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These customers have had a tremendous experience using Cellercise®. Their stories are incredible. Hear them below. When you’re finished, you can go back and read even more reviews about how Cellercise® has improved our customers’ lives in other ways.


Dear DAVE,

I want to thank you for the wonderfully made Cellerciser! Praise God! I have seen the pounds of fat slowing melt off my arms, legs, and bottom. I’m “shrinking” in my side mirror view. I am a 57-year-old post-menopausal African American woman who is very hippy, and the hips are slowly going down. My cousin noticed me and said, “Your arms are getting tone.” I told her that it is the Cellerciser I use when I do the “I Dream of Jeannie” move and “holding my fingertips on each muscle near each shoulder” and I rebound as high as I can for 2 minutes total. She was impressed and motivated to see it also happening to her when she buys a Cellerciser.

Daily use of the Cellerciser has allowed me to see results in my body as well as my excellent response to a very demanding extended recreational activity. I love to hike, and I recently did a 6-mile strenuous hike. I was amazed to see how much more flexible my body has become, and I was able to endure the hike without stopping before I reached the top, which was about 2 hours of climbing. I made it down the mountain about 10 minutes quicker than when I went up the mountain. When I’ve hiked in the past, my legs would be so sore, and I’d have to try to think of other things to keep going but I would still have to stop several times on the way up. This time, there was no soreness or tightness in my legs or calves, or ankles. I am very impressed and feel that the oxygen getting to my cells, when I Cellercise, is making my own cells more fit for physically challenging activity. It was a hard hike, but I realized that my time was excellent, and my recovery time was very good as well. Before I went on the hike, I was not sure how I would do on a 4-hour hike, given I only Cellercise about 15 minutes per day. I thought I needed to “practice” for 30 minutes or 1 hour daily to be ready for the hike. As you said David, our cells don’t know how to tell time and don’t go by a watch. I gauged my soreness level and that seems to be much less than it is usually, after the hike. And I only stretched very briefly, less than 1 minute, beforehand. I’m really impressed!

The Cellerciser is remarkable and everyone should have one! My cousin brought one of the other three top rebounders (Cellerciser of course is #1), and she said that she definitely felt the Cellerciser has a much more smooth and supportive bounce. I thoroughly love my Cellerciser and my cousin is invested in it too, as she is planning on buying one because she feels that it is the best unit on the market.

As for the squeaky noise of my Cellerciser, it has finally dissipated after I had to do a major job in removing oil substance from the previously oiled places of the rebounder. As you said, I agree Dawn dishwashing liquid is the best in doing the job. I think the graphite oil, that someone recommended on the internet, was terrible and made my unit sound like it was old and defective. Now, with 1 drop of the 1 in 3 oil on both sides of the spring contacting the metal, the situation has been solved. That is 3 drops of oil per spring. (1. The two places that the spring hooks touch the metal that holds the mat; 2. one place or other side of spring that touches or hooks into the metal pin). I have a wonderfully quiet unit and thank you and Jerry much for your input.

I used to excessively exercise, and I now think the extended time period was detrimental by causing my cortisone level to rise and then prevent me from losing weight. I have usually liked to exercise but I had to listen to music to get myself “going”. In just 15 minutes (first three minutes warm up, health bounce or jog in place; and seven 55-second interval sets with your other suggested moves with two to three 20 – 30 second Jamba runs in last interval set), I am able to listen to tv or radio and the time actually goes by so fast and before I know it I’m done. As you explained, the Cellerciser points out the weaknesses in the body. Since I was an “adventure enthusiast” when I was younger and I was rear ended during a car accident, there is a tightness in my lower back. I am trying to do the lower back exercise that I have found on your website to strengthen this weakness. I know with time things will improve. Also, the same for my right knee that I am also doing your suggested exercises on the Cellerciser.

I prayed to the Heavenly Father for wisdom and for Him to give me something that will optimize my health and allow me to work for another 8 years with excellent health. And after that have a high-quality life, which allows me to even go back to cross country skiing and more challenging hiking. The Cellerciser has answered this prayer in a major way, after only 6 months of use.

The Heavenly Father has directed me to other products that have exceeded my expectations – those developed by Dr. Carolyn Dean, who has over 40 years as a medical doctor and is also a naturopath. After about 1 year of taking her Re-Mag, a specialized version of Magnesium, another health miracle has come to me. I have been able to get off the hydrochlorothiazide blood pressure medication after 15 years. I have learned that some professional athletes may appear to be in “excellent health” but if they sweat too much and become magnesium deficient, they can have an unexpected heart attack and/or their heart health can be seriously compromised. The Re-Mag is actually so powerful it is like taking an intravenous version of Magnesium in a hospital. It has also allowed me to be less uptight and helped address frozen shoulder and tendency to have a locked neck. I have not had a frozen shoulder or locked neck since I have been pairing your Cellerciser with the Re-Mag and Re-Myte, for the past 6 months. Between my magnesium stores being built up and the lymphatic cleaning of my body through the Cellerciser, I know the joint problems are lessening and will eventually totally stop. I also expect the diagnosis of osteopenia to be changed to normal bone formation in the next year or two. The Re-Mag has allowed me to be calmer and less likely to both overeat and get off a healthy food program. The Re-Myte (minerals) and food replacement drink Restructure have also been great products for me to also help me feel full. Of course, I feel that the Cellerciser has worked in tandem with her products to improve my total situation. My circulation has tremendously improved and my blood pressure was so low one day after I got off my Cellerciser that I actually had to eat some cheese to “raise it”. I was feeling so shaky, because my circulation has improved tremendously after my workout. After my blood pressure being so high for so long, I have to be patient and know that my body will slowly heal, and I will again become accustomed to a very healthy blood pressure range. I am so grateful to the Father, as my blood pressure without meds now has come down from 150/lO0s to 120’s -130s / mid -70s -low 80s.

I deeply thank and praise the gracious Heavenly Father for giving you a genuine heart to care about others who seek health by educating people about your awesome Cellerciser. I thank Him for you not compromising the high quality of your product. I know that your commitment to excellence will benefit many people now and many years to come. In closing, the Father has certainly given you the wisdom to help millions of people with their health and fitness through giving you the idea of the Cellerciser and workouts that go with it. I thank you for being obedient to Him and sharing his miracle idea with so many people. He is so faithful, and I pray His continued joy, peace, health, and prosperity for you and yours.



Dear DAVE,

I started off slow. And with an off brand. Then I purchased my Cellerciser. Thank you, Dave Hall. Now 11/2 year later, I’m 30-60 minutes a day 6 days a week. It’s been the best exercise for me!! Hands down. No other rebounder compares. None. I’ve had 4. I’ve lost 20 plus lb. And dropped clothing sizes. 10 minutes to start off with is a great way to start.


Dear DAVE,

I don’t have before pics. But I have a now pic. And I can’t say enough good things about my Cellerciser. It’s amazing. I’ve never really liked exercising until now. So, I thank you!!

Trust me when I say, I was never really what I thought overweight. But according to medical weight advice, I was 5’2” and I was 138 lb. now I’m 122lb. All since April of this year. Using only the Cellerciser. And I have changed my diet a bit. But nothing drastic. I’ve never eaten poorly anyway. But now, with changes being made, I eat more fruit and vegetables for sure. And I always drink 1/2 my weight or more in oz of water a day.
Just wanted to share with you a bit of what I’m doing, and my progress.
As you say, we’re family now. I’m more than pleased with my purchase of my Cellerciser!!

And wanted to say again, thank you so much!!


Dear DAVE,

My cellerciser is the best. To think you can do this from the comfort of your home and not ever need special clothes, what could be better, great in all kinds of weather.

My husband has to use it first thing in the morning for joint pain and it does wonders, and he is 75.

I have lost over 20 pounds and that is very hard for me to do. My clothes are all too big and I feel great.

The big bonus is you. You have helped me so much with my back, as you remember I had two slipped disks and its been 10 years. I still was having problems often, if I moved wrong or lifted, and soon after doing what you told me on the cellerciser I have no pain and no problem. Before about once a month I would be laid up with my back.

I could go on and on like its fun, safe, easy, good for you and works! Keep up the good work.

God Bless


Dear DAVE,

I’m absolutely delighted with my Cellerciser! ! ! I’ve lost 13 lbs. in 5 weeks and better than that I’ve firmed up everywhere even on my hips. I’m getting results without killing myself as I did on my treadmill, even though I don’t sweat as much. God Bless you for this easy way to keep our lymphatic system doing its job



Dear DAVE,

Oh, my goodness … I have been using your Cellerciser for only 2 weeks now … as of tomorrow will be 2 weeks. When I started using the Cellerciser I felt a little sore around the ribs and I could tell I was using muscles in my back and ribcage … I did not know I had.

The benefits of using the Cellerciser for around 20 minutes to 30 minutes a day, almost every day have already made a difference in my life! First of all, I dropped some inches and can fit into a size smaller pair of pants, and yesterday I was walking thru the malls and I noticed that the usual ache in my lower back was gone. I have been living with lower back pain for the past few years, I don’t have to be walking very long before the pain is felt, and just standing and looking at items on a shelf really affects my lower back, at times my knees would hurt even and the past 2 days I have felt no pain at all.

I feel stronger and more centered if you will, and my balance seems fantastic. This may seem a little crazy, but since I started rebounding, my left ear felt kind of weird inside the Eustachian tubes, and I only noticed when I stepped off the Cellerciser, and I was wondering what it could be. So today l went to the Doctors and he found I have an infected ear. How long I have had it, I could not say as I never felt any pain nor knew it was there, but after rebounding for 20 minutes or more, I could feel this pressure. So, I am now on an antibiotic ear drop meds and the infection should clear up in 7 days or less. Had it not been for the rebounder I might never have known I had any infection in my ear for they have felt just fine, until I stepped on the rebounder and off.

I am grateful to have caught it, for again, no symptoms and no pain was felt.

So, I am already noticing great results from using your Cellerciser! I love to bounce and so do my clients and my own grown children. One of my clients is expecting her rebounder next week as she saw mine and loved jumping on it sooo much she went home and ordered one for her family and for herself!

I am so happy!

Thank you so much for your DVD, and your creating this awesome Cellerciser! Thank you also for taking the time to write me when I had a question or 2 and for calling me. I told my friends, family, and clients … about the great customer service you give! They were impressed.

So, I just wanted to let you know how your Cellerciser is changing my life, my muscles, my whole self!


PS. My little cockatiel likes to sit on my shoulder when I do the baby bounce, his cage is just next to where I have the Cellerciser and when he sees me on it, chirps until I collect him and he loves it too!


Dear DAVE,

Really enjoyed talking with you this morning and appreciated all your input concerning the problems I am having with my Rebound Air rebounder. I am just glad I researched new rebounders and found the info. on Dave Hall and the Cellerciser before my hip pain got any worse. Also, glad to know my hip pain is probably due to the inferior spring system on the Rebound Air upon just starting to do sprints on my rebounder. I have NEVER in my life had hip joint problems until I started running on my rebounder. That, plus the fact that my 4th spring in 3 yrs. just broke and the plastic coatings that have cracked/fallen off over the past three years have definitely put me in the market for a new and DIFFERENT rebounder. I will definitely be giving that old rebounder away, as you said, to someone I “don’t” like, HA!

In the meantime, I am staying off my Rebound Air and hopefully my hip joints will be feeling better by the time my Cellerciser arrives next week.




Hope your holiday was nice and not snowed in! I LOVE my new Cellerciser so far. After two weeks, my body is totally acclimated to it now, which is not surprising since I was already a rebounder. No more aches/pains anywhere except for some slight quad soreness from those intensive football type exercises… I do approx. 10 min. of baby bounces before breakfast, then a 15 min. workout late in the afternoon (I take a little longer for warm­up/cool-down than you), then another 10 min. of baby bounces (with feet NOT leaving the mat) after supper. Even in two weeks, I am losing weight at a very fast rate (2+ lbs. per week), which is the fastest I have ever lost before! The weight is just falling off and with very little effort, I might add. The Cellerciser doesn’t exhaust me at all like previous 45 min. aerobic weight workouts did. Before, I would have to take a nap during the day because the workouts wore my body so completely out. This is NOT the case with the Cellerciser. I am NOT following any type of particular diet except for higher protein and no sweets and nothing weird like drinking 10 glasses of water per day or anything like that. I am working out 5-6 days per week and on Sundays I just do baby bounces and nothing else. The bounce is SO comfortable – much more comfortable than the Rebound.


Dear DAVE,

Hope your holiday was nice and not snowed in! I LOVE my new Cellerciser so far. After two weeks, my body is totally acclimated to it now, which is not surprising since I was already a rebounder. No more aches/pains anywhere except for some slight quad soreness from those intensive football type exercises… I do approx., 10 min. of baby bounces before breakfast, then a 15 min. workout late in the afternoon (I take a little longer for warm-up/ cool-down than you), then another 10 min, of baby bounces (with feet NOT leaving the mat) after supper. Even in two weeks, I am losing weight at a very fast rate (2+ lbs. per week), which is the fastest I have ever lost before! The weight is just falling off and with very little effort, I might add. The Cellerciser – doesn’t exhaust me at all like previous 45 min. aerobic weight workouts did. Before, I would have to take a nap during the day because the workouts wore my body so completely out. This is NOT the case with the Cellerciser. I am NOT following any type of particular diet except for higher protein and no sweets and nothing weird like drinking 10 glasses of water per day or anything like that… I am working out 5-8 days per week and on Sundays I just do baby bounces and nothing else. The bounce is SO comfortable – much more comfortable than the ReboundAir. The springs were squeaking, so I oiled them on both ends and they are fine now…


I will keep in touch!


Dear DAVE,

Being both overweight and out of shape, I was looking for a way to turn both issues around. I have a quality treadmill but have never been able to keep with it due to pain in my feet, knees or back, so I was looking for an alternative. The Cellercise® is all they say it is. I started 6 weeks ago at less than 5 minutes a day and am now up to 20 minutes daily. I have had no injuries from rebounding but did break my pinky toe when not on the rebounder and I was able to find positions to work out on the rebounder in a matter of days even though I was still walking with a limp.

I’ve seen the benefit of better skin tone, less facial wrinkles, better cardio (I doubled the mileage I was able to walk the dog in less than 2 weeks on the rebounder) and increased muscle. I have suffered from plantar fasciitis for years and have found that rebounding barefoot has strengthened my feet and I do not have any symptoms anymore. I am no longer stiff when I get out of bed in the morning and get up walking like I did 15 years ago.

I did not start watching calories until the last 3 weeks and though my clothes fit better prior to that, I don’t believe I lost any weight those first weeks. Now that I am watching calories as well, I am consistently losing 2 or more pounds a week without starving.

We put the Cellercise® in the family room so that we can use it while watching TV. While I am the biggest user of this, both my teenage daughters and husband will use it.


Dear DAVE,

I’m so happy to be a part of the Cellercise Family! I’m happy to share my testimony. I pray it will help someone.

On December 15, 2010 I prayed to God, knowing He would be the only one that could help my health. I prayed that if He wanted to take me home to do it now!! If not, then He needed to help me get well. For I felt I was going to die. My health was very bad. I had asthma that was the worst of all. I also had high blood pressure, a very fast pulse due to the medication and I was overweight. I could no longer function well; I was very weak and constantly short of breath.

After a year leave of absence, I had to take an early retirement. I could no longer do my job.

I was on 13 prescription medications daily; yet not getting well but worse. On December 16, 2010 I first used a Cellerciser. At this time, I could hardly walk, I was so sick. I was on my third prescription in a row of a strong dose of Prednisone, but it was not helping. I could hardly catch my breath.

I did a “Health” bounce for about 3 to 5 minutes. My lungs began to open up and I could only then begin to clear them and begin to get better. This was my new beginning!

Praise God! And I’ve gotten better and better ever since.

I am down from 13 prescriptions meds to 5. My blood pressure is normal, and I’ve lost 45 pounds in 6 months.

I have a 4-year-old grandson whom I was not able to pick up to hold in 2 ½ years without an asthma flare up or with strength. I can “easily” pick him up and hold him now! He weighs 50 pounds. When I first picked him up, he said: “Look mom, Grandma is better!” I can play outdoors and go places with him now and keep up with him.

I am enjoying this summer for the first time in 4 years.

I thank God!

I thank you David for Cellercise.

And I thank my brother, Ed Calles for introducing me to my new lifestyle changes. I Cellerciser every day and eat organic and super foods.

Praise God I have my life back and better than before! And even better to come. WOW!

Every opportunity God puts before me to share my experiences and what I’m doing for my health I gladly share. I pray that God allows me to help as many people as I can. I’m blessed!

Cellercise is God sent, the world is full of people that can be helped by it. I pray I can be an example, especially for my family. God Bless You, Everyone!!


Dear DAVE,

I bought mine 7 years ago and have LOVED using it!! Many of my friends and family have purchased one as well! I had 6 babies in 12 years, combined w/ LOTS of blood clotting issues, bad veins, plantar fasciitis, overweight, etc. Needless to say, I was a mess!!

The Cellerciser was a literally answer to prayer and helped me lose 65 pounds and improved my health tremendously. Just wanted to pop in and say you got this!!


Dear DAVE,

Wow! This piece of exercise equipment is fantastic! I cannot live without my rebounder! I have had it for years and every other rebounder I have had did nothing but pop springs constantly. (And they were expensive. Not cheap.) And I am only 120 pounds! The springs on this one last and last and last, and the bounce has almost no impact on the body. I can work out on this rebounder for well over two hours straight on a daily basis and feel wonderful! I live to exercise on this phenomenal piece of equipment! I not only exercise on it for my body, but also for my emotional health! If I am feeling worried or upset, I will get on my rebounder and start jumping. I will feel better within 10 minutes, or less! I am a real person. I was not paid to share this with you. I just thought you should have the opportunity to get a piece of equipment that will literally change your life if you use it regularly, (It really will help you lose weight, and in the areas that it is hardest to lose it in!) and will last and last and last! Every other piece of exercise equipment I have ever owned was literally used until it fell apart. And it was all expensive equipment. My advice to you: buy! And David is wonderful! I have talked with him personally on the phone myself. How many companies can you buy from and literally be able to personally speak with the owner himself about what you purchased? I have dealt with no other company but this one that I could honestly say that about! A+ in every way possible! For sure!


Dear DAVE,

WOW! This piece of exercise equipment is fantastic! I cannot live without my rebounder! I have had it for years and every other rebounder I have had nothing but pop springs constantly. (And they were expensive. Not cheap.) And I am only 120 pounds! The springs on this one last and last and last and the bounce has almost no impact on the body. I can work out on this rebounder for well over two hours straight on a daily basis and feel wonderful! I live to exercise on this phenomenal piece of equipment! I not only exercise on It for my body, but also for my emotional health! If I am feeling worried or upset, I will get on my rebounder and start jumping. I will feel better within 10 minutes, or less! I am a real person. I was not paid to share this with you. I just thought you should have the opportunity to get a piece of equipment that will literally change your life if you use it regularly, (It really will help you lose weight, and in the areas that it is hardest to lose it in!) and will last and last and last! Every other piece of exercise equipment I have ever owned was literally used until it fell apart. And it was all expensive equipment. My advice to you: buy! And David is wonderful I have talked with him personally on the phone myself. How many companies can you buy from and literally be able to personally speak with the owner himself about what you purchased. I have dealt with no other company but this one that I could honestly say that about! A+ In every way possible for sure!


Dear DAVE,

I totally LOVE my new cellerciser. I bought it to develop an exercise habit. So, I do it once in the morning and once in the evening – 10min each. Guess how long it took me to see “results”? TWO DAYS! no kidding!!! and the weight I did have came off in two weeks – I wasn’t even really focused on weightless, but there it is. I also have a very clean diet (follow David Wolfe) so that is why I imagine I got results so quickly in addition to the activity.

LOVE THE CELLERCISER!! I Thank you again for everything.

Kind regards


Dear DAVE,

Knowing where we want to be and getting there are two different stories. Until I put my picture side by side, I still saw the same person in the mirror. Sure my clothes size had changed… in fact I’ve had to buy a few things and a belt even!!!! But I didn’t see it until I compared the two. I think the hardest thing for me is the BMI charts. I don’t like them. In my world (according to Christine) they aren’t always right. Feeling good in what I wear and how I feel should be my determination on where I am. I can’t this has been easy. Lots of ups and downs, but I think I’ve got this figured out. Diet is key to losing weight.  You can Cellercise all you want but if you eat junk like I have, you just become a hamster in a wheel going no where. Eating healthy will help with so many things, exercising will help me maintain and improve even more. I love my Cellerciser. It has helped me tone, maintain and lose, clear my head, and keep me going. Having a Cellercise family that encourages you, is the icing on the cake! From the start of my journey to now, I am down 45 lbs. I will probably stay where I am because I am happy here. Thanks everyone and “you’ve got this”!!!


Dear DAVE,

I don’t normally post about myself here, but I was asked how things are going. I started my journey on January 1, 2019. I have been Cellercising for 16 months. Honestly, it has been a roller coaster ride figuring out what works for me. During this time, I have had a broken hand, several clots, and few other problems. I have had to slow down and increase when given the green light. I have to tell you; I notice the difference almost immediately when I am not Cellercising. I knew I would have to change the way I live my life to make this work. I also needed to realize that this was about ‘me’ and not anyone else. I only need to look good for me and not worry about what others think. That is easier said than done. I am a sensitive person, so when someone pokes fun about my weight, it really hurts. I do not eat anything with gluten in it and that is because my stomach cannot handle it. I eat my largest meal first and taper down just as Dave has mentioned. This really makes a difference. I have also implemented intermittent fasting. This has worked well for me. Since the start of my crazy adventure, I have lost 35 lbs. I am wearing most of my clothes that I have put away hoping to wear again one day. For all of you that are beginning …. you’ve got this! It won’t be easy. I am guilty of my love of sugar. It has taken me a year to really get on a pattern that I am happy with. Thank you everyone who has supported me. I still have a bit to go, but I am pleased with where I am!

Thank you Cellercise family and Dave Hall!



Dear DAVE,

I have been using my Cellerciser since October, started really slowly. I use it for a few minutes every day. Everything is changing! I’m losing weight, getting some definition in my muscle tone, my lung capacity has improved, my skin is brighter and firmer. I’m almost 64 and get compliments every day! I’m even jogging now on my Cellerciser. Best thing I’ve done for myself in a really long time.


Dear DAVE,

A year in the life of a Cellerciser!

My “work in progress” progress report!

Ok …. October 18, 2020 I started Cellercising 2 minutes a day.

A year later 5-6 days a week 15-60 minutes, intermediate/ advanced routines! I never would have believed it!

Long story, short, I’m 64 and have struggled a bit with weight and some stress. Cellercising has given me new life!

I don’t have my Trophy Body yet but my jiggly places are less jiggly, gaining some muscles, along with Noom I’ve lost 40+ pounds (more to go), lost a few sizes, my A1C is well within the normal range. I just had my annual physical and my doctor was impressed at how healthy I am, my eyesight has improved, my lung capacity is crazy, my cellulite is nearly gone, my skin tags are gone, my skin looks great. I could go on and on.

I’m so grateful to Dave Hall, Stephanie and Sally Smith and all my new friends in the I Jump Instead and Cellerciser groups! I look forward to jumping everyday and checking in on everyone!


Dear DAVE,

I have tried the Jamba·Run and that is part of one of my routines. What a great exercise and you right what you said on your newest DVD, it works every part of your body. My friends and family are seeing the results cellercising is doing for me. I was doing the exercise program Insanity and other home exercises. I started in February at 205 pounds with those exercises and got to 190 pounds in April. However, the wear and tear on my body was growing and I knew I could not do those kinds of exercises long term. I remember my parents telling me about the cellerciser (which I admittedly laughed at when they first introduced it to me about a year ago). I figured it would not hurt to give it a try and have been doing it since the end of April. I am now 168 pounds and feel great. I think it is the greatest thing out there and people are seeing the results and asking questions. I get so excited telling them all about it, it’s like sharing the Gospel when it comes to health and bettering their lives. I just wish more people knew about it. Those friends I was telling you about yesterday went to your websites and were sold, so hopefully you will be getting some new purchases here soon.

Thanks again David for all that you do.


Dear DAVE,

Greetings, from a great fan of the Cellercise Rebounder. First, let me state that I am 74 years old. The last six months have been an amazing and gratifying journey for me as I have lost over 40 pounds using a paired-down version of Nutrisystem and my Cellercise Rebounder. Over the last two decades I had slowly gained weight until I was wearing size 44 pants. Today, I am at 190 pounds wearing size 34. When I first began this journey in November 2020, I was using my Bowflex Treadclimber exclusively for exercise, even though I had two Cellercise Rebounders. The Treadclimber began to have issues and I found that they had stopped making parts for it in 2009, so I discarded it and set up my Cellerciser. That was when I really began to lose weight.

Since the Covid outbreak, I have stepped up my video production ministry by producing inspirational videos featuring outdoor settings in the background. Recently on a trip to Tennessee, I produced two videos at the beautiful campground we were staying at in Clarksville. The first one is my exercise routine, and the second, my stretching routine. My goal is to challenge others to lose weight and get fit. If this 74 year “old man” can do it, so can you!

We are planning to start a health and fitness program at our church this fall to help others not only lose weight but become healthy in the whole person. I know that rebound exercise is very big in Europe, and even though it has been around a long time here in the US, it is amazing to me how so many people don’t know about it or, at least if they do, have not considered utilizing it. My initial journey began years ago when I read the book The Miracle of Rebound Exercise. Compared to the rigors of other exercises it is truly a miracle.

I have attached links to the two videos I produced in Tennessee. These are posted on my Dale Henry Brown YouTube channel.

Hopefully, you have been encouraged by my story.


Dear DAVE,

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you. I purchased a rebounder from you when I was approximately 315 lbs. You gave me advise on using it at a show you were demonstrating your rebounder at. I took your advice and started doing the health bounce and gradually worked up to more vigorous exercise I found it to be one of the easiest exercises I have ever did in spite of my weight. I found no stress on my joints. With a sizable eating plan and using your rebounder I lost approximately 98 lbs. I found I had more energy and zest.


Dear DAVE,

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you. I purchased a rebounder from you when I was approximately 315 lbs. You gave me advise on using it at a show you were demonstrating your rebounder at. I took your advice and started doing the health bounce and gradually worked up to more rigorous exercise. I found it to be one of the easiest exercises I ever did in spite of my weight. I found no stress on my joints. With a sensible eating plan and using your rebounder I lost approximately 98 lbs. I found I had more energy and zest.

Yours truly,


Dear DAVE,

Thank you for writing me back. I must have had a short stint of insanity when I returned to the old, boot-camp form of exercise. I belong to this web based radiantrecovery community which is based on Dr., Kathleen DesMaison’s work with sugar sensitivity and most of them do weight training at a gym and also some form of cardio. I have shared on many occasions how much I love doing my Cellercising.

When I was going to Positive Changes In SLC, I was not really losing weight no matter what I tried. Diane Bradshaw finally sat me down and told me there Is no psychological reason she could find why I could not lose the weight and the reason must be biochemical. So, this led me to the biochemical healing process I am now involved In. It took me about one year to let my biochemical processes heal before my body would start to release the weight About five months ago, I started to notice that my clothes were getting looser. I have lost about 35 pounds in this time. My main form of exercise has been to Cellercise for 30 minutes five to six times per week. Plus, I walk a lot. When I decided to try

what the other people in the radiantrecovery community are doing (the weights and cardio) I noticed that my steady weight loss had stopped and also, I was not feeling as good as I have been.

When I decided to stop doing this and return to my Cellercising I immediately felt better, slept better and did not feel fatigued from the workout. I weighed this morning and had lost three pounds. I had also noticed that my appetite had increased when I did the other form of exercise and now it is back to normal.

I was so happy to turn my music on and get on my Cellerciser. It felt like coming home. I will try your recommendation about altering the angle of my body. I had added the spurts of Intensity you had suggested, and I think this is what made the difference for me to finally start to lose the extra body fat. I have a long way to go but feel great right now.

Progress not perfection is my motto.


Dear DAVE,

I know you have been super busy since COVID and folks are looking for a method to boost immunity and to work out from home. The Cellerciser is what I recommend to my patients as it addresses both of these concerns. For some back history, despite knowing the health benefits of Cellercising and recommending the unit to my patients, I chose to purchase a cheap rebounder years ago and could feel the joint dysfunction that it was causing and so I stopped bouncing all together until I purchased a proper rebounder

(Cellerciser). The difference is incredible … so much so, that I created a YouTube video (see attachment) discussing why I recommend the Cellerciser and how it has helped me achieve my best health and fitness at the age of 45. I also wanted to share my personal interval training that I do. Here is my personal routine:


  • 1 minute health bounce
  • 1 minute hip rock
  • 1 minute gentle twist
  • 30 seconds Jamba run
  • 30 seconds health bounce
  • 30 seconds sprint in place
  • 30 seconds hip rock
  • 30 seconds Jamba run
  • 30 seconds gentle twist
  • 30 seconds tilted front kick as fast as I can go
  • 30 seconds health bounce
  • 30 seconds Jamba run
  • 30 seconds hip rock
  • 30 seconds tilted back leg kick as fast as I can go
  • 30 seconds gentle twist
  • 30 seconds Jamba run
  • 30 seconds health bounce
  • 30 seconds side kick as fast as I can go
  • 30 seconds hip rock
  • 30 seconds Jamba run
  • 30 seconds gentle twist
  • 30 seconds ski patrol as fast as I can go
  • 30 seconds health bounce


  • 1 minute hip rock
  • 1 minute gentle twist

Also, I have been SO incredibly pleased with the quality of the Cellerciser and the results that my patients are getting, that recently I wanted to broadcast my own testimonial and why I recommend the Cellerciser to my weight loss patients. As of today, my first rebounding video has 60,000 views and I am excited to share my findings with the viewers! I look forward to staying in touch and providing any support that I can in an effort to help spread the word!

In health with many blessings,


Dear DAVE,

I hope this email finds you well! It has definitely been a challenging year for everyone and SUCH a great time to rebound and work out from home.

I wanted to let you know that I have had SO much fun experimenting with different workouts on the Cellerciser. Since I last sent you my HIIT workout (which you so kindly added to your app (what an honor, by the way!), I have been creating some focused workouts for my patients (mostly women) to address the woman’s body and common trouble spots.

My newest HIIT video on YouTube includes a simple format: Warmup: three-minute warmup (one-minute health bounce, one minute hip rock, one-minute gentle twist.

– 30 seconds of lung strengthening

– 30 seconds rest (health bounce)

– 30 seconds sprint in place

– 30 seconds rest (hip rock)

– 30 seconds Jamba run

– 30 seconds. rest (gentle twist)

– 30 seconds front kick

– 30 seconds rest (health bounce)

– 30 seconds back kick

– 30 seconds rest (hip rock)

REPEAT THE ABOVE 5 WORK/REST CYCLES ONE MORE TIME (for a total of 10 minutes not including warmup and cooldown)

Cooldown: two minutes (any combination of the warmup or rest moves)

Another update:

Of course, we know that the Cellerciser will address every muscle group in the body (and that is one of the many reasons I love it). And as always, I direct folks to your DVD and your excellent moves to address targeted toning on the Cellerciser. In addition, in my experimentation, I have found that focusing on intrinsic muscle groups with very small movements and adding the gentle bounce has amplified the desired toning effects exactly where my patients (and I) want it. I have taken some moves common to barre, Lotte Berk, Callanetics, Pilates, etc. Each movement adds stress to the targeted intrinsic muscle group using a very small pulse. This pulse or small movement is then magnified even further using a gentle bounce on the Cellerciser. I call this method Transform 24 because I was able to transform these trouble areas in 24 workouts. It was tempting to call the workouts 11 CellerciseHER11; but that’s for you to steal (HA! HA!).

Quite frankly, I am not sure there is anyone out there using the power of the Cellerciser to amplify micromovements to focus on the female physique; but I am seeing great results with my weight loss patients and on a personal note, my body has never been in better shape.

I have included the HIIT video and the whole-body workout

“TRANSFORM 2411 for your reference. While I certainly do not have the extended knowledge, experience, and coordination that you have with rebounding, I wanted to create something for my patients who want amazing toning effects in their “trouble areas” all while working from home. The Cellerciser has met the challenge well! In your limited time, if you wish to review these videos, I wanted to share the links

with you (given Cellercise is my muse;-) ).

Here is the playlist (including the introduction to Transform 24 and my nod to Cellerciser):

I have also created a cellulite-specific video for female patients that also includes the Cellerciser as part of the overall treatment plan:

There are a couple of other videos (“How I Boost My Immune System” or “My Best Fitness Tip at 45”) where the Cellerciser is the solution to common concerns. At the end of the day, I cannot see myself addressing either my patients’ health concerns, weight management, or my YouTube followers’ lifestyle needs, without the Cellerciser. I LOVE mentioning –and directing people to–your website, ALL THE TIME. What a pleasure to be able to creatively challenge others to improve their health with just ONE piece of equipment.

Thank you so much for everything you do to inspire health professionals!

I can’t wait to share more updates …

P.S. My first rebounding video {and the first video I created) is now at 115K views. I am small potatoes, but this video is proof that folks really want to know more about rebounding!


Dear DAVE,

I recommend the Cellercise® to all of my patients. It is the one and only original mini trampoline that I trust to recommend. This product has literally changed the lives of my patients. You could bounce on this all day and only feel more energized and stronger. Your joints will never hurt, and it complements any other exercise routine: a person has. It is great for those who are old and feel they have trouble moving, it builds strength and stability. It helps people who are cleansing or in a detox by increasing circulation and moving the lymph. For those who want to lose weight, get in shape or just firm up it is a must to their routine. I have even reports of its natural face lift ability. It firms under arms, neck, and butt sags. It. is especially good for those needing to start exercising but have little energy and strength nothing is better at building energy and strength without stress on any level. This Cellercise® is amazing and the only one I have recommended for years. There is no comparison to the others out there. Here is a test l give to those who have another small trampoline. Jump on your tramp for 5 minutes and see how your joints feel immediately after and the next day then try the Cellercise®. The more you bounce the more you want to, it actually gets easier the longer you bounce, and your joints will never hurt. Finally, the Cellercise® gets results fast and is fun; I look forward to bouncing to health. I trust the Center for Cellular Health to provide me with the best, safest, and original Cellercise®.


Dear DAVE,

I have used the cellerciser for over 10 years. I purchased a second cellerciser approximately four years ago to have at our winter home in Florida. Previously I had worn out/broken about 20 cheap rebounders and had nearly given up on having this type of conditioning available. (My mother-in law had given us a rebounder approximately 20 years ago.) I saw the cellerciser on the internet and decided that I would spend the extra money in hopes that it would maybe last a year or so. It turns out, I would have spent several times that money if I had kept buying the brand X rebounders and I would not have had the consistency I have experienced with the cellerciser.

I highly recommend the cellerciser as I use it as part of my exercise/conditioning routine every day. The great part of it is its consistency. It functions today exactly as it did 10 years ago.

(If anyone is having problems with their cellerciser making noise, a quick spray of silicone lubricant at each end of the springs quiets it immediately.)

Thank you for a great piece of equipment that has not only lasted all these years but has helped me lose 60 pounds and maintain for four years now.

With regards


Dear DAVE,

I talked to Jerry when I ordered the Cellerciser with bar.

I weigh 160, 5’7”, age 68. I have reduced several years ago from 180. Eating less food, less junk, less sugar.

I have kept it off, using a treadmill. But I have done nothing for weightlifting exercise except doing my own gardening of my property.

My weight has creeped up to 160. Red light, Stop! Along the way I have read about our food sources, understand more about all the junk ingredients in prepared foods. I drink a vitamin drink from called Living Fuel. I feel much better. I am off most sugar, get sweet from fresh fruit.

I am getting some fat pads around the area just under my waist, and all some drooping in my midriff area. From Dave’s lecture, those internal organs are drooping also from lack of support. I am not looking for miracles; my family will get together (3 children, spouses, and children) at thanksgiving. I hope by then from 9/19/04 – 11/21/04 ten weeks I will have shed 10 lbs. down to 150 and can see improvement in the 2 above areas I mentioned. If I can, I will take my Cellerciser down to Tuscan and show them. I am trying to do a 4 min. routine 3 x’s a day, when I’m home. Morning + evening when I have to go to work.

Already (from the 18th – today 24th) 7 days, I am at 155, feel great, have more energy, sleep better. WOW.



Dear DAVE,

I really love my cellerciser and I use it every day. It has become a very important component of my lifestyle.

I believe I am bouncing in the center of the cellerciser and have had people watch me, just to make sure I am actually in the middle. I have lost 10 pounds (of fat) since January and now weigh 130 lbs. on a 5’4″ body. I used to go to the gym on a regular basis, before receiving my Cellerciser. Nothing has ever helped me as much as your Cellerciser.


Dear DAVE,

My mother in-law bought a Cellerciser about 8 years ago. It sat in her basement unused for quite a few years until my two-year-old son started jumping on it. He loved it, still jumps on it now and he is 8. A few years ago, my mother in-law sold her house as did we and we moved into a larger house together with her. The Cellerciser went into the backyard for my son to jump and play on. I hate to say it (now that I know how great this device is) but it sat outside for two straight years (we live in Ontario Canada) and our Cellerciser sat outside for 2 summers, two springs and two winters – snow storms, ice storms, buried in snow and rain and sun, you name it! About a year ago one of my husband’s cousins came over to visit from New York. He saw the Cellerciser in the backyard and started jumping on it. My husband’s cousin started rambling off all the amazing health benefits of this device. I had NO IDEA!! Needless to say, I cleaned it up and brought it back inside! I have been using it religiously for about a year. I have lost 18 pounds, feel great, my legs, arms, stomach all look good and I have so much more energy. After the abuse that our Cellerciser took, sitting outside in Canadian weather for two years, it still looks and functions 100%! No rust on any part of it, the trampoline mat is in perfect condition. The outer protective cover that sits over the springs is a tiny bit faded, but that is all. This device is amazing!


Dear DAVE,

Just bought Cellercise® from you 3 weeks ago. I was diagnosed with Chronic fatigue Syndrome many years ago and used fascia and energy work to pull me out of it but could never regain my strength and knew something was missing. Muscles always hurt after exercise, felt awful. In 3 weeks with Cellercise® my body has changed dramatically, and I have used it every day without relapse. Bags under eyes gone, fat ratio decreasing, noticeably more toned, more energy and zip in my step. Breath and mood increased. Got one from Big5 at first and it hurt my knees, felt jolting. What a difference when I got the Cellercise®! I study fascia! release and everything you say aligns. Thank you!!


Dear DAVE,

When I was 64, I was 238 LBS a 42” waist, on 2 blood pressure meds, 2 meds for gout, 2000 MGS’ of Metformin for Type 2 diabetes, a stat in for high cholesterol, and had chronic fatigue. My doctor told me at an appointment that my blood sugar was at 810, I should be in a diabetic coma. Right there I decided things had to change. I started with dietary changes, keeping it simple going old school, absolutely no simple carbohydrates, all complex carbohydrates, about 75 carbs per meal, no bread, no dairy, a vitamin D supplement, I drink nothing else but 3 quarts of Culligan water a day, I shop around and won’t buy or eat GMO foods, given a choice. A friend once asked me why I won’t eat GMO foods, I replied, “well, read GMO backwards”. I snack on celery and peanut butter, triscuit crackers and avocado dip. Once my new diet was started, I started looking for a exercise routine. I borrowed a friend’s laptop and researched a lot of routines. Ran across rebounding, which I was somewhat familiar with and its effects on Lymphatics. Next went to consumer reports and researched rebounders. I ended up deciding between a couple, I was able to get the 800 number for Cellerciser and called. I liked the Cellerciser for the balance bar, and in talking to Jerry, he fronted me your video free. I bought my Cellerciser on October 5th, 2018. By about January 1st, 2019, I had worked up to advanced routines on my Cellerciser. At this writing, I’m 67, I’ve went from 238 LBS to 182 LBS, a 42” waist to a 34” waist, I’m off all my meds except one blood pressure pill, my AIC, uric acid, PH, C-Reactive Protein numbers are all normal, blood pressure is always around 60. The diet and Cellercising cleaned up my leaky gut which ended my chronic fatigue. There’s no doubt Cellercising is the best exercise in the world, just ask NASA! The second best exercise in the world is pushing yourself away from the table. Cellercising helped me beat Big Pharma, (for now), and at my last doctors’ appointment my doctor told me, “I don’t have any patients in your age range that are in the shape you’re in!”

Thank You! and Amen


Dear DAVE,

I did weights for YEARS and never saw results like these in my muscle tone

I saw it said in his group to trust the Cellerciser process and that’s exactly what I did. That’s what I’ll continue to do because I see my body getting stronger every day before my eyes.

My goal isn’t weight loss and I’m not dieting/ following any particular diet. My only goal was to have FUN, feel GOOD, be HAPPY, and to get STRONG. That’s it.


Dear DAVE,

I want to let you know I lost 1” In EACH thigh in 5 days of using my Cellerciser 8- 10 minutes a day! Of course, all the other unseen, Internal benefits are amazing as well. I am 51 and love the “face lift” exercise that doubles for the abs as well!!

Thank David for a great product!!


Dear DAVE,

I want you to know how much we use and appreciate our Cellerciser. (We call it -a bouncer and what we do on it Is bounce!)-Both my husband and I use it daily. We each have a routine that takes about 15 minutes to do.   Bouncing has made an amazing difference in how we feel… and look. It is not only energizing, but it reduces stress and creates a general overall feeling of well-being.

I was a walker and usually walked 30 minutes a day. In Cleveland in the winter, this was often difficult. The Cellerciser has solve the problem. In fact, I have found that 15 to 20 minutes on the bouncer is better than my former 30 minute walk! My heart rate, respiratory rate, and muscles all get a better workout on the bouncer.

My husband and I have both lost inches using the Cellerciser. This has been quite dramatic for my husband. (He likes his beer and food!) Now he has a trim stomach and looks really great. I have always been on the slim side, but as I got older, I put on inches where I least wanted them – across the belly and on the hips.   I have reduced these areas noticeably since I have been using the rebounder. I am in clothes I thought I would never wear again!

I kept telling my sister how wonderful the Cellerciser was. She was skeptical until she came to visit me this summer. Now she has one and loves it too. In fact, she noticed weight loss within two weeks of using the rebounder. She says her stomach is the flattest it has been in years. Mind you – this is a person who has at one time or another owned every type of exercise equipment on the market. I have seen all kinds of expensive and exotic machines come and go at her house. She says the rebounder is the best piece of exercise equipment she has ever owned.

When I first saw you at the Whole Life Expo in Cleveland a year ago (fall of 1998) I knew instinctively that what you were doing on the rebounder was something I would like to do (and would be able to do). And I was right. I have never regretted purchasing our Cellerciser.   A year later we are still using it regularly because it Is easy, fun, and produces results. I have to say though, that I think the real reason we keep on using it, beyond the weight control and reduction in inches, is the way we feel when we bounce. We just feel better all over when we use the Cellerciser regularly.

Thank you for introducing me to your program for fitness and health. I look forward to seeing you again at next year’s Whole Life Expo in Cleveland.



Dear DAVE,

Covid-19 was the beginning of my journey. I decided to start eating better (joined Noom) and started walking in the mornings. I began to have sciatica nerve pain and wanted to try an exercise that was low impact (easy on joints) so I began my search for rebounders. I ran across Dave and watched videos and read the testimonials on the website. I was also impressed with the personal touch from Dave. So, I ordered the Cellercise® in May. My sciatic pain went away quickly. I did tear my meniscus (not cellercising), but that’s all better too.

Still walking … still bouncing and loving it all. Best decision I ever made … so thank you Dave. FYI…down 19 lbs.!


Dear DAVE,

Yesterday at Church my friend, Rea told me that you so kindly spent an hour talking with her last week regarding her recent ALS diagnosis. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! My heart is so sad the Lord Is taking her through this trial, but I am so grateful that He has given us near & far friends, like you, to support the hardest times in life. Rea & Pat are leaders in our Church & so very special. It’s incredibly scary how fast Rea’s speech has been affected (in only about 2 months).

Rea told me her husband, Pat, was in the room for a good part of the conversation. He apparently became INSTANTLY serious about Cellercising for his own health! Yay!

Rea & Pat helped me tremendously when I had 2 heart valves repair (per congenital defects) 2.5 years ago. Now I get to support them as they go through their trial. I received my Cellercise® in August and have THOROUGHLY enjoyed it! I’m on it at least every morning for about 12 minutes. I listen to TobyMac, Kirk Franklin, Mary Mary, etc. while bouncing – so, it’s an exercise & praise session at the same time. Last week I took my Cellercise® to a 4-day software conference & used it 2x/day while there. I’ll be taking it to another conference this week & doing the same. Although it’s only been a month for me, I can see some nice changes/slimming starting. It will really help in the short, wet, cold, nasty days of Fall/Winter! My dachshund & cat take turns lying on it when I’m not using it. The dachshund even tries to bounce with me sometimes. Hilarious!

Regardless, the primary purpose of this note is to thank you for ‘loving’ on Rea & encouraging her. An hour of your time is very generous.

God bless you and keep you and your family and may He choose to prosper the Cellercise® family more than ever.



Dear DAVE,

Hello from Atlanta! I use my Cellerciser most days! Off all my meds and at my goal weight. Thank you!!!


Dear DAVE,

I’m a trainer/writer, other than walking and the Cellerciser, I lead a sedentary lifestyle. I haven’t been able to exercise due to injuries -left upper-arm amputation (1973), sprained left hip, right shoulder dislocation plus nagging back injuries from being rear-ended and having four vertebrae ripped lose from my mid-upper back bone in 1988. My condition at this time: weight 197 lbs. -age 67 -out of shape – dinged all over.

Cellerciser arrived Friday 21st of March 2008 -assembled and started – I actually watched the DVD and read the instructions – but did overdo it a bit to start.

Saturday March 22nd muscles felt a little sore, colon flush and VIBE machine treatment. My mantra while -bouncing is “Age 30, perfect DNA.”

Sunday March 23rd all four sides for before pictures – juicing -fruits and vegetables.

Monday March 24th ordered my Dad (93 years old with stroke and back problems) a Cellerciser. Bouncing multiple times per day -building up stamina and reducing recovery time daily.

Friday March 28th also walked four miles.

Monday 31st first 10-minute continuous bouncing -felt good -noticed the spider veins look like they’re reducing down.

Tuesday April 1st morning 12-minute bouncing exercises followed by a short walk, I noticed that my chronic back pain was not hurting.

Friday April 4th two weeks of Cellercising and my muscles are tightening-up all over my body. My stamina is increasing, and my recovery time based on how winded I am and how long it takes to regain my normal breathing rate is decreasing. I bounced using different exercises three times at least 10 minutes each time.

Friday April 11th doing two to three bouncing sessions of to 10 to 15 minutes and walking.

Saturday April 12th – weight 192 I have lost 5 pounds and one inch on my waist, muscle tone is getting better I feel better all over. I’m building up muscle quick and the fat will be coming off fast now. The four-year-old hip and shoulder injuries are healing fast.

Friday April 18th week four complete. Doing two to three bouncing sessions of to 10 to 15 minutes and walking. Any fat on my legs is gone -they are solid when I flex. Most of the fat layer is gone from my butt. I have six-pack abs under the layer of belly fat. The skin on my face is smoothing out and there is a noticeable reduction of fat on my face -still some but going away fast. I “feel” better all over. I did a five-mile walk, by accident, and was not tired afterwards.

Friday April 25th -week five complete. Ordered Barney (a friend with a serious balance problem) a Cellerciser on Thursday it will be drop-shipped to arrive on Monday. OK this is significant, the muscles in my stump are starting to tone-up. A left-upper-arm amputee for over 35 years and now the stump muscles are toning-up, WOW! The only “exercise” the stump muscles could possibly get would be isometrics, if I was doing them, I’m not. Spider veins are disappearing, and it looks like the “droopy” eye lids are going away. It’s hard to tell, but the age spots seem to also be lightening up on my forehead.

My Personal Fitness Goal is: Stronger, more stamina, faster recovery, improved balance, weight back to 160 + 5 lbs.

My Long-term Goal: is age-reversal to full maturity 30-years-old with: perfect DNA/RNA, perfect healing, perfect regeneration, perfect shape and perfect wellness till I decide it’s time to leave this plane of existence.

How I will know I have reached my Fitness Goa/: I was a SCUBA Instructor Trainer for over 20 years and had to retire in 2003, too out-of-shape and torn-up for diving. My goal is to make multiple dives on multiple days from the breakwater at Avalon on Catalina Island, California. This means I have to be able to walk up and down a 45-degree boulder-slope, enter and exit through surf while wearing over 80 pounds of dive gear. This will be possible by October 15th, 2008 or sooner. More Under Water adventures await-Yea!

I’ll be putting up an article about Cellercising on my website and pictures at each major phase (each 10-pound drop in weight) of my “re-engineered” body. I’d love to be the “poster boy” for the Cellerciser. If a one-armed, injured, old geezer can benefit and do the age-reversal thing -so can anyone! A-HO! So Be It! Get Back, Here I Come, with my Brain-On and Soul-On Seminars.

There’s no way I can write or tell you how much this means to me. Thank you Harv and David – again the right thing at the right time – I love serendipity.

Lance “The One-Armed Bandit”


Dear DAVE,

I have rebounded on other trampolines. Some benefits came from that. But not what I wanted. Have rebounded on the Cellerciser off and on for about a year. Saw results but not dramatic and would kind of let it slide and stop doing it. Because of this group, I really committed to 6 months. I knew in my gut this was right. I just knew it but would quit early because I didn’t get my “drama” results. I decided to commit to 6 months. I knew I needed to get past my mental roadblocks and allow my body to find the right course for itself and not focus on the results I wanted. The first two months were painful. I gained weight and inches. Honestly, I think it was just muscle over the fat. I hung in there. Trusting Dave when he said to work out on the Cellerciser, and it would work on you. That it couldn’t do anything else. So, I hung in there. Now, 4 months in, I have lost the 10 pounds I set out to lose and have lost 80 percent of my cellulite. Feeling pretty darn happy. Thinking about doing the Jamba run every other day now. But I don’t know. Still want to keep that success going. Just checking in because all of your success stories on here and Dave’s LIVES are really what inspired me to commit and push through my doubts the first two months! Thank you EVERYONE. Also, wish I had taken some before and after shots of my rear. I did not. And you few brave folks who did were my heroes. Still might, because I have more strength to gain and more improvements to come. By the way, I did not change my diet. I am kind of stubborn and wanted to see if the Cellerciser would work on me even while eating pizza and taking my kids to the state fair and enjoying family movie night with buttered popcorn. I didn’t give any of that up. I am sure I would have gotten quicker results if I had, but I didn’t want to. However, I do find I am more aware and choosing to make better choices with my food because of the positive results Cellercising alone has given me. So, thank you everybody. Can’t wait to see what the next month’s bring me!


Dear DAVE,

My name is Lisa, and here is my experience so far with Covid-19 and the AMAZING tri-fold Cellerciser:

I am very overweight, much of it which happened when I suffered with long-haulers Covid. I travel full-time for my work, always flying (45+ weeks per year).

It had gotten to where I had to have wheelchair assistance for all my flights, as I would be so out of breath from even walking up the jet bridge, to where I had to sit down for 10 minutes, just to recover. I remember calling my husband from SLC one trip, when it all started, and telling him I didn’t know if I was going to make it. And I told him I don’t mean whether I’m going to make my connection or not, I meant if I was going to live or not. I eventually contacted my sister (she’s in South Carolina, and I live in Oregon).

She had, along with her Naturopath and Oncologist, researched for years and ended up curing herself of Stage 4 non-smokers lung cancer. The first thing she did was put me on a daily protocol of organic kale, and pure organic pineapple juice. I start every morning by filling up my nutribullet with the kale, pouring the pineapple juice up to the line, blending and drinking the entire jar.

Within 2 weeks, I knew I was well on the way to recovery. After a couple of months of my kale routine, and making significant progress, she then added a daily vitamin regimen, which I take with my kale concoction. After a couple of months of that, she said I needed to start rebounding.

I bought a less expensive rebounder off of Amazon, and I could literally not even jump/bounce for 30 seconds, as I was just too winded from that tiny little amount of time. Well, I kept at it, and slowly but surely, within just a couple of months, I was up to 10,000 bounces per day (rebounding 3 to 5 times a day, 2000 bounces per time).

Then came my having to start traveling for work again, and I missed my rebounding!

First, I point out these time frames, because I can’t tell you how MANY times over the DECADES I have tried to eat right, start a vitamin regimen, start a regular exercise program. I will do really well for the first week or two, and then I’ll miss a day, get back on track for couple of days, and within 2 months, it’s all over. So, my super smart sister knew this, and let me master one step, before she added another step. It’s now been at least 6 months, and although I miss a day or two here and there, I ALWAYS get back on track really quickly. I MISS it too much if I don’t!!!

So, I started researching rebounders I could travel with. I researched for at least a month, and everything ALWAYS brought be back to the Cellerciser as the best of the best, and then the real blessing, the tri-fold Cellerciser.

My prayers were answered. I ordered it just days before my weekly travel started back in earnest, it came in just days, and the rest is history. I travel with this beauty every single week and use it every single day. When I get home, I open it back up, and use it the two days I’m at home. The first time I traveled with it, I’ll admit I was a bit worried about being able to get it put together and then break it down and pack it up again. Traveling like I do, I have a routine, and adding extra time to that routine is always a challenge. Well, the first time I put it together, it took me a few minutes, and the same time when I broke it down and packed it in its case. But I did it!! Now, it’s nothing whatsoever. I pop it together is well less than a minute, and the same thing for breaking it down, and popping it back in its case. (It literally folds itself up once you fold it in half.) I lay it face down, fold the legs, stand on one side of it, and pull the other side back on itself. It is truly so easy after a few times of practice.

Lastly, I had some questions today, that I had been grappling with for a few weeks.

When I arrived at my hotel, I sat in the parking lot, and called the number for Cellercise.

Hearing and seeing David on so many YouTube videos, I knew exactly who it was when he answered. I was in awe. But I also wasn’t surprised after the TON’s of comments I had read about how he would answer or get on the phone when so many of you had called. I didn’t want to waste his valuable time, but in true David fashion, he made me slow down, asked how I was doing, and got to know me before letting me ask my questions.

It was so, so pleasant and so, so personal. He answered my questions, shared personal stories of his use of the Cellerciser, and gave me some suggestions for my program, that I’ll be adding here in just a few minutes when I finish this message.

I thanked David, not only for myself, but for how he has so positively impacted and helped the lives of so many of us.

I will never be without my Cellerciser. It is quite truly as important to me as the air I breathe.

Keep on keeping on. CELLERCISE!!!


Dear DAVE,

I have used Dave Hall’s cellerciser for nearly 7 years now; it has been a life-saver for me, especially when I tore my Achilles tendon and was in a walking cast. I bounced for 30 minutes a day on my back because I was unable to walk and stayed fit and in shape during my 2-month recovery period. It’s portable and easy to take outside, but it’s the best indoor exercise on rainy or snowy days– when you can’t be outside and don’t want to go to the gym. Not only is it fun, but I have reduced my weight, maintained lean body mass and built sleek, beautiful, defined arm muscles on it by using only light weights 3 times a week. Everyone asks me if I life weights and when I tell them my secret, they can’t believe that I don’t spend hours in the gym! Many of my friends are getting them because of how I look. The most incredible thing about the cellerciser is that I know that it is helping my body in many other ways because of the gravity force that is exercising every cell in my body. I feel great using it and after I’m done; I will use one for the rest of my life!


Dear DAVE,

My name is Marilyn. I am a mother and grandmother (59 yrs), who has a very busy schedule; and, so as a result, found it increasingly difficult to get to the gym even 3 or 4 days a week. Besides that, I was becoming more aware that my gym workouts (even when consistent) were not very effective. I have always been very careful with my diet, but still I was only maintaining and not losing any weight. Through surfing the internet, I am so grateful for finding the Cellercise®. It absolutely does everything it is advertised to do. It is a solid, sturdy piece of equipment that takes up such little space. I look forward every day to my 15 min workout. Since it arrived April 2009 until now Jul 10, 2009, – I have averaged using it 6 days a week. The results have been amazing to me. – I am thinner and firmer all over (legs/arms/stomach/back). My clothes are looser – and even my posture has improved. I am so happy and I know now it is only a matter of time before I reach my goal of size 6. Thank you David Hall for a simple, easy and effective workout – the Cellercise®- I am committed for life – I can’t stop telling everyone, “Try Cellercising – you will NOT be disappointed because it really works!!

P.S. – Please thank Jerry (sales rep) for all the great information. It was really because of him I purchased the Cellercise® – Thanks so much Jerry!!



Dear DAVE,

HI! My name is Marilyn. I am a mother and grandmother (59 years), who has a very busy schedule; and as a result, found it increasingly difficult to get to the gym even 3 or 4 days a week. Besides that, I was becoming more aware that my gym workouts (even with consistency) were not very effective. I have always been very careful with my diet, but still I was only maintaining and not losing weight. Through surfing the internet, I am so grateful for finding the Cellerciser. It absolutely does everything it is advertised to do. It is a solid, sturdy piece of equipment that takes up such little space. I look forward every day to my 15 min workout. Since it arrived April 2009 till now July 10, 2009, I have averaged using it 6 days a week. The results have been amazing to me, I am thinner and firmer all over (legs/ arms/ stomach/ back). My clothes are looser, and even my posture has improved. I am so happy, and I know now it is only a matter of time before I reach my goal of size 6! Thank you, David Hall, for a single, easy and effective workout, the Cellerciser. I am committed for life, I can’t stop telling everyone to try Cellercising, you will NOT be disappointed because it really works!!



Dear DAVE,

I cannot begin to put in words what a fabulous exercise piece of equipment the Cellercise® is and what an impact its had on my body in a relatively short time.

I started Cellercising for about 5 minutes a day and am now consistently jumping for 25 minutes with the last 5 minutes doing the gentle health bounce, while exercising my arms.

1 have experienced renewed strength and energy right from the beginning; and now that I have completed a month of Cellercsing (missing only 2 days), I have noticed slimming and tightening of my entire body – especially my legs, thighs, tummy, and now within the last 2 weeks a tightening and firming of my upper arms. I also noticed that when I go to stand up from a sitting position, a renewed strength in my legs that wasn’t there before.

After a few weeks into Cellercising, I started experiencing some slight discomfort in both my knees, however, Jerry informed me not to worry because Cellercising tends to target those weak areas in our body to strengthen them. So I cut back my jumping and did the gentle health bounce with marching in place. Ad that did the trick, within a couple of days, the discomfort was totally gone and I was back to my regular jumping routine.

I will be encouraging everyone I know to look into purchasing a Cellercise® and start reaping its many health/weight loss benefits. The science behind the Cellercise® is just amazing.

Thank you so much David Hall for your amazing Cellercise® – I LOVE IT!!! And also Jerry for all the help and support on the phone—I appreciate you both!!

P.S. After many years (decades actually) I cancelled my gym membership this week. NO REGRETS!!



Dear DAVE,

Fantastic product. My granddaughter uses this everyday and has lost 37 pounds.


Dear DAVE,

I have lost over 60 lbs. with the Cellerciser and have about 20 more to go. This is the easiest and most effective form of exercise I have ever found. It never seems to be a chore to exercise for the ten minutes a day. Even on those days when I would rather not exercise, ten minutes are easy to do. Thank you for such an efficient mode of exercise.


Dear DAVE,

A few months ago, when I saw my doctor, she told me I was diabetic not the news I wanted to hear but I knew it was coming. She wanted to put me on medication right away I told her no I would find a way to turn this around knowing I only had a few months to accomplish this.

It was hard work looking for the right answers to turn this thing around and I prayed for the answers to help me! I was out of shape and overweight and weighed 201. In researching I came across the Cellerciser did my due diligence and decided to purchase it and received it on 5/16. I love my Cellerciser and I would health bounce every day for 10 minutes 2 and 3 times a day and sometime more, but I had more work to do on my diet which was another challenge along with not drinking enough water!

My diet is a work in progress and improving upon it every day and every way and drinking more water. I went to see my doctor this evening and she told me I was NO longer a diabetic and I lost 11 lbs. and my blood pressure was down!!! She was amazed I did it and told me to keep doing whatever I’m doing and will see her in 4 months! I LOVE this journey and this group!


Dear DAVE,

I cannot fully express my delight and amazement with the Cellercise®! Initially I looked at it with some skepticism but thought it would make an “interesting” piece for my television show – especially with Dave’s individual energy. I was not, however, expecting such a life-altering personal experience!

I have come from 215 lbs./24% fat to 180 lbs./13%, with visible loss of girth, but increase in lean muscle. The overall effects of both body image and lifestyle have been astounding. This all while recovering from a broken leg!

It has the effect of not only toning muscle but making one’s effects “worthwhile”. One naturally starts seeking out time to bounce and modifying diet easily and repeatedly. It also is by far the most “organic” of any of the machines I have tried, in that one can put as much into a session as one wishes, and even when tired, a few minutes of “maintenance” bouncing can be achieved with ease, yet the benefits are manifold.

With just a little consistency, this “device” has become a “friend” inasmuch as I take it on remote shoots, to hotels, etc., and cannot imagine life before, and certainly not without.

Thanks Dave, and all over there at Cellercise®.


Dear DAVE,

Despite the fact I had gym membership. I found that I was not utilizing it as much as I would like so I decided to invest in this piece of equipment which is a Cellercise®. It is a minute, trampoline that is compact and easy to store away because it can be folded up. I had to gradually build up to a ten minute work out because the body cannot take more than that as a beginner. I no longer have any excuse not to exercise! I do five minutes in the morning daily and ten or more minutes in the evening at least five days a week.  Nine months on I have lost some weight too!

Thank you


Dear DAVE,

Its almost 3 weeks now since I started using your CELLERSICER mini-trampoline. It is the 5th unit (i.e. the first 4—typical rebound unit) I have used the last 3 years and the best with predictable body cushioned and great bounce.

I have recommended and demonstrated CELLERSICER REBOUNDING to my family—below—I care about to help them achieve a healthier lifestyle. I told them that they will be amazed at the difference in muscle tone and whole body endurance with regular use. It is a whole body exercise; every part of the body is stimulated including our internal organs. My waistline—34.5′ before, now 31″—was noticeably reduced and tightened with more defined and hardened abs., deepened chest and much more improved flex biceps. The skin tone benefits also from the lymph movement and blood circulation.


Dear DAVE,

I apologize for not writing yesterday as I had said. The wireless network in my building was down and just came back on today. It was great talking to you yesterday. I am excited about the forthcoming book(s) and video. This information is so important to get out to people, but it Is even more Important to make sure that the finished product matches your vision. I wanted to write to let you know some of my experiences with the Cellerciser. I noticed a few really interesting changes when I first received it in late April, and it was indispensable to me in recovering from a recent cycling accident in which I was hit by a car (photos attached)


I work primarily with Individuals to help them detoxify their bodies and rebuild their health. The system that I use Is the nutritional cleansing program pioneered by isagenix. I have seen massive differences in myself as well as others (one woman that my wife and I work with has lost over 130 lbs. and counting II). One of the first differences that I felt with the Cellerciser was when cleansing symptoms came up when I wasn’t on a cleanse. I also have had a long history of blocked Eustachian tubes in my ears. I used to hear a crackling sound whenever anyone would talk. I found a couple of herbal remedies especially capsicum and ginger that would open them up but would never feel like they were completely open. One of the first things I noticed while on the Cellerciser was a low level clicking sound in my ears. Within a couple of days, the sound had stopped, and my ears felt wide open!

I meditate and practice QI Gong and the Chinese Internal Martial Arts daily. I noticed a significant difference in my energy level as well as my feeling of groundedness. The Cellerciser is also perfect for smoothing out energy after a session to make sure that there aren’t any energy Imbalances, everything is perfectly smoothed out and evenly distributed. Before I would jump, my body and specifically my spine would feel like a stack of bones and after only a few minutes of work It feels like a steel spring I Within only a few minutes my body feels more like a system of tensegrity rather than just nuts and bolts.

I have found that bouncing on the Cellerciser for about 5 minutes or so in the morning fills me with energy and about 5 minutes or so of the baby bounce at the end of the day leaves my whole system feeling open and relaxed and ready for deep sleep. I generally do one longer and higher intensity session daily with a focus on different muscle groups, especially abdominals as well as twisting motions for massaging the intestines and liver.

The cycling accident, July 1st ’08

On the 1st of this month, I was hit by a car while cycling. The driver hit me so hard that I not only needed 19 stitches (my wife could actually see my jaw bone before I was stitched up) my face was pretty banged up, my watch lens shattered, even the face of my cell phone was cracked and it was in my backpack!!

I was in bad shape but I was grateful to have three powerful tools on hand to help me heal:

isagenix: complete nutrition that cleanses the body at a cellular level and would help my body rebuild!

Cellerciser. my sole source of exercise during recovery. It allowed me to help get the nutrients to where they need to go as well as circulating the lymph to clean the old junk out of the damaged areas. It also served as my chiropractor to help me balance and open my badly wrenched neck and back, while also strengthening my cell walls!!

Ritm Scenar. Stimulated the healing response where it was needed and took my pain level from an 8 out of 10 to a 0 In a day and a half without the need for either of the pain prescriptions that the hospital had written for me!


Dear DAVE,

It’s been about 14 months since I bought the rebounder from you when you were in Austin at the Whole Life Expo. At that time, you told me that if I used l for 10 minutes a day for 60 days, I wouldn’t believe the difference.

Well, I can say that it didn’t take me 60 days to see an amazing difference in my body! I have worked out all my life since my early 20’s (I’m 46 now) and was in fairly good shape when I started bouncing. But after only 1 week, I began to see my body changing. I started to lose weight and muscles started to pop out all over. It has now been 4 months and I have lost 22 lbs. and my muscles have all become very defined.

I’m addicted to the trampoline and use it for 10-20 minutes each and every morning as soon as I wake up. Not only have I lost weight and become more defined, but my energy level has reached a new high. I no longer get tired in the afternoons and sleep much better at night.

I have people telling me how great I look and asking how I’ve done it. When I tell them, they say … “That’s all?” Yes, it’s hard to believe that in only 10 minutes a day you can change the way you look all over. I have stopped lifting weights and have cancelled my health club memberships. In all the years I went to the clubs, I never had the type of results I’ve seen from rebounding, nor as quickly.

I intend to keep bouncing the rest of my life.


Dear DAVE,

Thanks so much for putting my mind at ease about my sore legs. It will be 3 weeks tomorrow since I received my Cellercise®/Miracle Machine! I beat pancreatic cancer 17 years ago with No chemo, No radiation, No surgery, No drugs. I fasted 38 days at a private clinic outside Cleveland, Ohio. I totally made changes to my diet because= you grew it once & if you don’t make changes you will grow it again. I am now what is called Whole Food Plant Based, salt, oil & sugar free; by the National Health Association. I have the eating part down to a science but was totally void of the exercise part … until you!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have not missed a day since “Celly” got here. I could only do about 15 to 20 reps of each, of your 14 part program. AND the lean back or lean forward ones …. I was really thinking you were crazy but NOW! I can’t remember why I was having such a hard time with those two, but I am up to 70 reps on all 12 with 2 minutes on the baby bounce at the beginning & end. I have lost 11 pounds & 7 3/4.” My legs are very sore but as long as I know I am not hurting myself I am not stopping.

Thank-You sooooo very much for sharing this with the world and Thank-You so much for being so access-able. I can’t wait to write you in 3 months!

My Gratitude, Prayers, & PAPA’S Abundant Blessings on you and yours and what you are sharing.


Hi Dave,

I’ve attached this to my previous letter to refresh your memory as to who I am. I could not wait for 3 months to contact you again. By the way my leg pain is totally gone … just like you and Jerry said it would.

It was 6 weeks last Tuesday 5/21/19. I have now lost 18 pounds and 14 inches in just 6 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am up to 90 reps for each of the 14 exercises and do 3 sets of 60 for each leg and 3 sets of 90 for the stomach of the 3 exercises your wife showed for women. I am sooooooooo in love with my “Celly !!!! ” I probably should be selling these for you. I have lost count of the number of people I have shared my results with that have ordered one. I have friends that went cheap in spite of my telling them why not to and they told me today they just packaged it up and are sending it back because they were bottoming out on it. Keep blessing people Dave with this “Fountain-of-Youth-Blessing,”


Dear DAVE,

I hope you are well. In some ways my Cellerciser journey began over 45 years ago when my Aunt was with a company that sold rebounders and she gave me one. I used it for a while, and enjoyed it, but I was young and “macho”, so I eventually gave it up for miles of running, other excessive types of training, and crash dieting. I carried this regiment on through the years and I now have an artificial hip, and two artificial knees. I am not complaining …. I thank the Lord for good Doctors, and the technology, that allows me not to be a total cripple. I retired from teaching and coaching a few years ago (42 year career) and I realized I had given more concern to my athletes and students than myself. Almost a year ago I finally had that moment where I had a very serious conversation with the man in the mirror. I had a physical. I weighed 411 pounds. My A 1 c was almost 10. My blood Pressure was 170/95. My Cholesterol was through the roof as well. I was taking medication for all of these things already and my physician wanted me to take more including adding shots of insulin. I simply said I was not going to do that and that I would take care of the problem. Actually, that was not that bright, but I was finally fed up. I would not recommend anyone do that, but I knew myself, and my problem has never been not knowing what to do, but rather simply doing it. That evening I went home, and I prayed that the Lord would give me strength to proceed and be with me as I went. The next day, I began doing it. I started slowly. I made the decision that initially I would set a goal of working out four times per week. I could work out more days, but the baseline was four. I figured that if I said I was doing it every day I was setting myself up to fail because sometimes cares of life get in the way. The first day I did fifteen easy minutes on a treadmill and fifteen easy minutes on a bike. The next day I did that again and added a few rounds of 3-5 exercises with light weights I have at home and a TRX. I would do the walking and riding at least four times a week and on at least two of those days I would add the other exercises. I also tried to cut down on sugar and other “bad” carbs, but I did not just deny myself everything. I would also sauna 3-4 times per week. I did all of this for a month and was under 400 pounds and feeling better. I was ready to work a bit harder, so I alternated days of biking and walking with two of my biking days including some intervals and one of my walks being a longer one. I started going to our local club and began a reasonable lifting program twice a week. I began some bouts of intermittent fasting and watch my carbs a bit closer. I was feeling better and better. I also added one thing, a Rebounder. I still had the one my Aunt gave me stored in my garage. Each day after my workout I would bounce (not all that hard) for 5-10 minutes and I found that it made me recover better. I also began revisiting the benefits of rebounding and I discovered your material on YouTube. As I watched, and studied, I decided that a Cellerciser would be much better than the unit I had. I noticed that the suggested maximum weight for the Cellerciser was 350 pounds so I kept working with the goal of getting to the point where I could use the Cellerciser. Finally, when I got to September, I was near 350 pounds and I ordered a Cellerciser. When it came the unit was even better than I imagined. I started using it after my workouts, but then I decided I would get on it every morning, and so I began playing on the Cellerciser for 5-10 minutes every morning. It only took a few sessions before I was looking forward to getting on the unit each morning because I felt so good after I did it. If I felt stiff when I got out of bed the Cellerciser took care of that. I can tell you that I have done a lot of physical things over the years that have damaged my body and I have a lot of orthopedic issues, but 100% of the time when I get off the Cellerciser I feel better, even when I hit it hard. Since I received the Cellerciser I have continued to work out. I have replaced one walking session with Cellerciser and added another Cellerciser session. These are in addition to my morning ritual. I am now down to 300 pounds and maintaining that while I am stuck in the house due to Covid-19. I am on the Cellerciser every day. It not only helps me physically, but the mental benefits are huge. I plan to let my body lose some more weight once this lock-in is over. Right before the lockdown I had a Doctor’s appointment. My A 1 c is at 5.2, my cholesterol and other blood markers are all excellent, and my blood pressure has been in the 120/75 range for 2-3 months now. The benefits I have gotten from rebounding, and a healthier lifestyle, are simply phenomenal. If I was still coaching, I would have several Cellercisers in my wrestling room for warm-up, recovery, and conditioning as well as for training around injuries. I have worked with a lot of young athletes and one group that I think would benefit immensely from the Cellerciser is the female athlete. They have an inordinate number of ACL tears and I think working on the Cellerciser would strengthen the muscular and ligamental structure of their knees in ways that traditional weight training cannot touch. If I could go back in time, I would base my fitness program on rebounding which is what I am moving towards as I approach my post work life. Cellerciser has helped me get healthy. You have helped me as well Dave. I have watched your YouTube videos and, learned a great deal from you. Plus, the motivation you provide in your presentations is priceless. Thanks for your help. I am so sorry this was so long. There is actually much more because God has really transformed me, and blessed me, along the way in this journey … but another time maybe. By the way, I am 63 years old.




Dear DAVE,

Thanks to the Cellerciser® I am now down 25 lb. and feeling comfortable in a swimming suit.

I feel stronger and can feel my body composition changing. I have gone for months without losing a pound, inches are coming off.

I also enjoy non scale benefits. My favorite is my lungs and vocal cords are clear… I can sing in church again!

I know there is more work to do… I enjoy playing in!


Dear DAVE,

Wanted to give you my 2 year update on using the Cellerciser. First off I love it! I’m 30 pounds lighter! I’ve given away all my exercise equipment because with the Cellerciser it’s all you really need. Anywhere from 10 to 25 minutes a day that I bounce and I feel great and look so much better. The added benefit and I don’t understand it is I feel so happy! when I’m Cellercising. I feel happy afterwards as well. It’s truly addicting. Who doesn’t want to feel happy? Money cannot buy happiness, I know I’ve tried. This thing is truly something special. Sometimes I refer to it as my Happyciser.

Thank you Dave for perfecting the trampoline. It’s worth every penny.

Sign me Happy Robin


Dear DAVE,

Turning the big “60” hasn’t been easy for me. My body was “sinking” with 20 extra pounds on it. I purchased a Cellercise® with the hope of changing this.

I’ve owned two rebounders in the past and absolutely hated them! All that jumping and jiggling was not for me. But watching your YouTube videos everything you said made so much sense! It’s been two weeks since my Cellercise® arrived. It’s possibly be the best thing I’ve ever purchased for my health! No jarring moves just a soothing bounce that makes me WANT to use it! Anywhere from 11 to 20 minutes day. I even feel happier and this is coming from someone who hates working out and hates sweeting I Thank you so much. I’ll keep you Informed of the weight loss.

Oh, and by the way …you are the Rockstar of Rebounding!


Dear DAVE,

I purchased a cellerciser a few weeks ago and have been using it every day for about 10 days. Prior to this I have used some form of rebounder since the early 90’s. I had one cellerciser previously but wound up giving it away – can’t remember why. I always had good results in firming and toning with rebounders – some success with weight loss, too. About four years ago I decided I needed a really soft bounce. Had previously tried a Bellicon – worst experience I ever had -sore hips, legs and feet. Got rid of it immediately. What I have been using for the past four years is a “therapeutic” rebounder made by a company called Sundance. They make regular trampolines and rebounders for home use (there really is a point to this long e-mail). I noticed that I did not get the same toning results with the Sundance and forget about any weight loss. It was made with very long, springs. When I started using the new cellerciser, and even though it has only been 10 days, I am seeing amazing results. I can literally see the fat coming off my waist and belly. My legs are much more toned than they have been in four years.


Dear DAVE,

Received my Cellerciser on Thursday, (the first day of my expected delivery date range!) and was rebounding that night. Since I’ve been rebounding on a bungee-based model for the last three years, my body is already used to the movement. The problem was, I’d been trying to do David’s exercises on it the whole time without the same springy energy on the return or matt tension which is a comfortable flexible firmness! I rebound barefoot and my feet love it! It is hard to describe! I do NOT feel my brain hitting my skull like with my first spring-based model. I LOVE the Cellerciser. I had hit a plateau as far as weight loss was concerned. My Scales moved on Saturday!! I feel like things are flowing again. In a good way. I love that I can jog on this and do all of David’s exercises effectively. The matt surface is actually bigger than my bungee model. I just feel more going on in my body than with the other rebounder. NO pronating going on, either. I do FEEL, in my body, after I’ve done my 10 minutes that I am DONE for the day and can mark exercise off of my list. I have not heard even one squeak on it either, and it’s been 6 days thus far, and I’ve been giving it a workout. I have been super-productive at work, too! Mental clarity, spring in my step, completing task after task, super organized. And sleeping really well! If this is just after 6 days, I can’t wait to see what another 30 does for me! I took before pictures and measurements, too! Will post an updated review when I have measurable results that are visible to the eye. I was afraid I’d be sorry to have spent $$ on another rebounder when I already had one, but I am SO glad I did. On the bungee based model, trying to jog was exhausting and unfulfilling. This just feels good! It is the newest model with the black carry bag, etc. I’ll keep the other one for bouncing-only in another room, but for my main workout space and allotted exercise time, the Cellerciser is the one!!


Dear DAVE,

So, I purchased a “knock-off” Cellercise® from years ago that I rarely used for obvious reasons – it caused pain. After I saw David Hall, I pulled it out and decided to do only small baby bounces on it while waiting for my Cellercise®. Since I’m working with a bad knee, I mean VERY gentle bounces, but a LOT of Jamba Run. I cannot believe the improvement in my knee only using the Jamba Run (I don’t want to pronate that knee!!!) I am no longer using the brace, have lost 2 1/2 lbs. in a week and a half, huge boost in energy, and a huge reduction in cellulite! I pray that I’m getting an early delivery for the REAL DEAL and not something hugely disappointing like tires. LOL!!!

All that to say that I know I am going to get some huge results with my Cellercise® whenever it comes and will post as I have been sick with Lyme most of my life and have had nothing but deterioration throughout my entire body.

Thank you,


Dear DAVE,

I’m so happy to have met my health and fitness goals over the last year. Down just over 50 pounds and feeling healthier than I have felt for a very long time! I continue to attribute reaching my goals to the Cellerciser, in fact two of my coworkers have since purchased a Cellerciser and are also having great success!


Dear DAVE,

Last Sunday 10/27/19, I completed a 4,500 foot hike to the summit of Mt. San Jacinto Peak, Ca with some great friends. I can’t praise and recommend the Cellercise® enough! I know it got me in probably the best condition I’ve ever been in and prepared for this hike. I was strong and focused, didn’t suffer any breathing problems, had excellent endurance and stamina and felt great after hiking about 14 hours. I started Cellercising Nov. 26, 2018 and it along with a healthy diet has changed my life and I’m down 85 lbs. since 07/06/18. The Cellercise® is the single best piece of exercise equipment I’ve ever used!


Dear DAVE,

I can speak from my own experience, I am 6’6″ and when I started, I was 320 and have used the Cellerciser almost every day since May 2012. I am 280 now and the unit is in perfect condition, no broken anything. Learn to use it properly. It isn’t about jumping with your feet 3 feet off the mat. All you do is move many times your feet don’t leave the mat and get the balance bar. You can call the company; I have talked to Dave Hall who is extremely helpful. Technique is important. Worth it!


Dear DAVE,

One year on my Cellercise® now and I can ride my bikes like I am 15 years old. Also, I turn 50 this year and feel really strong overall. I’ve got a Cellercise® for my sister and mom. This product works great for anyone who wants to stay healthy and active. Me at 34 and the second picture is me at 50 with a semi healthy diet. I believe little steps lead to big wins!


Dear DAVE,

Thank you so much for your quick reply. I love my Cellerciser!!! I think I have had it almost 3 weeks and can already tell a difference in my cellulite and I am actually firming up for once in my life after working out so hard for over 20 years. My husband is even enjoying it and I just knew he would blow a gasket when I got it. His abs have gotten a lot firmer and he is toning up himself. He has been an avid biker for over 25 years. We are so excited. We tell everyone we know. I just hope out of it, others will purchase the unit. It is great!!

Thank you so much.


Dear DAVE,

Dear David,

I am truly amazed at what my Cellercise® has done for my body in the last 30 days-once I actually got motivated enough to use it daily. I added two 2-pound hand weights about 10 days ago for a little extra resistance, and I have experimented briefly with four 2- pound weights. My month-old size 10 jeans are “bagging” on me. Perhaps, I will be in a size 8 in another month. I am starting to see a hint of muscle definition in my arms. It is easy now for me to understand why you look the way you do after so many years of Cellercising! I imagine that there will come a day when I will have to limit myself to 10 minutes a day or I will become too thin, but in the meantime, I am usually Cellercising a minimum of 20 minutes a day-often double that. The time just flies by when I crank up the music. Watching my shape change daily, I can only imagine the positive changes going on inside my cells!


When you invest in a Cellerciser®, you become part of the Cellercise® family. We are available 9-5 M-F (mst) or by email at to answer your questions & to share the best exercises toward your fitness objectives.