pudding, so to speak… Just less than three months ago, I could only do 2 (from the knee) pushups without collapsing. Now, just from using my Cellerciser at least 10-20 min./day, for the last two months, I did 40 (from the knee) pushups last night before giving out quite an improvement, I’d say I haven’t had the nerve to try full body pushups yet, but will try soon. I’m sure I won’t be able to do nearly as much as the front the-knee pushups, but, still going from 2 to 40 in less than three months is a major improvement! I always try to do that quad exercise on the Cellerciser (where you quickly go from one leg to the other, with knees bent) and I can definitely see some quad definition at this time also!
Previously, I had trouble sticking with exercise for years as I thought I “had” to work out for 45 min- an hour each time, and that always seemed a hard goal to reach. But, knowing that I only need to do 10 min/day makes it so much more doable. No matter how tired I am at the end of the day, I can always manage to do 10 min. of bounding and oftentimes do 15-20 min. just because it feels so good and I don’t want to quit!
I never would’ve thought just bouncing would give me muscle strength, but the proof is in the pudding, so to speak. Just less than three months ago, I could only do 2 (from the knee) pushups without collapsing Now, just from using my Cellerciser at least 10-20 min./day, for the last two months, I did 40 (from the knee) pushups last night before giving out. Quite an improvement. I’d say! I haven’t had the nerve to try full body pushups yet but will try soon. I’m sure I won’t be able to do nearly as much as the from-the-knee pushups, but still going from 2 to 40 in less than three months is a major improvement! I always try to do that quad exercise on the Cellerciser (where you quickly go from one leg to the other, with knees bent) and I can definitely see some quad definition at this time also. Previously, I had trouble sticking with exercise for years as I thought I “had” to work out for 45 min-an hour each time and that always seemed a hard goal to reach. But, knowing that I only need to do 10 min day makes it so much more doable. No matter how tired I am at the end of the day. I can always manage to do 10 min. of bouncing and oftentimes do 15-20 min just because it feels so good and I don’t want to quit!
Best Wishes,
I’m so happy to be a part of the Cellercise Family! I’m happy to share my testimony. I pray it will help someone.
On December 15, 2010 I prayed to God, knowing He would be the only one that could help my health. I prayed that if He wanted to take me home to do it now!! If not, then He needed to help me get well. For I felt I was going to die. My health was very bad. I had asthma that was the worst of all. I also had high blood pressure, a very fast pulse due to the medication and I was overweight. I could no longer function well; I was very weak and constantly short of breath.
After a year leave of absence, I had to take an early retirement. I could no longer do my job.
I was on 13 prescription medications daily; yet not getting well but worse. On December 16, 2010 I first used a Cellerciser. At this time, I could hardly walk, I was so sick. I was on my third prescription in a row of a strong dose of Prednisone, but it was not helping. I could hardly catch my breath.
I did a “Health” bounce for about 3 to 5 minutes. My lungs began to open up and I could only then begin to clear them and begin to get better. This was my new beginning!
Praise God! And I’ve gotten better and better ever since.
I am down from 13 prescriptions meds to 5. My blood pressure is normal, and I’ve lost 45 pounds in 6 months.
I have a 4-year-old grandson whom I was not able to pick up to hold in 2 ½ years without an asthma flare up or with strength. I can “easily” pick him up and hold him now! He weighs 50 pounds. When I first picked him up, he said: “Look mom, Grandma is better!” I can play outdoors and go places with him now and keep up with him.
I am enjoying this summer for the first time in 4 years.
I thank God!
I thank you David for Cellercise.
And I thank my brother, Ed Calles for introducing me to my new lifestyle changes. I Cellerciser every day and eat organic and super foods.
Praise God I have my life back and better than before! And even better to come. WOW!
Every opportunity God puts before me to share my experiences and what I’m doing for my health I gladly share. I pray that God allows me to help as many people as I can. I’m blessed!
Cellercise is God sent, the world is full of people that can be helped by it. I pray I can be an example, especially for my family. God Bless You, Everyone!!
This may be long, so I apologize in advance.
I was in a bad car accident about 23 years ago, my head injury caused me to have to learn to walk, talk and function again, so much of who I was lost on that day, basic tasks like tying my own shoes or even remembering how to do laundry was a chore I had to accomplish with many many sticky notes pasted up on the walls of my home to remind me how to do the task. I overcame a lot of it but was still stuck with side effects of the crash. One of the big ones was balance, I had to give up driving because of it and walking was also difficult for me. My brain would say when I was walking that I was going in a straight line, but my body would always wander off to the left. My family would just say, there goes mom again and pull me back out of the way. I walked into many many a wall, that has all changed and I cry writing this, I was shopping with my husband and just didn’t even notice until he kept looking at me strangely and said wait here, he then ran to the end of the aisle and said walk to me, I thought he’d lost his dang mind lol. But I did it, and I made it, straight as an arrow!!! I was crying in Walmart I was so over the moon happy!!! I then started running around the store like a crazy teenager, at 60 I think I scared some folks lol and after we left the store I asked if I could try driving home, it was the most wonderful freeing blessed drive I ever did in my entire life!!!
David Hall saying thank you will never be enough to tell you. My lost life is now back again, and I AM FREE!!!!!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you – My Cellerciser BDay is Jan 10,2021
Hi Dave,
I watched a movie last evening and decided to Cellercise gingerly, walking in place and light bouncing for 1 hr. Today, I did the same for 45 mins … this afternoon we had the warmth with sun (it has been cold like 40’s) so this early evening, I carried out solar lights and garden figurines from my basement with SUCH EASE … I am in awe!! Picked up and place items on the ground without lower back tugging and my surgical knee ’08 wasn’t stressing … I did not wear a knee brace. My husband is going to be floored when he sees what I did!! I have no residual, no stiffness, no tightness from my lower back or knee.
Thank you, Dave
COVID 19 breakout! Needed some exercise and a friend was looking at sites and videos and shared with me. So, then I did my own research got a 200$ rebounder. That I still have and did your Cellerciser workout that I use still every day since the last week of April. However, I’ve had my Cellerciser for a month or so now and I love it. When I started using your workout, it was baby steps. I felt woozy when I first got on the rebounder. I can finally after 3.5 months, do the full workout, except I can’t let my arms do the jumping jack thing I still use the bar. I just need it for balance. I was slowly getting into a funk I never thought would happen to me. And now I can play with my grandbaby and not feel like an unfit granny.
Thank you!
I’m so happy to be a part of the Cellercise family. I’m happy to share my testimony. I pray it will help someone.
On December 15, 2010 I prayed to God knowing he would be the only one that could help my health. I prayed that if he wanted to take me home to do it now! If not, then he needed to help me to get well. For I felt I was going to die. My health was very bad. I had asthma, that was the worst of all. I also had high blood pressure, a very fast pulse due to the medication and I was overweight. I could no longer function well; I was very weak and constantly short of breath.
After a year leave of absence, I had to take an early retirement. I could no longer do my job. I was on 13 prescription medications daily. Yet not getting well, but worse.
On December 16, 2010 I first used a Cellerciser. At this time, I could hardly walk, I was so sick. I was on my third prescription in a row of a strong dose of prednisone, it was not helping. I could hardly catch my breath.
I did a health bounce for about 3 to 5 minutes. My lungs began to open up and I could only then begin to clear them and begin to get better. This was my new beginning! Praise God! And I’ve gotten better and better ever since.
I am down from 13 prescriptions meds to 5. My blood pressure is normal, and I’ve lost 45 pounds in 6 months. I have a 4 year old grandson whom I was not able to pick up to hold for 2 ½ years, with out an asthma flare up or the strength. I can easily pick him up and hold him now. He weighs 50 pounds. I can play outdoors and go places with him now and keep up with him.
I am enjoying this summer, for the first time in 4 years. I thank God! I thank you, David for Cellercise. And I thank my brother, Cal for introducing me to my new lifestyle changes. I Cellercise every day, I eat organic and super foods.
Praise God, I have my life back and better than before! And even better to come. WOW!
Every opportunity God puts before to share my experiences and what I’m doing for my health I gladly share. I pray that me to help as many people as I can. I’m blessed!
Cellercise is God sent, the world is full of people that can be helped by it. I pray I can be an example, especially for my family.
God bless you, everyone!
My brother put together this Rebounder last night and we watched your DVD last night I was rather skeptical/frightened to get on the equipment this morning. It took a few minutes, trying to coordinate myself but after 5-10 minutes, I was gently bouncing as you instructed.
Let me explain my situation. On 10/18/04,1 was involved in a horrific auto accident in which I was thrown 40 feet into the air and came back down toward on-coming traffic. This resulted in a “burst fracture of the L-4vertebra, with 95% compression into the spinal canal. The neurosurgeon on call at that time stated that there was a possibility of me being paralyzed from the waist down, with no bladder or bowel control. A pretty gloom prognosis. With God guiding my surgeon’s hand, all the fragments were removed with only minimal permanent nerve damage. I learned how to walk again, after 6 months in a body brace, I learned how to drive again, go back to work, etc. I remain in pain 24/7 but I am so grateful for a second chance at life. My only ‘problem’ was that I could not brisk walk, jog, run, ride a horse again, go bowling and many other activities I used to do.
Then, I received this Cellercise®. After just 10 minutes on the equipment, I felt actually wonderful!!! My fear of hurting myself has lessened considerably, and my determination to use the equipment is now unbreakable. I’m sure it will take a little time to learn all the different positions/exercises but I finally have something to look forward to as far as getting healthy – mentally and physically – again. After 10 minutes, I have no pain in my lower back. During the time I was on the Rebounder, my lower back felt “funny” but absolutely NO pain. I am psyched!!! After I feel more sturdy on it, I would like to try 10 minutes – 2 times a day. Would this be OK? After not being able to do any real exercising, I have put on over 10 pounds in the last 2 years -10 pounds that I do not need, as I’m Type II Diabetic.
I can only thank you from you from bottom of my heart for what you have done for me emotionally -I really have something to look forward to and, like I said before, my determination is unbreakable! I’ll e-mail you every couple of weeks to fill you in on my progress. Again – THANK YOU!!
Aug 16,2012
I did not think it was possible to build the strength in my two Hernia’s without operating on it. I think it is better and strength is improving as well. Balance improving as well. Also digestion better which is interesting. I love my Cellerciser.
Thanks, Darin
Wed, Aug. 29, 2012
Something I did not mention is that my balance is getting better now and 12 years ago going on 131 had my knee operated on and no matter what I did my balance just was not there, my knee was what was causing my imbalance to occur. Now with this said I have more balance in my Karate moves with my lower body then I have had in going on 14 or 15 years. This was always my challenge with any Martial Arts because my balance just sucked the big one. Anyway my balance has improved greatly these days and my back kicks are working well.
Now some other interesting news I have had difficulty putting on strength muscle and I am putting on more weight then I have been able to keep on for month with my Ulcerative Colitis (UC) then I have been able to in months. So with my Vegan Diet or mostly Vegan Diet I seem to be doing very well with the combination of the Cellerciser and my diet I have almost no problems with my UC these days. I have had no problems for over two months now and no Pharmaceutical Drugs, which my specialist does not know yet the best part no side effects and I feel great.
I recommend the Cellercise to all of my patients. It is the one and only original mini trampoline that I trust to recommend. This product has literally changed the lives of my patients. You could bounce on this all day and only feel more energized and stronger. Your joints will never hurt, and it complements any other exercise routine: a person has. It is great for those who are old and feel they have trouble moving, it builds strength and stability. It helps people who are cleansing or in a detox by increasing circulation and moving the lymph. For those who want to lose weight, get in shape or just firm up it is a must to their routine. I have reports of its natural face lift ability. It firms under arms, neck, and butt sags. It. is especially good for those needing to start exercising but have little energy and strength nothing is better at building energy and strength without stress on any level. This Cellercise is amazing and the only one I have recommended for years. There is no comparison to the others out there. Here is a test l give to those who have another small trampoline. Jump on your tramp for 5 minutes and see how your joints feel immediately after and the next day then try the Cellercise. The more you bounce the more you want to, it actually gets easier the longer you bounce, and your joints will never hurt. Finally, the Cellercise gets results fast and is fun; I look forward to bouncing to health. I trust the Center for Cellular Health to provide me with the best, safest, and original Cellercise.
I talked to Jerry when I ordered the Cellerciser with bar.
I weigh 160, 5’7”, age 68. I have reduced several years ago from 180. Eating less food, less junk, less sugar.
I have kept it off, using a treadmill. But I have done nothing for weightlifting exercise except doing my own gardening of my property.
My weight has creeped up to 160. Red light, Stop! Along the way I have read about our food sources, understand more about all the junk ingredients in prepared foods. I drink a vitamin drink from called Living Fuel. I feel much better. I am off most sugar, get sweet from fresh fruit.
I am getting some fat pads around the area just under my waist, and all some drooping in my midriff area. From Dave’s lecture, those internal organs are drooping also from lack of support. I am not looking for miracles; my family will get together (3 children, spouses, and children) at thanksgiving. I hope by then from 9/19/04 – 11/21/04 ten weeks I will have shed 10 lbs. down to 150 and can see improvement in the 2 above areas I mentioned. If I can, I will take my Cellerciser down to Tuscan and show them. I am trying to do a 4 min. routine 3 x’s a day, when I’m home. Morning + evening when I have to go to work.
Already (from the 18th – today 24th) 7 days, I am at 155, feel great, have more energy, sleep better. WOW.
I hope all is well with you and your family.
When I received my Cellerciser on Sep 26, 2020, I remembered you had asked me to contact you after 3 weeks of Cellercising to see how it was going. Well, that would have been right around Oct 17; unfortunately, I got hurt. I think I pulled a ligament that affected my left knee. I started doing the “Side to Side Kick”, which is in the Intermediate level. The pain got progressively worse, I was limping, it was painful, and the only thing I could do was the “Health Bounce” for the next few weeks. I was concerned at how long my recovery was taking.
How did I get hurt, you ask? Well, in the beginning, I opened up the App and started with the Health Bounce, the Twist, and then I thought; “These are too easy”, so I jumped to the “Intermediate” level, 4th Routine … BIG mistake! I hurt myself doing the “Side to Side Kick”. I said to myself, “OMG! Really?!”
Well, I learned a big lesson. After my recovery, I decided to be smart about it and start the routines from the very beginning. What a difference! I realized then that my body needed to adjust to these new types of moves, and that skipping the ‘Beginner” level and jumping to the “Intermediate” level was a mistake. I have been “Playing in” for three weeks now and loving it!
This is my routine: I do a routine 2 – 3 x a day; I am now in the Intermediate level, 4th Routine. I already see changes in my body. I’ve been struggling with my “love handles” for many years now. Keep in mind that I’ve been teaching Pilates for 14 years, and I could never get rid of my “love handles”, but since I started Cellercising, all that has changed: My waist has shrunk, legs are stronger, abs are stronger, agility is great, my level of energy is amazing, and I can’t believe that at age 60, my body looks better than ever.
Thank you again, Dave, for all your YouTube demonstrations, for explaining things, for reading comments and answering questions that we can all benefit from.
God bless,
If one questions as to whether the method that David Hall suggests works, one just has to look to Charles Atlas. He built his incredible physique back in the early 50’s using his system called Dynamic Tension. I sent David an email showing some of the exercises Charles Atlas did with his arms and they are identical to what David is showing in the video above. It works. One doesn’t need weights … look up older pictures of Charles Atlas and you will see what I mean.
Thank you so much for speaking with me today! I absolutely LOVE my Cellerciser! I have noticed a great difference in how I feel overall as well as improvement in my other exercise activities. I still do Tae-Bo and I can see where the Cellerciser has improved my balance and coordination.
Thank you for informing me about Cellercising! I will never look at “exercise” that same way again!’
Just want to thank you for the Cellerciser, which has been a big game changer for me. I have struggled with Idiopathic Neuropathy and exercising on the Cellerciser helps me on a daily basis. My tingling has NOT gone away but the tingling intensity has subsided and I’m able to sleep much better. I have also improved my balance tremendously. Now I can stand still on one leg on the Cellerciser and fold the other into my thigh and stand still on the Cellerciser for a whole minute on each leg. When I started, I could not even manage 2 seconds. Secondly, my blood pressure has seen a significant improvement without any medication which has surprised my doctor. Thank you for everything that you do and help us live a healthier lifestyle!!
Just bought Cellerciser from you 3 weeks ago. I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome many years ago and used fascia and energy work to pull me out of it but could never regain my strength and knew something was missing. Muscles always hurt after exercise, felt awful. In 3 weeks with Cellercise my body has changed dramatically, and I have used it every day without relapse. Bags under eyes gone, fat ratio decreasing, noticeably more toned, more energy and zip in my step. Breath and mood increased. Got one from Big5 at first and it hurt my knees, felt jolting. What a difference when I got the Cellercise! I study fascia! release and everything you say aligns. Thank you!!
From the first time I tested your Cellerciser at the whole life expo in Chicago this last October I knew your Cellerciser was qualitatively different from any other mini-trampoline I’ve ever used.
In the past I used Cellercising as a way of warming up before I really worked out. Now the centerpiece of my workout is Cellercise. I was an athlete in college and have worked out my whole life. Recently I started to become interested in finding a convenient form of exercise that would develop flexibility, endurance, and strength. A complete workout on the Cellerciser has been the answer to my search. I do the exact workout you outline in your video and finish with some stretching and dumbbell exercises. The whole workout takes no more than 20-30 minutes.
Thanks for your determination and enthusiasm in educating the public about the health benefits of Cellercise.
We wanted to share with you how wonderful the Cellerciser has been for our family.
Our whole family of seven uses the Cellerciser almost every day. Our four older children have been delighted with the muscle and strength they have gained from it.
We have a story to share with you about our fifth child. Melody, who has Trisomy 18 (an extra copy of the 18th chromosome). About 90%- of babies with Trisomy 18 do not make it out of the womb alive. If they survive the time in the womb, 50% die in the first week. Of those only 5-10% make it to a year. Little Melody is six years old. Her health is very good other than her propensity to get colds lately. We are working on her development diligently. Children with full Trisomy 16 have severe developmental delays. Melody does not walk a talk in words. Yet. I can definitely say Melody is doing far better than she should be, given her condition.
A couple of years ago we bought a Cellerciser with her in mind. Back then she did not have the strength to stand up or the height to hold the bar. Occasionally we would lay her on the Cellerciser and jump her or help her stand and jump her, but nothing consistent
About a month ago I was listening to you talk about how someone could be in a wheelchair, put their feet on the Cellerciser, and have someone else jump. You noted how beneficial that could be. We decided to try Melody on there again. We realized that she is now tall enough to hold the bar.
The results have been amazing. Just in one month she is stronger and has better balance. Trisomy 18 children tend to be very weak. Melody now has definition in her muscles! It is impacting her development in countless other areas. She is making more connections cognitively, as well.
Melody has a website. In our latest post we talked about how beneficial the Cellerciser has been for her. I thought I would share it with you. The link is below.
The main reason Melody does not walk is because of a lack of balance. She has the pattern of walking in her brain. and she has the strength to do it, just not the balance. We have seen that the Cellerciser has helped her with that some. We are hoping it will continue to do so to the point of her being able to walk on her own. I have never come across a full Trisomy 18 child who walks independently. We have hope that Melody could potentially do that if you have any suggestions for us beyond what we are already doing (having her stand on the Cellerciser with the help of the bar as well as lying her down on her back and bouncing) please let us know.
We are immensely grateful for you and for the Cellerciser.
Thank you
I lifted weights for YEARS and never saw results like these in my muscle tone
I saw it said in his group to trust the Cellerciser process and that’s exactly what I did. That’s what I’ll continue to do because I see my body getting stronger every day before my eyes.
My goal isn’t weight loss and I’m not dieting/ following any particular diet. My only goal was to have FUN, feel GOOD, be HAPPY, and to get STRONG. That’s it.
I am a Cellercise user since August 12th. Have been Cellercising 1 day short of one month and I am super excited about the improvements in the way I feel, the strength, the stamina, energy levels, better posture, less aches and pains, better mood, etc.
I am very excited also on what is to come because I am still going slow and giving it time for the whole body to adjust and strengthen.
I have a quick question? Is there a YouTube video or a video that shows Dave’s full routine? I have been doing some simple moves for 5-6 minutes in the morning and then 1 O minutes in the afternoon. It would be great to get the whole 10-12 minutes that Dave follows.
We all want to look like him!!!
Thank you,
Been Cellercising for 80 days straight. 5 mins in the am and 1O in the PM.
I’m noticing more definition on my legs for sure. My neck and my shoulders too, I’m even noticing more muscularity and vascularity on my forearms.
Feel more agile and the skin feels tighter. My goal is to get to 6 months nonstop in order to experience the max benefits. Looking forward to it.
Hello! Just want to take a minute and tell you how much I love and appreciate my Cellerciser. I’ve had it for one month and have already experienced such positive results ie balance, circulation, lung capacity and strength. I’m 70 years old and was starting to see a decline in my strength, balance and endurance in spite of daily walking and exercise classes to build bone mass etc. Rebounding is something that I can do in my home at any time of the day, and I love it!
Thank you for the weekly emails, YouTube videos, and the information you freely share. My friend, Missy, ordered her Cellerciser last week and I have another friend that is also going to order one. We’re all looking forward to getting healthier and stronger and also encouraging each other along the way.
You are an inspiration and a rare find in today’s business world.
I’ve owned a Cellerciser for years that I used off and on. In early 2023 I was broadsided in a car accident that totaled my car, and I suffered from two herniated disks in my lower spine. I saw several doctors, including a neurologist, and the only thing they offered were spinal injections. The risk of permanent injury from the injections vs. the minimal chance of pain relief was not worth it to me. Since I knew the Cellerciser strengthened ALL of the cells in the body, I took a chance on it being able to strengthen my lower back. I started out slowly and within a few weeks, my lower back pain disappeared and has not come back! I am now on the Cellerciser twice a day for ten minutes each session, and not only has my lower back pain disappeared, my posture is no longer hunched over (due to the pain and lack of flexibility).
I am now a full believer in the strengthening and rejuvenating effects of the Cellerciser. It is a daily part of my life, and I will never stop Cellercising!
P.S. Dave Hall will answer any question you have and has created a fabulous rebounder. It never wears out!
We got a Cellerciser in December of 2003 and are so amazed at the ongoing results. We keep getting healthier, stronger, more agile, etc. We were encouraged in many ways by the excellent literature and the book. What encouragement!
We live in the country. I find carrying water, chopping wood, hiking up our driveway easier and more fun with increased strength, stamina, endurance and joy!
When swimming the other day at a pool, it was great to have increased vital force and strength. We’re amazed at how this helps my husband’s lower back to heal up quicker if he overexerted on his carpentry jobs.
This Cellerciser is part of our family, like our Norwalk juicer is. We are so thankful. God helped you to have the perseverance to design this. It goes along with the natural remedies that Heaven provides for healing, building, cleansing, rejuvenating and incredible improvement in every way.
Everything has improved – probably stronger, trimmer, more fit than I’ve ever been. My rear is firming up. I notice greater, easier endurance for hark work or hiking. This is incredible.
There’s real progress, continually. When I’ve overdone it a little and take a day or two off from the Cellerciser, I return to it with greater strength to do more and longer bouncing that I did before. I have seen these beautiful bounces just sit unused by several elderly lady friends. I didn’t want ours to end up like that just sitting around, not getting used.
Two days after I turned 50, I noticed my body was getting that “saggy” feeling. It felt disgusting as I have usually been pretty strong and fit. I had seen David’s bouncing enthusiasm shared with us at Danny’s health expo in Lodi, California. I’ve always been impressed that this was for real. I never really had the money as an unpaid housewife. But this year I had some money set aside for dental work, so when I realized the saggy – baggy feeling was creeping into my life. I knew that was the time to get a Cellerciser instead I haven’t regretted the decision – ever.
This is Lynette and I am leaving you a recording in regard to my husband, Harvey, and his experience with the Cellerciser and his illness. My husband was diagnosed with a rare resistant bacterial infection in his lungs called micro bacterium, that the CAT scan showed was destroying his lung tissue with bronchiectasis and infectious pockets of mucus. He had asthma and COPD within that time frame, with recurring breathing crises and constant coughing and drainage. I was quite scary during that time. His sinuses were also severely infected with that same mycobacterium and they were draining down into his lungs. He was prescribed a flutter valve to help break up and vibrate against the pockets of thick mucus in his lungs, plus the doctors wanted to put him on three different antibiotics for up to a year or more to attempt to clear the infection. We said no to the antibiotics, and started using the flutter valve and added our naturopathic methods and homeopathy instead of the antibiotics; and because the flutter valve was inconvenient to use and had to be soaked and cleaned every time he preferred the Cellerciser instead for his lungs. Which he used to bounce his body and break up the mucus, and by bouncing he was also able to work his lungs in much the same way, only he was having a lot more fun doing it, and it only took him about 3-5 minutes each time each day while doing the baby bounce. He kept up that baby bounce on the Cellerciser for a solid year, and his breathing greatly improved, and he stopped having those coughing and breathing episodes and asthma attacks. Two years after his initial diagnosis his repeat CAT scan revealed that there were no visible inflammation areas and very little isolated portions of residual infection present. His lung specialist was absolutely ecstatic. She said she was quite surprised and wasn’t expecting him to be in the great state of health he was in two years from that initial diagnosis. He is still doing great today, now three years from doing that and becoming ill, and he is still bouncing the baby bounce. But now for 8 minutes a day, he is able to do more physically than he was doing before this even six years ago, and he is not 79 years young.
I am so thankful for the Cellerciser I have and the little bit of information I understand about using it. We’ve had our Cellercisers for eight months now. We do our 10 minute Cellerciser routines every day just like you would take a supplement. Any “exercising” anyone wants to do after that is great, but we find the Cellerciser to be enough.
Some of the health benefits I have noticed are:
The best part is you don’t have to wait for these health benefits to come along. They are noticeable the first time/first few times you Cellercise.
Thank you!
• The main message that I want to relay is that while using the Cellerciser within a two-month timespan and rebounding even though one of my feet is affected by what I feel is plantar fasciitis, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that with minimal abdominal core focus-that my abdominal core muscles have really gotten stronger! I know this because in those two months I only did about four targeted abdominal sessions and that’s it. So then last week I decided try to do an intense ab DVD that I used to do back in my heyday 20 years and minus 50 pounds ago when I used to lift weights, I thought “I will just TRY my best”, but I didn’t think that I would be able to do even half of the exercises. Well, much to my astonishment, I was able to do the majority of the exercises. I haven’t been consistently doing that routine for about eight years now and even when I did do it, it was very, VERY challenging!
• The other aspect of my testimonial is that back in 2022, because my foot was so sensitive from the plantar fasciitis, I had stopped using the Cellerciser as even the regular front kick, side kick, and Jamba run, all would negatively affect my heel. But then earlier this summer I read that doing sprinting on the rebounder only uses the front of your feet, and learned of a HIIT recommendation, I began doing that 3/week. I was so happy bc even though the scale didn’t move much, my body began feeding much better! Aches and pains in my legs that had slowly crept in due to inactivity began to go away! I noticed that I wasn’t huffing and puffing as much w daily activities, my legs began getting toned up, and someone asked if I’d lost weight which technically I hadn’t, but I feel that I did bc muscle weighs more than fat.
• I’m 53 now and have always loved the effects of a good workout… and thanks to the Cellerciser I am able to get back at it. Thanks for a great product, indeed!
Hi Dave,
I want to share my experience with the Cellercise family. I was diagnosed with heart failure a couple of years ago. And I’ve been trying to get better naturally since. During a conversation with a friend on a radio program I heard a caller talking about the benefits of rebounding. It didn’t take me long to start a search 👀. Initially I tried Amazon and through haste bought a popular rebounder which was quite good –
However I came across Dave Hall and was hooked! I researched all I could including watching his old videotapes. Then I decided that I needed a Cellerciser to make a good go at getting better. So the rebounder I bought was returned! Anyway to cut a long story short
I’ve had the Cellerciser now around 6 weeks and noticing a difference-
1. I can climb 4 flights of stairs in my house – before I used a stair lifer halfway and dragged myself the other 2 flights.
2. My muscles are stronger.
3. I can Cellercise now for nearly 20 minutes straight- when I started I could only manage a few minutes.
4. I’m sleeping better and longer.
5. I want to do housework and little chores.
6. And amazingly my heart feels a lot better and I’m walking better.
7. I’m aiming on improving my heart and come off the medication and live a normal Cellerciser life! ☺️
Thank you Dave! For inventing Cellerciser and for being on the phone to offer advice and Pep talks! Absolutely marvelous and anyone out there with Heart Failure grab a Cellerciser and start bouncing.
I cannot begin to put in words what a fabulous exercise piece of equipment the Cellercise is and what an impact its had on my body in a relatively short time.
I started Cellercising for about 5 minutes a day and am now consistently jumping for 25 minutes with the last 5 minutes doing the gentle health bounce, while exercising my arms.
1 have experienced renewed strength and energy right from the beginning; and now that I have completed a month of Cellercising (missing only 2 days), I have noticed slimming and tightening of my entire body – especially my legs, thighs, tummy, and now within the last 2 weeks a tightening and firming of my upper arms. I also noticed that when I go to stand up from a sitting position, a renewed strength in my legs that wasn’t there before.
After a few weeks into Cellercising, I started experiencing some slight discomfort in both my knees, however, Jerry informed me not to worry because Cellercising tends to target those weak areas in our body to strengthen them. So I cut back my jumping and did the gentle health bounce with marching in place. Ad that did the trick, within a couple of days, the discomfort was totally gone and I was back to my regular jumping routine.
I will be encouraging everyone I know to look into purchasing a Cellercise and start reaping its many health/weight loss benefits. The science behind the Cellercise is just amazing.
Thank you so much David Hall for your amazing Cellercise – I LOVE IT!!! And also Jerry for all the help and support on the phone—I appreciate you both!!
P.S. After many years (decades actually) I cancelled my gym membership this week. NO REGRETS!!
For the record, Cellercising during the first 3 months completely cured my long standing symptoms of transverse colon prolapse, and it hasn’t come back since then. I was very careful in the first few months to pull my stomach in and up during bouncing and still do that to this day. This recovery is testimony to the fact that ligamentous attachments that anchor the inner organs are strengthened and tightened throughout. I don’t think this is possible with any other form of exercise.
I’d love to give you a little more background info, and you can use as much or little of it as you’d like for testimony material. A year or so ago, I became convinced that I needed a regular exercise routine, in addition to the changes I’d made in my nutritional habits (about 3 years ago, I began incorporating the Weston Price traditional food preparation techniques and other supplementation based on his book “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration” and Sally Fallon’s cookbook, Nourishing Traditions). I became familiar with the Radiant Life Company and remembered with interest their recommendation of the Cellerciser. So, I finally got one. Once I received it. I became a little concerned, because since the birth of my 3rd child in 2005, I suffered from some pelvic relaxation (also known as pelvic organ prolapse). I was, with the help of a website and information begun by Christine Kent ( determined to not have surgery for this condition. With the help of Christine’s program, I had stabilized the condition. When I first got the Cellerciser and jumped on it, I felt a jarring in the pelvic organs, and was disconcerted, thinking I might not be able to rebound. That’s when I contacted you. You encouraged me to use a sitting back slightly posture, and that it could strengthen the muscles in that area. I also read in the book that came with the Cellerciser that women who had pelvic relaxation could do it, with gentle bouncing (not jumping). So, I began developing my own exercise routine, first in sitting posture, then very gentle bouncing. Gradually I worked up to my current 20 minutes per day. Sometimes its 20 minutes twice per day. Paying careful attention to my posture, the positioning of my organs over the pubic bone, and using sitting and standing exercises on the Cellerciser, I have improved my condition. I feel stronger than ever. Not only do I feel stronger with respect to this condition (I can even run now with no discomfort, and I can gently jump on the unit), where I was previously having some cracking in my knees. that is completely gone, and my joints feel better than when I was in my 20’s. Also, I have improved circulation -some veins that were beginning to protrude in my feet are completely gone, and some other veins in my legs are reduced. I have better tone and definition overall, but especially in my upper body. Finally, I have SO MUCH MORE energy, which is required as I homeschool my 3 young children and run a part time law practice. I need that energy!! I have thought of writing so many times. I love the Cellerciser because it’s fun, it’s efficient, and it is so convenient, which I also need for my lifestyle. I couldn’t drag myself out to run, nor could I get to a gym. And, I have never had a form of exercise that I’ve been able to stick to doing like this every day with such ease. Our 69-year-old aunt (a cloistered Benedictine Nun from Kent, England) came here for a 3 month visit late last year –she tried the Cellerciser and thought what a wonderful thing it would be for the aging nuns in her community. I can’t thank you enough for making such an incredible health product. Personally, I think everyone would benefit by having a Cellerciser in their home. I tell everyone about it! And, to those who think it’s expensive, I say compare it with the cost of a gym membership or think of all the money you will save by being well and feeling great. What would you pay for that?? Thanks again, David, and I’ll email you my sister’s address tomorrow. We’re going to get her a Cellerciser.
My low back pain came with my firstborn. It has most of the time through my years. The past 4 years I have worked in a grocery store as a personal shopper. More pain and not just low back. Now legs hurt too. I wear good shoes which only helped a little. I recently made up a good routine which included many times doing sit bouncing for abs. My granddaughter’s birthday party was at a public pool. I saw someone I used to work with. We talked for a good while standing on cement in not supportive shoes. I realized later in the day that my low back never started hurting!!! Usually in 5 or so minutes I’m feeling the pain and tightness. The only thing different was doing the ab work on the Cellerciser! I quit that job but still have some pain and tightness in my left leg. Chiropractor is working on it along with me using a roller on it. He told me to lay off the Cellerciser for a few weeks. My leg is almost cleared up. I’m so motivated to get back to it and keep working on my abs along with the rest of my body!!!! You’re the best and so is Cellerciser!!!
I have used Dave Hall’s Cellerciser for about one month. Currently, the only technique I perform on the Cellerciser is an advanced bounce for four to six minutes. When I finish this technique, I am breathing heavily which is a testament to the tremendous aerobic benefits the unit provides.
I have been lifting weights on and off for approximately 10 years. Since using the Cellerciser, I have noticed an overall increase in my strength level. I am currently able to bench-press 270 pounds using the Hammer bench press machine. I can do four repetitions at this weight. I am 41 years of age and currently weigh 185 pounds.
I currently do not do any abdominal exercises at my gym. However, since I have been using my Cellerciser, my abdominal muscles are stronger than any time in my life. What is really amazing is that I have not targeted my abdominals with the Cellerciser. Since Cellercising works every cell in the body, I am automatically working the abdominal muscles every time I perform an advanced bounce.
I whole-heartedly recommend Dave Hall’s Cellerciser to anyone who is interested in increasing his or her level of fitness and wellbeing. We should all be grateful to David for making the Cellerciser and cellular technology available to the general public.
Your truly,
I just want to thank you for all you do to help people get heathy and fit. I have been using my Cellerciser since February and to my surprise my bunion on my right foot has been getting straighter my foot was getting deformed and I was not able to wear some of my shoes with out pain and I did not know how crooked my step was until I put on a pair of work shoes, I couldn’t understand why my shoe was not fitting well. My bunion had made my step so crooked it made my shoe crooked! I have had to throw them away, and I can wear my boots with out pain it has helped with my muscle mass, all my life I’ve been flabby. I am actually firming up I couldn’t believe my eyes when I looked in the mirror ,I’m getting back my figure, my apron flab is slowly disappearing and I am having fun on my trampoline.
My Cellerciser arrived one week ago. Here is my first week’s experience.
I am 71. I am overweight, and in serious need for exercise. I happened to see one of Dave’s videos, and was especially drawn to the Cellercisers impact on the lymph system, and the benefits gained even with low impact exercises. My lower back, hips, and knees rejoiced at the thought of helpful exercise without pain.
I have done two ten-minute basic routines a day for a week. Health Bounce, Wide-stance deep walk, Twists, Jamba walk, and Health Bounce, 2 min each. I could not lift off the mat. And I certainly could not do those amazing straight leg kicks Dave does (I could not support my weight on one leg and bounce, let alone kick.) But the encouragement that “bouncing builds strength and adds health” was a great motivation. And Dave is right — jumping on the Cellerciser is just plain fun.
Each day I have started my routine, I have felt stronger. After 2-3 days, I felt more stable, more solid, even as I walked across the room. After 5 days, my jumping jacks had me clearing the mat. Balance has improved every day. The first day, the bar was a must I bounced all over the thing. Now one week in I use it for bending exercises.
On day 5, I began hopping on one leg while holding the other out –front, back, side — for 50 hops each. In an amazing way, I could feel the areas of weakness I was working.
This morning — Day 7 — I was able to hop-kick to the front for a count of 20, and then hop-kicked (with two hops for each kick for stability).
Running was out for me 20 years ago. Walking was too painful. Body weight exercises left me stiff. Cellerciser is helping me grow stronger by the day and increasing my flexibility at the same time. I’m not burning many calories because I cannot generate the intensity yet, but that will come in time, I have no doubt.
Love my Cellerciser!
So far, within my capabilities, everything Dave said has proven true. I had a trampoline years ago and like many, I finally gave it to goodwill because it did not seem to help, and I did not know what to do. The video you and Dave make are very helpful. I have also researched other “neutral sites” regarding rebounding and all the science underscores what Dave is sharing. I have real hope for increasing strength and flexibility now than any time in years.
In the two weeks I’ve had and used my Cellerciser, I have found Dave is exactly right about the Health Bounce. It looks so simple, so elementary, and yet –no matter how unmotivated I feel, morning or evening, to do my Cellerciser routine, 15 seconds of the Health Bounce changes everything. The rest of my 10-15 minute free style routine is a given. A second thing the Health Bounce does psychologically is — when I try a new more intense exercise and get winded or lactic acid build-up — all I have to do is drop into a gentle Health Bounce and 1) rest and recuperate and 2) know that I am not slacking off, but continuing to do something that has a positive impact on my body. That is a win-win. At 71, I’ve gained so much in terms of leg strength and balance — far more than I ever dreamed that first day. I could not bounce on one leg — too weak and uncomfortable. My right hip was painful, and so I backed off into the Health Bounce. The next day, hops were less painful. Today, I’m doing 150 hops on each leg straight (while holding the other leg as high as I can front, back, and side). This is strengthening my core, hips, and legs so that in a few weeks or months I can do kick-outs. I saw Dave’s suggestions on neck and spine stretches while Health Bouncing, including the backward lean, a few days ago, and have incorporated all of those. I am feeling a real difference already. The Bicep/Triceps combos and chest pull/pushes while health bouncing, I’ve also started.
I understand why some folks on Facebook call Cellerciser “magic.”
I also appreciate Dave’s positive take on chiropractors. Good chiropractors have helped me over the years, but the problem was I didn’t have an efficient way to strengthen the muscles around the re-arranged bones to hold them in place. Now I do 15 days, 26 sessions (I missed two days this week with a bad sinus infection/ cold — was it lymph overflow?) and I am stronger, more stable, have no lingering hip pain. I haven’t lost much weight, but my whole torso is tighter, and I keep “automatically” tucking in my stomach. The simplicity of the health bounce also makes it the perfect relaxing exercise, as Dave says. When I’m grading papers and nearly burned out, I can go into the sun room and bounce for a few minutes, and then I’m ready to go back to grading.
Great video. Looking forward to the next 11 days!
It has been miraculous the positive influence your trampoline has had on my body. I’ve faithfully bounced twice a day for the past 2 1/2 weeks and the benefits are starting to come.
I’ve spent thousands on supplements the past 15 years. I’ve tried every strength/Pilates/stretching routine available and nothing has worked like your tramp to help me get my joint and muscle health back!
Helen and I are sold on what you have created!
Yes!! I am on oxygen and have been since March of 2014 and I use my Cellerciser that arrived 2 years ago, every day. Now I am strong enough to use it without my oxygen for a time. I don’t get excessive or crazy but I do a plethora of movements, but often just walking/bouncing in place – I want to move my lymphatic system so that the detoxification process continues and I continue to heal and regenerate because the doctors have told me it won’t happen. l know different. Bless you for all you do and thank you!
We’re coming out of COVID (I hope) and it became evident that I spent too much time on my butt. Time to get serious about using my Cellerciser with more intention than in the past. “Let’s give it 30 days to see what happens,” I said to myself. Times up. Result: Un(freakin’) believable. I am soooo much stronger. My balance is improved. I think more clearly. I also think I’m better looking. That’s a good thing because tomorrow I turn 68 and I haven’t felt this good in years. Nice work Dave. I know you know that. But, you make a real difference in people’s lives. Keep up the good work.
Just wanted you to know how much your Cellerciser has meant to me and my family. Before we purchased your Cellerciser, we accumulated a nice collection of other exercise machines. We have the “Power walker”, the CardioGlide, the Stationary bike, and some others that I’m almost too embarrassed to mention. Needless to say, we never used them much, and we don’t even think about them anymore. (They did make good clothes hangers, I think I heard that _one from you, but it’s true) Well when I went to that Chicago Health Expo and saw that guy (David) jumping like a kid and having fun and saw what kind of shape he was in, I said, “If he can look that good by just jumping on that thing I gotta have it!
David it’s been everything you said it would be and more. We keep it right in our TV Room and my wife and I and my 3 boys all jump on it daily.
One of the things that I really like about it is even if I don’t feel so motivated some days, when I get on it and just start with the “health bounce”, before you know it I just get going and 10 or 15 minutes just fly by.
I love the feeling of strength and balance I feel in my legs and body. I really can’t say enough about how much me, and my family love this Cellerciser.
(Believe it or not my 7-year-old is jumping right at this moment) Thanks again David for your great contribution and your enthusiasm toward great health.
I received my Cellerciser 6 days ago. We spoke on the phone before my unit arrived. I was inquiring about my old foot injury and whether I should wear sneakers or not. You recommended the Whitin sock which I purchased from Amazon. They arrived and so did my Cellerciser. I’ve worked out 6 days now and I LOVE this unit. I had an inexpensive one that was causing me some concern and I’m so glad I purchased yours! I’ve done your weight loss video (28 minutes) and different ones. I also have your Mr. REBOUNDER APP and love this too. It’s so nice how the app alerts you to an exercise change. I’ve always exercised, whether walking, step aerobics and some dumbbells but something is very positively different with this form of exercise. I already feel stronger in 6 days!! I am encouraging my husband to use it too as he has bad knees and had surgery on one and is trying to hold off on the other one. I think this could help him. I am looking forward to seeing how the isotonic strength exercises work instead of my traditional dumbbells and seeing my results after several weeks. Thank you for taking the time to speak with me on the phone…I was so surprised when you answered as I recognized your voice immediately from your videos. Also, for your recommendation about the Whitin socks….my foot is doing great! God bless you and your family!
Hello, where do I begin? My Cellerciser arrived mid-April 2024 and I have used it daily with the exception of six days when I traveled. I’ve noticed my body is getting stronger and my overall wellbeing has improved. My face looks much healthier, and I am using much less foundation on my skin. Also, my sleep is better! I’m sure that helps my skin too however, I really believe the rebounder is helping at the cellular level that David speaks about. The skin on my arms isn’t as fragile as it was and just knocking up against something could tear it. I’m about to turn 65 and was very concerned about that as I age; assuming it would get much worse. I believe now the Cellerciser will help eradicate this issue or at least make it better. I was concerned about a previous foot injury from six years ago; however, my foot is doing great, and I have had no problems. I do wear the Whitin socks Dave recommended to me. When I first began the workout, I couldn’t do the sit-down bounce, but I can now so I know my body is getting stronger. I have been doing Brooklyn’s weight loss on the advance app and feel amazing doing this. I don’t need to lose weight but toning up is definitely happening. I so enjoy listening to Dave’s YouTube channel and hearing others reviews. This is my second review, and I am thrilled by the results that I am seeing. Thank you for all you do!
Newbie here! Just watched the LIVE from last night and did the workout with Dave and Christine. I got my Cellerciser 2 ½ weeks ago. I love it! After getting mine, several family members have ordered one! My bad posture from 21 years of driving for a living has already greatly improved! I’m feeling stronger every day! Many thanks to you Dave!
Last Sunday 10/27/19, I completed a 4,500 foot hike to the summit of Mt. San Jacinto Peak, Ca with some great friends. I can’t praise and recommend the Cellerciser enough! I know it got me in probably the best condition I’ve ever been in and prepared for this hike. I was strong and focused, didn’t suffer any breathing problems, had excellent endurance and stamina and felt great after hiking about 14 hours. I started Cellercising Nov. 26, 2018 and it along with a healthy diet has changed my life and I’m down 85 lbs. since 07/06/18. The Cellerciser is the single best piece of exercise equipment I’ve ever used!
One year on my Cellercise now and I can ride my bikes like I am 15 years old. Also, I turn 50 this year and feel really strong overall. I’ve got a Cellercise for my sister and mom. This product works great for anyone who wants to stay healthy and active. Me at 34 and the second picture is me at 50 with a semi healthy diet. I believe little steps lead to big wins!
Here is the information I promised to send you on the Cellerciser – it would be great for you to get one to help you with your bone density.
It is a special kind of re-bounder that is really safe. Regular re-bounders are very dangerous and can cause severe and permanent nerve damage and I do not recommend them. The Cellerciser was carefully researched and designed with specially designed extra large springs that slow down and eliminate the jar and maximize the lift and strengthening of every cell fo the body. They are very safe and easy and so much fun.
I have explored many different kinds of exercise and exercise equipment over the last thirty years as a teacher of healthy ways of exercising and I have found nothing else that elevates changes your state and elevates your mood as quickly, efficiently, and effectively.
If you just put some nice music and start to gently bounce within minutes you start to smile and feel high and like a kid again. Just 10 minutes a day makes a SIGNIFICANT improvement in your health and well being and bone density. Cellercising is much more time efficient than yoga or going to the gym. 10 minutes a day is one of the most important investment you can make in keeping your youth and health.
If you look in the mirror while you are bouncing like I do you will see that you look so happy and beautiful when you are bouncing on it. Like a happy, healthy child full of joy. I could really see and feel this because I enjoy this wonderful feeling every morning.
It is one of my favorite things to do because it makes me feel so good. Cellercising has helped me to lose over 20 pounds this year it has strengthened my knees and whole body and I have noticed it really helps my posture and gives a delicious sense of lift and ease to my carriage and movement.
It is so much more safe, easy and pleasurable than running with even more benefit for the bones and with out damaging the joints and tissues like running does.
It’s amazing. If you put your hands on your stomach you realize that every bounce your stomach and back are working as powerfully as a sit-up! At approximately 100 bounces/minute that’s like 1000 sit-ups in 10 minutes! Amazing. Imagine doing 1000 sit-ups a day?
And it’s the same for our bones and every cell of your body. You can put your hands anywhere. On your back, arms, legs and you will feel how each and every muscle is working powerfully each bounce like you were lifting weights at the gym. At approximately 100 bounces/minute that’s like lifting weights 1000 in 10 minutes with each and every muscle of your entire body! Nothing else does that.
Medical researchers have found that Cellercising actually improves the strength of the bones and the health and strength of your skin, face, connective tissue, and even the brain, heart, and eyes. Nothing else does the except running which is too hard on the joints. Cellercising is much better because it has all the benefits of running but actually massages instead of damages the whole body.
I really have felt the difference and benefits. You can feel the benefits immediately from the first time.
This system is also totally congruent with your goals to stay young and healthy in a safe way. It is something you should use and something that is very beneficial for you to make available for your friends to purchase through you.
I also feel that I have responsibility as a teacher of more healthy ways of exercising to inform people that they should only rebound with a Cellerciser because it is safe because of its special design and because ordinaty re-bounders can cause severe and permanent nerve damage.
Nothing else exercises every cell in your body like a Cellerciser does. Nothing else actually improves the health and strength of your skin, face, connective tissue, and even the brain, heart, and eyes like a Cellerciser does. It makes every cell of your body younger and stronger without damaging any of the tissues.
I really feel the benefits and values of this over the last few years I have been using it and never miss a day. The benefits are just too great. For me this and my laptop are the two best things I’ve ever spent money on.
I care about you and really want to help you and really recommend this. It will really support and enhance your health and well being and help the other members of your family too.
It is one of the few exercises that would be safe for your mom. She just has to be very gentle and easy and be careful to keep her toes on the mat all the time and only just gently bounce her heals just a little.
I have recommended it to many of my clients and they all love it and are so happy with it. Some of my older clients are recovering from knee, back, and heart surgery and others are professional dancers and athletes. One of the beautiful things about the Cellercise is that it is safe and good for almost everyone.
It is a wonderful complement to walking, yoga, and other forms of exercise because it is so dynamic like running but massages your whole body instead of damaging the joints like running does. Exercise, walking and yoga are so good for the muscles but it also feels very important and valuable for me to do something fun and dynamic like strengthening the bones and massaging all the cells of my body by bouncing and dancing to drums on my Cellerciser.
Please check out the website: and consider integrating this into your life as soon as possible. This is important. This could be one of the most important investments you will ever make.
I know the owner and can help you have a special relationship with him like I do so you can get one for yourself for a special discount It is incredibly well made and has a lifetime guarantee.
Because your mom should be careful about her balance, I suggest you get the optional balance bar which is only $50. It will help her to feel much more safe and secure so she can enjoy how good it feels when she bounces.
I can call him and set up a special relationship for you. Or you can just call and speak with the owner, David Hall at 800 856 4863. He is really nice. Just mention my name and tell him you are my client.
I am so passionate about this because it has helped me and my friends and clients so much. And I wanted to share it with you because you are a really special woman and person who has given me so much. And because I really care about you and your evolution and want you to enjoy the benefits and stay young, healthy, and happy and want to share this wonderful thing that has helped me so much.
By Wade T. Lightheart Formerly Known as Wade McNutt CSNA 3-Time Natural National Bodybuilding Champion Director of Human Performance Yaletown Holistics Vancouver, Balance Health Group Toronto
Everywhere I go I am always asked, “Wade, what’s your secret for getting so shredded”.
“Well there’s no secret” I say, “it’s a combination of whole foods, scientific high volume training, cutting edge supplements and most of all Consistency over Time.”
Sometimes simplicity seems to simple people suspect I have some sort of trick up my sleeve. In a today’s world that constantly pushes the latest and greatest, people become almost suspicious if I am not touting something totally radical. It’s funny that one I have too sometimes go over the top to bring people back to the basics.
However, last year I did get “Blown Over” by and “old technology” with newfound results. I have now tried, tested, and proved this type of training in my own workouts and I know feel comfortable sharing it with the world. So here we go, get ready to jump into the fast lane for getting ripped. It’s called Cellercising, and if you haven’t heard of it, you most likely will, and most definitely you will run into some charlatans who are touting inferior products. So let me give you the straight goods before someone else feeds you the shtick!
I Get Introduced To The Real Deal
Last year I was attending a health conference in my favorite state in America, California. I must say this conference was one of the better ones I have attended, as there was a host of sincere, professional, and extremely knowledgeable health practitioners sharing their wisdom. Of all the individuals who were there one of them in particular stood out head and shoulders about them all, his name David Hall.
Now I had heard of rebounding in the past, and I have heard many health experts talk about the effects of rebounding, mini-trampolines, and so on but not one of them had a physique that impressed me. Basically, I believe that if you’re an expert on something related to physical fitness, health, and vitality you better look and be the part because if you can’t do the work yourself how can you possibly teach others. I suggest you dear reader incorporate this attitude when assessing the value of information of individuals professing to be experts on the net, or in your local community. Basically the proof is in the pudding, but back to my story.
When I first say David walk up on stage I was blown away buy the incredible condition he was in. Although he did not have the mass of a bodybuilder the condition and symmetry of his body was nothing short of stellar. I estimated that he was well below 7 percent body fat yet his muscles were extremely pliable and relaxed until he flexed them. Upon flexion his soft arm curled and twisted into a steel-like mass of muscle sinewy muscle fibers that both shocked and delighted even the most jaded bystander.
After his presentation of his customized rebounder called the cellerciser I managed to have a few private moments with David to have him share what was so superior about his technology and why it helped him get so lean.
The Master Speaks…
David was quick to demonstrate the mechanics of his cellercisers. He showed me the springs he designed himself, the quality of the steel, as well as the other materials used in constructing his rebounder. He also shared his story about a family member who had purchased a cheap imitation and wound up hurting him or herself in an attempt to save money. Moral of the story don’t sacrifice quality when achieving optimum health.
David and I had a great time talking about his product and his adventures with as well as the science behind why and how the cellerciser worked. After a quick photo we parted and he told me to contact him anytime to answer any questions. I can honestly say of all the health and wellness practitioners I have met in my 20 years, David had to one of the most genuine and sincere individuals I ever met.
The Science, How Rebounding Works
I researched all the information David poured into me in that brief span of time, and then went to work doing my due diligence on how the “cellerciser” or rebounder worked. I was impressed to find out that it was NASA who first made the rebounder so popular as they discovered the fastest way for Astronauts to rebuild lost muscle mass and endurance after returning from space was to rebound. The reason rebounding works is simple”
It unlocks the power of three forces Acceleration, Deceleration, and gravity. No other exercise on the planet that I aware of can do that in one simple bounce. Not to mention, this technology can do so without putting any strain on the joints, which is of huge benefits to people with connective tissue damage, or individuals who are overweight, or heavily muscled bodybuilders.
With every bounce on the rebounder, every single cell in your body is subjected to the movement of the cellular fluid inside the cell. This action creates a pumping motion inside the cell that pushes waste materials out and lets nutrients in. The gentle rhythm of jumping also moves the lymphatic fluid through your body in the lymphatic system ridding the body of toxins and pollutants.
Each cells is forced to work thickening and strengthening the cellular walls and improving the cells metabolic functions. What’s even more amazing that every single cell in your body gets worked with every bounce from your toe cells to your brain cells. In fact the first time you bounce on the rebounder for a few minutes and step off your will feel an electrical buzz throughout your whole body.
So with as little as 10 minutes you can work you whole body as intensely as possible. David has a whole series of exercises, and functions with his cellerciser for all age levels and intensity components, which makes his product so versatile for everyone. While I won’t go into all the details in this article I will say David’s level of expertise is impressive as is his ability to teach what he does. His cellercisers all come with a complete course in how to use it and what exercises to perform.
I then went out and compared other brands and experts including Al Carter who became famous in the 70’s for touring with his family. I highly recommend reading his book the Miracles of Rebounding as a source of finding the ins and outs of rebounding. As I looked at all the manufactures I found that their existed I wide range of quality. From cheap 50-dollar versions that were painful to jump on right down the Rolls Royce David Halls’ cellerciser.
I jumped on them and all and I can say that David’s was by far the most comfortable and versatile. I prefer his tri-fold unit that has wheels you can wheel it anywhere you wish to go and travel with the cellerciser. Perfect for getaways without sacrificing quality or space.
So then it was off to see how it affected me and I can honestly say I was pleasantly surprised. David recommended several sessions a day of only a few minutes in length. I followed that advice for a few days and found a new level of tone and leanness in just a week’s bouncing.
The exercise was so fun as I danced on the cellerciser to my dance music that I got carried away one day. I had some great dance tracks blasting and thought I would really go for it… I ended up going all out for about 60 minutes getting one of the most intense cardio workouts I have had in my life.
After doing so, I was a bit disoriented and I ended passing out for a couple of hours. When I woke up the next day my lymph nodes were extremely sore and it felt like I had burned by tongue. What I later found it out is that I over trained the cells who had not been used to training as I pushed each cell to the absolute physical limit.
The other thing was, I was significantly leaner.
I gave myself a few days rest and went back to a saner program as suggested by David. Believe me 10-30 minutes a day is way more effective than hours of cardio for getting lean.
I then incorporated the cellerciser into my training and found with just 10 minutes by body got stronger, my weight workouts improved, and my muscle tone improved as well I got significantly leaner. It was almost too good to be true but yet the mirror doesn’t lie.
The Cellercise® Unlocks Contest Conditioning
This year as I prepared for the INBA Championships and the Natural Mr. Olympia I use the rebounder daily instead of cardio. I dance on the cellerciser for 10-20 minutes and then add 5 minutes of interval sprinting to get into contest condition. It’s so easy, so fun, and most of all I do the training right in the middle of my living room. Hey, there’s no excuse to miss a cardio session.
I personally believe that it’s the best and easiest way to improve ones’ health and vitality and to lean out in record time. All of my close friends who have purchased a cellerciser have reported the same results and all of it love it as there is no pressure on the joints and the convenience is second to none.
I give the Cellercise® big thumbs up for those short on time, or looking for a new trick to get leaner, and healthier. David Hall’s unit is by far the best unit on the market and is most definitely worth the extra dollars.
I plan on writing more about the benefits of the Cellercise® in the future and I will be talking about more on my websites.
Until then keep I’ll keep bouncing my way to buffness and I hope you are too.
When you invest in a Cellerciser®, you become part of the Cellercise® family. We are available 9-5 M-F (mst) or by email at [email protected] to answer your questions & to share the best exercises toward your fitness objectives.